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Translation of Development: Korean

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The Facebook connection cannot find any Pages. Publicize cannot connect to Facebook Profiles, only published Pages. 페이스북 페이지를 찾을 수 없습니다. 페이스북 프로필은 연결할 수 없으며 공개된 페이지로만 연결할 수 있습니다. Details
The Facebook connection cannot find any Pages. Publicize cannot connect to Facebook Profiles, only published Pages.

Error message shown to a user who is trying to share to Facebook but does not have any available Facebook Pages.

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Table showing %1$@ and %2$@
Table showing %@ and %@
%1$@ 와(과) %2$@ 보여주는 테이블 Details
Table showing %1$@ and %2$@
Context Table showing %@ and %@

Accessibility of stats table. Placeholders will be populated with names of data shown in table.

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Table showing %@ %@ 보여주기 Details
Table showing %@

Accessibility of stats table. Placeholder will be populated with name of data shown in table.

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Expanded. Tap to collapse. 펼쳐짐. 접으려면 누르십시요. Details
Expanded. Tap to collapse.

Accessibility hint

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Collapsed. Tap to expand. 접혀짐. 펼치려면 누르십시요 Details
Collapsed. Tap to expand.

Accessibility hint

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An error occurred. 오류가 발생 했습니다. Details
An error occurred.

Text displayed when a stat section failed to load.

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You are changing your username to %@. Changing your username will also affect your Gravatar profile and IntenseDebate profile addresses. Confirm your new username to continue. 사용자 이름을 %@ (으)로 변경하고 있습니다. 사용자 이름을 변경하면 Gravatar 프로필 및 IntenseDebate 프로필 주소에도 영향을 줍니다. 계속하려면 새 사용자 이름을 확인하십시오. Details
You are changing your username to %@. Changing your username will also affect your Gravatar profile and IntenseDebate profile addresses. Confirm your new username to continue.

Alert message.

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By setting up Jetpack you agree to our %@ 젯팩을 설치하면 %@에 동의하는 것입니다. Details
By setting up Jetpack you agree to our %@

Title of the button which opens the Jetpack terms and conditions page. The sentence is composed by 2 lines separated by a line break . Also there is a placeholder %@ which is: Terms and Conditions

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Customize the message you want to share. If you don't add your own text here, we'll use the post's title as the message. 공유하고자 하는 메시지를 수정할 수 있습니다. 여기에 메시지를 입력하지 않으면 글 제목을 대신 사용합니다. Details
Customize the message you want to share. If you don't add your own text here, we'll use the post's title as the message.

Hint displayed when the user is customizing the share message.

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Search domains 도메인 검색 Details
Search domains

Search domain – Title for the Suggested domains screen

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This helps us make recommendations. But you're never locked in -- all sites evolve! 의견을 제시해주시는 것이 저희에게 도움이 되지만 절대 고정되어 있는 것은 아닙니다. 모든 사이트는 진화합니다. Details
This helps us make recommendations. But you're never locked in -- all sites evolve!

Create site, step 1. Select type of site. Subtitle

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There was an error loading the history 기록을 읽어오는 과정에서 오류가 발생했습니다. Details
There was an error loading the history

Text displayed when there is a failure loading the history.

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Please enter a valid State 유효한 상태를 입력하십시요 Details
Please enter a valid State

Register Domain – Domain contact information validation error message for an input field

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To confirm, please re-enter your site's address before deleting. 삭제 전 확인을 위해, 사이트 주소를 입력해주세요. Details
To confirm, please re-enter your site's address before deleting.

Message of Delete Site confirmation alert; substitution is site’s host.

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Video export canceled. 비디오 내보내기가 취소되었습니다. Details
Video export canceled.

Message shown if a video export is canceled by the user.

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