Make WordPress Core

Custom Query

Results (1 - 100 of 1017)

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
Ticket Summary Owner Type Priority Component Version
#34898 Responsive images broken on edited/imported content kirasong defect (bug) highest omg bbq Media 4.4
#11334 Add caching to get_page_of_comment() boonebgorges enhancement high Comments 2.9
#32024 XML Feed has wrong 'Content-Type' stevenkword defect (bug) high Feeds 3.5
#33544 Post meta box toggles not accessible. SergeyBiryukov defect (bug) high Posts, Post Types
#33569 missing file comment-functions.php SergeyBiryukov defect (bug) high Upgrade/Install 4.4
#34057 `get_page_of_comment()` not limiting query to proper post defect (bug) high Comments
#34090 Prevent Registration of Invalid Shortcode Names wonderboymusic enhancement high Shortcodes
#34274 _oembed_create_xml() uses SimpleXML, which can be disabled wonderboymusic defect (bug) high Embeds 4.4
#34403 Errors during smooth updates not displayed defect (bug) high Upgrade/Install 4.3
#34409 random_bytes() prevents me to log in if PHP is 5.3.5 dd32 defect (bug) high General
#34493 wp_handle_comment_submission() does not set the user_ID johnbillion defect (bug) high Comments 4.4
#34533 Term splitting in `get_term()` can have unexpected effects boonebgorges defect (bug) high Taxonomy 4.4
#34544 Attaching metadata to shared terms can result in data corruption boonebgorges defect (bug) high Taxonomy
#34838 Comment descendant queries do not have determinate order boonebgorges defect (bug) high Comments
#761 Add hook to conditionally disable comment notifications DrewAPicture enhancement normal Comments 1.2.2
#1914 Permalinks for unattached uploads/attachments pento enhancement normal Permalinks 1.6
#2567 XML-RPC returns incorrect content length header when using metaWeblog.getRecentPosts wonderboymusic defect (bug) normal XML-RPC 1.5
#6405 When deleting users without any links/posts, don't ask to whom they should be reattributed wonderboymusic enhancement normal Users 2.7
#6430 WordPress 2.5 xmlrpc should return image thumbnail URLs in wp.uploadFile wonderboymusic enhancement normal XML-RPC 2.5
#7051 Delete blacklisted comments rather than mark them as spam helen enhancement normal Comments 2.5.1
#8071 Refrain from querying all the comments on a post when paged boonebgorges task (blessed) normal Comments 2.7
#8243 Make draft pages to appear in "recent drafts" dashboard gadget DrewAPicture enhancement normal Posts, Post Types 2.7
#9025 wp_list_categories lacks the vital options of wp_get_archives wonderboymusic enhancement normal Taxonomy 2.7
#9134 cannot remove the link to comments in feeds swissspidy defect (bug) normal Feeds 2.7
#9227 in get_the_category_list(), filter categories before constructing list wonderboymusic enhancement normal Taxonomy 2.8
#9571 Filter to exclude categories from adjacent post links wonderboymusic enhancement normal Posts, Post Types
#9775 Duplicate comment check is too strict boonebgorges enhancement normal Comments 2.7.1
#9911 Add new filter to control content splitting into multiple pages DrewAPicture enhancement normal Posts, Post Types 2.7.1
#10142 Add metadata support for taxonomy terms feature request normal Taxonomy
#10414 Some trackbacks timeout due to short timeout period chriscct7 defect (bug) normal Pings/Trackbacks 2.8
#10422 Answering to comment from Dashboard does not update Dashboard statistics wonderboymusic defect (bug) normal Comments 2.8.1
#10764 XML- RPC, blogger_editPost, Publish Status not working wonderboymusic defect (bug) normal XML-RPC
#11095 Format wp_list_pages and wp_page_menu without <li> tags wonderboymusic enhancement normal Posts, Post Types
#11200 Add count for approved comments filter wonderboymusic enhancement normal Comments
#11226 Month name declension case SergeyBiryukov task (blessed) normal I18N 2.9
#11566 clean_comment_cache() does not clean $GLOBALS['comment'] wonderboymusic defect (bug) normal Comments 2.9
#11621 phpdoc/docblock improvements cache.php - global variables enhancement normal Inline Docs 2.9
#11694 WP should do sanity checks for paginated posts, pages and comments wonderboymusic defect (bug) normal Posts, Post Types 2.9
#12002 Multisite should not lock the root blog into using a /blog prefix jeremyfelt enhancement normal Bootstrap/Load 3.0
#12133 get_field_id() and get_field_name() break when passed a name in array format johnbillion enhancement normal Widgets 2.9.1
#12431 Record comment meta in wp_new_comment boonebgorges enhancement normal Comments 3.0
#12584 Emails from WordPress Admin are html encoded chriscct7 defect (bug) normal Mail 2.9
#12981 odd behavior of exclude_tree parameter in wp_list_categories() tott defect (bug) normal Taxonomy 3.0
#12996 Clean up some redundant options from new blog setup, and remove legacy wp-hacks support dd32 enhancement normal Bootstrap/Load 3.0
#13005 Add plugin hook for ajax-tag-search westi enhancement normal Posts, Post Types
#13265 Filter results of get_page_templates() nathanrice enhancement normal Themes 3.0
#13310 Extend option_name to varchar(255) pento enhancement normal Database
#13820 AJAX update the comment bubbles on edit-comments.php wonderboymusic task (blessed) normal Comments 3.0
#13905 No sanity check in map_meta_cap caps throws PHP notices filosofo defect (bug) normal Posts, Post Types 3.0
