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Translation of Development: Korean

Prio Original string Translation
Web address 웹 주소 Details
Web address

Describes the web address section in the comment detail screen.

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Line Height 줄 간격 Details
Line Height

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IP address IP 주소 Details
IP address

Describes the IP address section in the comment detail screen.

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Couldn’t close account automatically 계정을 자동으로 닫을 수 없습니다. Details
Couldn’t close account automatically

Error title displayed when unable to close user account.

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Weekly Roundup 주간 종합 Details
Weekly Roundup

Setting: indicates if the site reports its Weekly Roundup Title of Weekly Roundup push notification

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Comment on 댓글 Details
Comment on

Provides hint that the current screen displays a comment on a post. The title of the post will displayed below this string. Example: Comment on My First Post

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<strong>%1$d</strong> times a week at %2$@
<strong>%d</strong> times a week at %@
%2$@에서 일주일에 <strong>%1$d</strong>번 Details
<strong>%1$d</strong> times a week at %2$@
Context <strong>%d</strong> times a week at %@

A short description of how many times a week the user will receive a blogging reminder. The ‘%d’ placeholder will be populated with a count of the number of times a week they’ll be reminded, and should be surrounded by <strong> HTML tags.

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We’re working hard on adding support for %s previews. In the meantime, you can preview the embedded content on the post. %s 미리 보기에 대한 지원을 추가하려고 노력하고 있습니다. 그동안에는 글에 임베드된 콘텐츠를 미리 볼 수 있습니다. Details
We’re working hard on adding support for %s previews. In the meantime, you can preview the embedded content on the post.

%s: embed block variant’s label e.g: \”Twitter\”.

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We’re working hard on adding support for %s previews. In the meantime, you can preview the embedded content on the page. %s 미리 보기에 대한 지원을 추가하려고 노력하고 있습니다. 그동안에는 페이지에 임베드된 콘텐츠를 미리 볼 수 있습니다. Details
We’re working hard on adding support for %s previews. In the meantime, you can preview the embedded content on the page.

%s: embed block variant’s label e.g: \”Twitter\”.

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%s previews not yet available %s 미리보기는 아직 사용할 수 없음 Details
%s previews not yet available

%s: embed block variant’s label e.g: \”Twitter\”.

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Link text 링크 텍스트 Details
Link text

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%s block %s 블록 Details
%s block

Block name. %s: The localized block name
%s: Block name e.g. \”Image block\”

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