Make WordPress Core

Custom Query

Results (1 - 100 of 467)

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Ticket Summary Owner Type Priority Component Version
#2472 display pages with the same post_name as posts defect (bug) highest omg bbq General 2.0.1
#2489 Scheduled entries are unscheduled if timezone is different to server time ryan defect (bug) highest omg bbq General 2.0.1
#2645 Mac users deserve their own backwards popup layout defect (bug) highest omg bbq Administration 2.0.2
#2758 Security issue: cat parameter is vunerable to sql injection defect (bug) highest omg bbq Security 2.0.2
#3080 wp_list_pages() is not closing the </li> in some circumstances ryan defect (bug) highest omg bbq Template 2.1
#3213 Option sub-menus disappear off the screen to the right markjaquith defect (bug) highest omg bbq Administration 2.1
#3290 Importer strips img class and style foolswisdom defect (bug) highest omg bbq Administration 2.1
#3410 Security : wp-admin/users.php No role user can list all wp users westi defect (bug) highest omg bbq Security 2.1
#3608 Output language dependant on html_type defect (bug) highest omg bbq Administration 2.1
#3610 Archives & Categories should have list items even if empty defect (bug) highest omg bbq Administration 2.1
#3615 Check MySQL version before upgrading to 2.1 defect (bug) highest omg bbq Administration 2.1
#899 Wishlist item: hooks for file uploads enhancement high Administration 1.6
#1020 Presentation area shows raw CSS instead of Theme/Author names defect (bug) high Template 1.5.2
#1048 Option to "mark as spam" in notification e-mail markjaquith enhancement high Administration 2.0
#1231 Can't use feed names as a slug with some permalink structures markjaquith defect (bug) high Administration 2.0.1
#1978 Quotes in post title make it into the title for comments_popup_link() markjaquith defect (bug) high Administration 2.0
#2301 Edit Pages - Limit to Owner? davidhouse enhancement high Administration 2.0
#2577 does not find any results matt defect (bug) high Site 2.0.2
#2658 Bumping TinyMCE Requires Refresh defect (bug) high Administration 2.0.2
#2690 Page depth bug reversion in [3407] defect (bug) high Administration 2.0.2
#2709 Category query cleanups skeltoac defect (bug) high Administration 2.0.2
#2715 Future Posting Functionality Broken ryan defect (bug) high Administration 2.1
#2737 Future Post Stripped of Images ryan defect (bug) high General 2.1
#2790 Cron pass-by-reference error robmiller defect (bug) high General 2.1
#2814 Another quick cron problem robmiller defect (bug) high General 2.1
#2941 wp_die doesn't work in wp-db defect (bug) high Administration 2.1
#2999 New Login Screen ryan enhancement high Template 2.1
#3026 New login page looks ugly with registration enabled Sewar defect (bug) high Administration 2.1
#3055 ?feed=comments-rss2 Does not work in WP 2.1 markjaquith defect (bug) high General 2.1
#3072 Autosave breaks when there are no categories selected defect (bug) high Administration 2.1
#3118 Autop no longer working on posts defect (bug) high Template 2.1
#3253 Give parnent of current page/category a CSS class markjaquith defect (bug) high Template 2.1
#3361 `wp_list_bookmarks()` Should Be Widget Friendly westi defect (bug) high Template 2.1
#3384 get_the_category() is broken defect (bug) high General 2.1
#3393 Akismet plugin missing from menus defect (bug) high Administration 2.1
#3408 Additional category admin hooks to allow alternate category admin interface ryan enhancement high Administration 2.1
#3430 wp_get_post_categories() to use $category_cache markjaquith enhancement high Administration 2.1
#3436 Multi-line submenus broken once again markjaquith defect (bug) high Administration 2.1
#3437 Template Name: a extra space is required at the end of the name markjaquith defect (bug) high Template 2.1
#3446 Blogroll showing post categories but not link categories westi defect (bug) high Administration 2.1
#3455 Path to "cropper.js" is wrong (changeset #4629) defect (bug) high General 2.1
#3461 wp_check_for_changed_slugs is in admin-functions.php, but may be called in other contexts defect (bug) high General 2.1
#3475 Publish fails during auto-save Andy defect (bug) high Administration 2.1
#3495 Pingback excerpt-fetching code looks for a link to the SOURCE site instead of the TARGET site. markjaquith defect (bug) high XML-RPC 2.0.5
#3520 image uploader blue square mdawaffe defect (bug) high Administration 2.1
#3562 Some cache adds should be sets defect (bug) high General 2.0
#3577 gettext.php breaks on poedit plural po files ryan defect (bug) high General 2.1
#3587 Missing close-quote and semi-colon in version.php defect (bug) high General 2.1
#3589 admin username could be translated defect (bug) high Administration 2.1
#3611 Lack of WPLANG in config causes blog to claim it's language is en-US defect (bug) high Administration 2.1
