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Translation of Learn WordPress: French (France)

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Prio Original string Translation
WordPress Version term name
6.3 Details
Context WordPress Version term name


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Search resources on Learn
Rechercher des ressources sur Learn Details
Search resources on Learn

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headings block
Included Content term name
bloc de titres Details
headings block

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WordPress Version term name
6.2 Details
Context WordPress Version term name


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social media
Included Content term name
réseau social Details
social media

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featured images
Included Content term name
images mises en avant Details
featured images

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My Courses Mes cours Details
Online workshops are live sessions where you can learn alongside other WordPress enthusiasts. They are a safe zone where you can come as you are, develop new ideas, explore issues, ask questions, network over shared interests, exchange theories, collaborate on work, and thrive in uncertainty. Les ateliers en ligne sont des sessions en direct où vous pouvez apprendre aux côtés d’autres passionnés de WordPress. C’est une zone de sécurité où vous pouvez venir comme vous êtes, développer de nouvelles idées, explorer des problèmes, poser des questions, partager sur des intérêts communs, échanger des théories, collaborer sur le travail et s’épanouir dans l’incertitude. Details
Online workshops are live sessions where you can learn alongside other WordPress enthusiasts. They are a safe zone where you can come as you are, develop new ideas, explore issues, ask questions, network over shared interests, exchange theories, collaborate on work, and thrive in uncertainty.

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Average days to completion Nombre moyen de jours avant l’achèvement Details
Average days to completion

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Show average learner details for the course. Afficher les détails de la moyenne de l’apprenant pour le cours. Details
Show average learner details for the course.

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WordPress provides limitless ways for people to craft and grow their online presence. The content in these courses is delivered in multiple formats, with a focus on text and video, working towards practical learning objectives to help you become a better WordPress developer, designer, user, and contributor. WordPress offre aux gens des moyens illimités de créer et de développer leur présence en ligne. Le contenu de ces cours est présenté sous plusieurs formats, en mettant l’accent sur le texte et la vidéo, en travaillant sur des objectifs d’apprentissage pratiques afin de vous aider à devenir un meilleur développeur⋅euse, concepteur⋅rice, utilisateur⋅rice et contributeur⋅rice WordPress. Details
WordPress provides limitless ways for people to craft and grow their online presence. The content in these courses is delivered in multiple formats, with a focus on text and video, working towards practical learning objectives to help you become a better WordPress developer, designer, user, and contributor.

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Speaking at Events
Topics term name
Parler lors d’événements Details
Speaking at Events

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WordPress Version term name
6.1 Details
Context WordPress Version term name


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WordPress opens up opportunities for developers to modify, extend, and experiment beyond its publishing capabilities. These courses will teach you the more technical aspects of working with WordPress, from theme development to building plugins and more.
Course Categories term description
WordPress offre aux développeur⋅euse⋅s des opportunités de modifier, d’étendre et d’expérimenter au-delà de ses permissions de publication. Ces cours vous apprendront les aspects les plus techniques du travail avec WordPress, du développement de thèmes à la création d’extensions et plus encore. Details
WordPress opens up opportunities for developers to modify, extend, and experiment beyond its publishing capabilities. These courses will teach you the more technical aspects of working with WordPress, from theme development to building plugins and more.

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Browse lesson plans based on their format. Consulter les leçons en fonction de leur formats. Details
Browse lesson plans based on their format.

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