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Translation of Browse Happy: Somali

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“Microsoft Edge offers world-class performance with more privacy, more productivity, and more value while you browse.” “Microsoft Edge wuxuu bixiyaa waxqabad heer caalami ah oo leh asturnaan dheeri ah, wax soo saar badan, iyo qiime badan intaad wax daalacanayso.” Details
“Microsoft Edge offers world-class performance with more privacy, more productivity, and more value while you browse.”

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“Safari is faster and more energy efficient than other browsers. You can shop safely and simply in Safari on your Mac.” “Safari way ka dhakhso badan tahay oo ka tamar badan tahay sahmiyayaasha kale. Waxaad si ammaan ah oo fudud uga dukaameysan kartaa Safarigaaga ku jira Mac.” Details
“Safari is faster and more energy efficient than other browsers. You can shop safely and simply in Safari on your Mac.”

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“Faster page loading, less memory usage and packed with features, the new Firefox is here.” “Bogag si deg-degga u rarmi, adeegsiga xusuusta oo ka yar oo leh astaamo, Firefox-ka cusub ayaa halkan jooga.” Details
“Faster page loading, less memory usage and packed with features, the new Firefox is here.”

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“Get more done with the new Google Chrome. A more simple, secure, and faster web browser than ever, with Google’s smarts built-in.” “Wax badan ku samee Google Chrome-ka cusub. Ugu fudud, aamin ah, uguna deg deg ah Sahmiyayaasha shabakad weligeed jiray, waxaana ku dhex dhisan smarts-ka Google.” Details
“Get more done with the new Google Chrome. A more simple, secure, and faster web browser than ever, with Google’s smarts built-in.”

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“Microsoft Edge ranks first when put to real world page load tests. Whether you use the web to search, watch or play, this browser won’t slow you down.” “Microsoft Edge ayaa ugu horreya marka la geliyo tijaabooyinka culeyska bogga dhabta ah. Haddii aad u adeegsato shabakadda si aad wax u raadiso, u daawato ama u ciyaarto, sahmiyahan kaa yarayn maayo.” Details
“Microsoft Edge ranks first when put to real world page load tests. Whether you use the web to search, watch or play, this browser won’t slow you down.”

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Browse Happy is also available in English. <a href="%s">Click here to change the language to English</a>. Farxad ku Dheeho waxa kale oo lagu heli karaa Ingiriis. <a href="%s">Dhag sii halkaan si aad ugu beddelatid af Ingiriis</a>. Details
Browse Happy is also available in English. <a href="%s">Click here to change the language to English</a>.

“English” should be translated directly and not to the name of your language.


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Using an outdated browser makes your computer unsafe. Adeegsiga sahmiye gaboobay wuxuu kombuyuutarkaaga ka dhigi mid aan bed qabin. Details
Using an outdated browser makes your computer unsafe.

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Browse Happy: Online. Worry-free. Upgrade your browser today! Farxad ku Dheeho: Daaryoon. Welwel-la&#8217;. Maanta cosobi sahmiyahaaga! Details
Browse Happy: Online. Worry-free. Upgrade your browser today!

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Share the Happiness Wadaag Farxadda Details
Share the Happiness

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Visit website for more info Booqo websaydhka wixii macluumaad dheeraad ah Details
Visit website for more info

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Online. Worry-free. <em>Upgrade your browser today</em>! Daaryoon. Welwel-la&#8217;. <em>Maanta kobci sahmiyahaaga</em>! Details
Online. Worry-free. <em>Upgrade your browser today</em>!

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Online. Worry-free. Upgrade your browser today! Daaryoon. Welwel-la&#8217;. Maanta kobci sahmiyahaaga! Details
Online. Worry-free. Upgrade your browser today!

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Upgrade now! Hadda kobci! Details
Upgrade now!

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For the best experience on the web, please update your browser. Si aad u heshid waayo&#8217;aragnimada ugu fiican internetka, fadlan kobci sahmiyahaaga. Details
For the best experience on the web, please update your browser.

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