#13939 get_page_of_comment returns wrong page number when changing threading level boonebgorges defect (bug) normal Comments 3.0
#13979 Add a new arg for custom ID attributes with wp_page_menu() enhancement normal Posts, Post Types 3.0
#14078 Don't send notifications for comments too early boonebgorges enhancement normal Comments 3.0
#14162 Introduce WP_Term class boonebgorges task (blessed) normal Taxonomy
#14445 dbdelta do not handel FULLTEXT KEY correctly and generate MySQL errors pento enhancement normal Database 3.0
#14530 "Cheatin', uh?" is not helpful feedback for users or developers enhancement normal Role/Capability
#14809 comments_by_type doesn't always get reset wonderboymusic defect (bug) normal Comments 3.0.1
#14849 Rewrite rules should be flushed when you switch themes jorbin enhancement normal Permalinks 3.0
#14867 HTTPS related issues in ms-blogs.php (with fix) johnbillion defect (bug) normal Permalinks
#14900 link-template string builder cleanup wonderboymusic enhancement normal General
#15000 add_meta_box() should accept array of post types DrewAPicture enhancement normal Administration 3.0.1
#15115 if filter show_password_field is set to false, you cannot add new users wonderboymusic defect (bug) normal Users 3.0.1
#15158 wpdb insert & update with null values pento enhancement normal Database 3.0.1
#15520 Break date/time into a separate column in Comments views wonderboymusic enhancement normal Comments 3.1
#15659 Entity escaping needed for comments list table SergeyBiryukov defect (bug) normal Comments
#15946 post_date_gmt ignored in wp_insert_post() wonderboymusic defect (bug) normal Posts, Post Types 3.1
#15963 Don't try to add orphaned pages' parents' slugs to the page URL DrewAPicture defect (bug) normal Posts, Post Types 3.1
#16026 Stop using ereg() and eregi() dd32 enhancement normal External Libraries
#16075 Add Post Type Archives support in Nav Menus aaroncampbell task (blessed) normal Menus 3.1
#16125 Tag cloud widget: hide dropdown when there's only one taxonomy GautamGupta enhancement normal Widgets 3.1
#16219 If you can edit comments on the post, 'Slow down Cowboy' shouldn't kick in garyc40 enhancement normal Comments
#16226 Attachment URL filenames are not urlencoded wonderboymusic defect (bug) normal Upload 3.1
#16345 Some submit buttons shouldn't have names wonderboymusic defect (bug) normal Administration 3.1
#16719 Remove vestige add_users capability dd32 defect (bug) normal Role/Capability
#16820 Browser uploader in media library shows no error information wonderboymusic defect (bug) normal Upload 3.1
#16840 add_rewrite_rule() should accept an array for the $redirect parameter wonderboymusic enhancement normal Rewrite Rules
#16859 esc_url eats square brackets. johnbillion defect (bug) normal Formatting 3.1
#16860 map_meta_cap use "manage_network_users" instead of is_super_admin for edit_users jeremyfelt enhancement normal Users
#16865 'post' definition should use menu_position wonderboymusic enhancement normal Administration
#16894 Bulk load Comment Meta upon access boonebgorges defect (bug) normal Comments 3.1
#16934 Commented code in /wp-includes/canonical.php wonderboymusic enhancement normal Canonical 3.1
#16956 Comments Being Pulled from Non-Existent Post Types boonebgorges defect (bug) normal Posts, Post Types 3.1
#16982 Deprecate post_permalink() wonderboymusic enhancement normal Permalinks
#16985 XML-RPC endpoint set the datetime when saving a Draft wonderboymusic defect (bug) normal XML-RPC 3.1
#16993 wp-mail.php doesn't account for half-hour and quarter-hour timezones. wonderboymusic defect (bug) normal Mail 3.1
#17105 HTML 5.0 support azaozz defect (bug) normal Formatting 3.2
#17275 UI: Missing comments count in admin screen wonderboymusic enhancement normal Comments 3.2
#17447 Add 'register_post_type_args' hook SergeyBiryukov enhancement normal Posts, Post Types 3.1
#17455 Add $post_type argument to get_lastpostdate/get_lastpostmodified/_get_last_post_time SergeyBiryukov enhancement normal Posts, Post Types
#17604 wp.uploadFile overwrite doesn't work wonderboymusic defect (bug) normal XML-RPC
#17609 'View post' link shown even when post type can't be viewed on the front-end johnbillion defect (bug) normal Posts, Post Types 2.9
#17626 image_get_intermediate_size() may return wrong thumbnail size wonderboymusic defect (bug) normal Media
#17630 Redirect wp-signup.php to wp_signup_location pbearne enhancement normal Login and Registration 3.1.3
#17812 media_upload_form_handler runs twice when editing attachment from "From Computer" media upload tab (browser uploader) wonderboymusic defect (bug) normal Upload 3.1
#17891 Pass $post_type to 'restrict_manage_posts' DrewAPicture enhancement normal Posts, Post Types
#17928 When a comment is spammed/trashed, change the parent of it's children wonderboymusic defect (bug) normal Comments 3.2
#17981 XML-RPC wp.getComments should work for non-admins wonderboymusic defect (bug) normal XML-RPC 3.2
#18306 Make sample permalink clickable helen enhancement normal Editor 3.2
#18418 Clarifying what "Private" means in post visibility wonderboymusic enhancement normal Text Changes
#18588 Auto-select "Primary Menu " when switching themes wonderboymusic enhancement normal Menus
#18590 Swap out "return false" JS calls for preventDefault adamsilverstein enhancement normal Administration 3.3
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
Note: See TracQuery for help on using queries.