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Translation of Development: English (Australia)

Prio Original string Translation
Every day at %@ Every day at %@ Details
Every day at %@

Short title telling the user they will receive a blogging reminder every day of the week.

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<strong>Twice</strong> a week at %@ <strong>Twice</strong> a week at %@ Details
<strong>Twice</strong> a week at %@

Short title telling the user they will receive a blogging reminder two times a week. The word for ‘twice’ should be surrounded by <strong> HTML tags.

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<strong>Once</strong> a week at %@ <strong>Once</strong> a week at %@ Details
<strong>Once</strong> a week at %@

Short title telling the user they will receive a blogging reminder once per week. The word for ‘once’ should be surrounded by <strong> HTML tags.

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<strong>%1$d</strong> times a week at %2$@
<strong>%d</strong> times a week at %@
<strong>%1$d</strong> times a week at %2$@ Details
<strong>%1$d</strong> times a week at %2$@
Context <strong>%d</strong> times a week at %@

A short description of how many times a week the user will receive a blogging reminder. The ‘%d’ placeholder will be populated with a count of the number of times a week they’ll be reminded, and should be surrounded by <strong> HTML tags.

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You'll get reminders to blog %1$@ times a week on %2$@.
You'll get reminders to blog %@ times a week on %@.
You'll get reminders to blog %1$@ times a week on %2$@. Details
You'll get reminders to blog %1$@ times a week on %2$@.
Context You'll get reminders to blog %@ times a week on %@.

Blogging Reminders description confirming a user’s choices. The first placeholder will be populated with a count of the number of times a week they’ll be reminded. The second will be a formatted list of days. For example: ‘You’ll get reminders to blog 2 times a week on Monday and Tuesday.

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You'll get a reminder to blog <strong>once</strong> a week on %1$@ at %2$@.
You'll get a reminder to blog <strong>once</strong> a week on %@ at %@.
You'll get a reminder to blog <strong>once</strong> a week on %1$@ at %2$@. Details
You'll get a reminder to blog <strong>once</strong> a week on %1$@ at %2$@.
Context You'll get a reminder to blog <strong>once</strong> a week on %@ at %@.

Blogging Reminders description confirming a user’s choices. The placeholder will be replaced at runtime with a day of the week. The HTML markup is used to bold the word ‘once’.

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It's time to blog on %@! It's time to blog on %@! Details
It's time to blog on %@!

Title of a notification displayed prompting the user to create a new blog post. The %@ will be replaced with the blog’s title.

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