#137 Comments feed modification time is based on posts, not comments ryan defect (bug) normal General 2.0
#247 Sort get_archive() output by more than just post_date skippy defect (bug) normal Template 1.6
#914 wrong search string escaping/slashes ryan defect (bug) normal Template 2.0.7
#923 no bulk delete option in link manager westi enhancement normal General 1.5
#926 Wrong redirect after add/edit/delete custom fields defect (bug) normal Administration 2.0.1
#966 Previous/next page breaks when asked for displaying n days worth of posts westi defect (bug) normal General 1.5
#1024 wp filters turn &lt;hr /&gt; into &lt;hr /&gt;&lt;br /&gt; shorty114 defect (bug) normal Administration 2.1
#1076 is_seach logic in default theme which has search.php template mdawaffe defect (bug) normal Template 1.5
#1082 Superfluous newlines added to .htaccess on update ryan defect (bug) normal General 2.0
#1103 Move RSS feed update for dashboard to pseudo cron matt defect (bug) normal General 2.0.1
#1194 dropdown_cats doesn't add the correct selected tag defect (bug) normal General 2.1
#1207 feed_img not XHTML compliant mdawaffe defect (bug) normal Template 1.5
#1213 default - #wp-calendar #next - no font-size mdawaffe defect (bug) normal Template 1.5
#1251 XSS and HTML injection matt defect (bug) normal Security 2.0.1
#1279 smilies fire when you write about RDF defect (bug) normal Administration 1.5.1
#1486 get_pages() filtering by page author [PATCH] ryan defect (bug) normal Template 1.6
#1609 User and author listing needs to page enhancement normal Administration 1.6
#1657 "Edit" link next to plugins markjaquith defect (bug) normal Administration 2.0.4
#1669 Patch to "wp_list_pages" to add the opposite of "exclude" (called "only") markjaquith enhancement normal General 1.5.2
#1786 Add hook for blank or incorrect comment field errors markjaquith enhancement normal General 1.6
#1902 /wp-admin/templates.php asks for file description of "" and file_exists returns True defect (bug) normal Administration 1.5.2
#1936 Ugly bland error message upon missing wp-config file ... and a fix! markjaquith defect (bug) normal Administration 1.6
#1970 Convert the bigger (#advancedstuff) boxes to the same style as the sidebar boxes on the write screen defect (bug) normal Administration 1.6
#2033 Recommend removal of "rich_editing" global option markjaquith defect (bug) normal Administration 2.0
#2092 Future-dated posts shouldn't send pings until post_date defect (bug) normal Administration 2.0
#2108 redirect does not always work defect (bug) normal Administration 2.0
#2176 Users menu item should go to users.php defect (bug) normal Template 2.0
#2211 Posts dated in the future increment the category counts prematurely markjaquith defect (bug) normal Administration 2.0
#2256 In place editing of query_vars in WP_Query->get_posts() ryan defect (bug) normal Administration 2.0
#2328 Provide structured access to category list enhancement normal Template 2.0.1
#2336 Need Create_Pages capability in new roles feature set ryan enhancement normal Administration 1.2
#2340 Manage posts: restrict to one category westi enhancement normal Administration 2.0
#2348 <div>blah<!--more-->blah</div> breaks themes, validation ryan defect (bug) normal Optimization 2.0
#2352 Add ability to display yearly archives list westi enhancement normal Template 2.0
#2357 more rss/feed hooks for various levels enhancement normal Template 2.0
#2365 Posts and pages do not show content defect (bug) normal Administration 2.0
#2372 <a href= changes to <a xhref= ! skeltoac defect (bug) normal General 2.0.4
#2383 $locale can only be set once. defect (bug) normal Administration 2.0
#2384 Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in wp-includes/template-functions-author.php on line 182 defect (bug) normal Template 2.0
#2388 import/dotclear.php: Allow alternative table prefix defect (bug) normal Administration 2.0
#2390 posting blank title && blank content should not post anything markjaquith defect (bug) normal Optimization 2.0
#2405 Massive Code Cleanup: Kill Trailing Tabs markjaquith defect (bug) normal General 2.0
#2408 Next/Previous page links get messed up if a plugin makes certain changes to the WP_Query->request defect (bug) normal General 2.0.1
#2415 New hooks for previous and next post majelbstoat enhancement normal Administration 2.0.1
#2423 Create the_author_link() westi enhancement normal Template 2.0.1
#2425 Pseudo-Cron ryan enhancement normal Administration 2.0.1
#2426 post_status = future ryan defect (bug) normal Administration 2.0.1
#2430 import/dotclear.php: Incorrect teaser/excerpt processing defect (bug) normal Administration 2.0.1
#2436 Install and upgrade show errors ringmaster defect (bug) normal Administration 2.0.1
#2439 Can't Publish pages; get saved with future post_status defect (bug) normal Administration 2.0.1
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Note: See TracQuery for help on using queries.