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Translation of Browse Happy: Icelandic

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“Microsoft Edge ranks first when put to real world page load tests. Whether you use the web to search, watch or play, this browser won’t slow you down.” “Microsoft Edge lendir í fyrsta sæti þegar notast er við raunverulegar hraðaprófanir. Hvort sem þú notar vefinn til þess að leita, horfa eða leika þér, mun þessi vafri ekki hægja á þér.” Details
“Microsoft Edge ranks first when put to real world page load tests. Whether you use the web to search, watch or play, this browser won’t slow you down.”

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#-#-#-#-# browsehappy.pot (Browse Happy ) #-#-#-#-# Author URI of the plugin/theme


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Browse Happy is also available in English. <a href="%s">Click here to change the language to English</a>. Browse Happy er einnig fáanlegt á ensku. <a href="%s">Click here to change the language to English</a>. Details
Browse Happy is also available in English. <a href="%s">Click here to change the language to English</a>.

“English” should be translated directly and not to the name of your language.


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&#8220;A fast new browser from Google. Try&nbsp;it&nbsp;now!&#8221; &#8220;Nýr og hraður vafri frá Google. Prófaðu&nbsp;hann&nbsp;núna!&#8221; Details
&#8220;A fast new browser from Google. Try&nbsp;it&nbsp;now!&#8221;

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&#8220;Your online security is Firefox's top priority. Firefox is free, and made to help you get the most out of the&nbsp;web.&#8221; &#8220;Firefox leggur áherslu á öryggi þitt á netinu. Firefox er ókeypis, og gerður til að þú fáir sem mest út úr netinu.&#8221; Details
&#8220;Your online security is Firefox's top priority. Firefox is free, and made to help you get the most out of the&nbsp;web.&#8221;

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&#8220;Safari for Mac and Windows from Apple, the world’s most innovative&nbsp;browser.&#8221; &#8220;Safari fyrir Mac og Windows frá Apple, framsæknasti vafri í &nbsp;heimi.&#8221; Details
&#8220;Safari for Mac and Windows from Apple, the world’s most innovative&nbsp;browser.&#8221;

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Using an outdated browser makes your computer unsafe. Að nota úrelta útgáfu af vafra getur gert tölvuna þína óörugga. Details
Using an outdated browser makes your computer unsafe.

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On Windows XP, you are unable to update to the latest version. For the best experience on the web, we suggest you try a new browser. Ekki er hægt að uppfæra í nýjustu útgáfuna á Windows XP. Við mælum með því að þú reynir nýrri vafra til að fá sem besta upplifun á netinu. Details
On Windows XP, you are unable to update to the latest version. For the best experience on the web, we suggest you try a new browser.

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Your browser is out of date! It looks like you&#8217;re using an old version of %s. Vafrinn þinn er úreldur! Það lítur út fyrir að þú sért að nota gamla útgáfu af %s Details
Your browser is out of date! It looks like you&#8217;re using an old version of %s.

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Visit website for more info Heimsækið vef fyrir frekari upplýsingar Details
Visit website for more info

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Using an outdated browser makes your computer unsafe. Browse Happy is a way for you to find out what are the latest versions of the major browsers around. You can also learn about alternative browsers that may fit you even better than the one you are currently using. Það að nota úreldan vafra býður hættunni heim. Browse Happy er leið fyrir þig til að komast að því hvað eru nýjustu útgáfurnar af helstu vöfrunum sem í boði eru. Þú getur einnig kynnst öðrum valkostum sem mögulega henta þér betur en sá sem þú ert að nota núna. Details
Using an outdated browser makes your computer unsafe. Browse Happy is a way for you to find out what are the latest versions of the major browsers around. You can also learn about alternative browsers that may fit you even better than the one you are currently using.

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Share the Happiness Deildu Hamingjunni Details
Share the Happiness

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The 2011 design for Browse Happy, proudly powered by WordPress. 2011 útlitið af Browse Happy, stolt af því að vera knúið af WordPress. Details
The 2011 design for Browse Happy, proudly powered by WordPress.

Description of the plugin/theme

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Brought to you by %s Gert fyrir þig af %s Details
Brought to you by %s

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Browse <em>Happy</em> Browse <em>Happy</em> Details
Browse <em>Happy</em>

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