Multiplies to _ and adds to _ calculator

If you have the sum of two numbers as well as the product those numbers, you can use this online calculator to calculate the actual numbers for you:


This is especially useful for factoring trinomials, such as x2+7x+12, by entering the coefficients into the calculator. For example, if you make X*Y=12 and X+Y=7, then you find that X=4 and Y=3. You can then rewrite the trinomial in its factored form, (X+4)(X+3).

If you need any help, simply leave a comment below and I’ll see what I can do.

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Readers Comments (113)

  1. what multiplies to make 15 and adds up to 18

  2. Are there any two numbers that multiply to 7 and add to 0? It’s probably an easy answer but I’m just not good at math.

    • No, there aren’t. Think about it like this:

      Any two numbers that add to zero must be equal, but opposite in sign. For example, 2 and -2, 3 and -3, etc. One of them will be positive, and the other will be negative.

      Thus, when you multiply these numbers together, you will never get a positive answer, since the product of a positive and a negative number is always negative.

  3. What adds to be -62 and multiplies to be -560

  4. what multiplies to 8 and adds to 5

  5. Ibraheem Riaz May 3, 2018 @ 7:45 AM

    What two numbers add up to 37 and multiply to -24?

  6. What adds to get 7 and multiplies to get -270

  7. My problem is 12w^2+18w-84
    an we are doing the slide divide bottoms up ( i hope you know what that is )
    but when we slide we take 12 * -84 to get -1008 an the we have to find two numbers to add to 18 an multiply to get -1008 what are they?

  8. Lincoln Haynes May 14, 2018 @ 9:45 PM

    Are there any numbers that add to 9 but multiply to 8???

  9. HI lmao I like your minecraft pic. Not bad bro. I also play minecraft

  10. r u stupid

  11. what 2 no. add to 17 and multiply to 66

    • Think about all the pairs of numbers (factors) that multiply to make 66. We have 1 * 66 (obviously), and also 2 * 33, 3 * 22, and 6 * 11. When you look at this list, you can see that 6 + 11 = 17.

  12. what numbers multiply to negative three and add to negative four

  13. What multiplies to 12 but adds to 2

  14. What adds to 1/15 and multiplies to -2/15

  15. What numbers multiply to give you -10 and add to give you 5? and what numbers multiply to give you 12 and add to give you -12?

  16. Multiplies to give 2,adds to give 4

  17. what two numbers add to -1 and multiply to -30

    • Think about the factors of 30: (1 30) (2 15) (3 10) (5 6)

      Now consider that 5 * -6 = -30 and 5 + -6 = -1

      Or, you can just use the calculator included in the post.

  18. what multiplies to 2 and adds to 0

  19. What multiplies to 2.5 but adds to 6

  20. what number multiplies to 12.5 and adds to 5

  21. What to numbers multiply to -6 and add to give 5

    • Consider that 1 * 6 = 6, and 2 * 3 = 6. Now, one of these numbers must be negative, so that you can get -6.

      2-3 = 5, nope. 3-2 = 5, nope. 1-6 = 5, nope. 6-1 = 5, yup. Therefore the numbers are 6 and -1.

  22. What two numbers multiply to -150 add up to 19

  23. What multiplies to 0.3 and adds to 3.17?

  24. What multiplies to get -75 but adds to +22

    • Think about all of the possible ways to get 75 by multiplying: (1 * 75), (3 * 25), and (5 * 15). Of course, one of these numbers must be negative, so that you can multiply to get -75.

      Now, the numbers must add up to 22. We can see that 25 is fairly close to 22. In fact, 25 minus 3 gives us 22. Therefore we know that 25 * -3 = -75 and 25 + -3 = 22.

  25. what multiplies to 25 and adds to 1

  26. What adds to 4, but multiplies to 0

  27. What multiplies to get negative 12 and adds to get negative 2

  28. What multiplies you get -12 and adds to get 7

  29. What multiplies to 13 and adds to 6? negative/positive/whatever

    • You probably already realized that no two real numbers can multiply to 13 while still adding up to 6. You are looking for the complex numbers 3+2j and 3-2j, where j represents the imaginary unit. You can check these numbers like so:

      ( 3+2j ) + ( 3-2j ) = ( 6+0j ) = 6
      ( 3+2j ) * ( 3-2j ) = ( 9 + 6j – 6j + 4) = 13

  30. can you get multiple answers?

    • Not sure what you’re asking? You’ll always get a pair of numbers as your answer. You can change the inputs and the outputs will update automatically once you’re done.

  31. What numbers multiplied make 24 but make 16 when added?


    can this handle fractions

    • Yes, it handles fractions. It returns a decimal value, but any decent calculator (such as WolframAlpha) will be able to convert the value to a fraction for you.

  33. What adds to 18 and adds to -9

  34. Zachary Sanchez April 14, 2020 @ 7:51 PM

    What multiplies to 10 and adds to 13

  35. Milla Klostermann April 15, 2020 @ 5:55 PM

    what two numbers multiply to get -72 and add to get -6

  36. What multiplies to 1 and adds up to 6

  37. what two numbers multiply to 1 and adds up to 6

  38. what multiples to 3 and adds to -4

  39. whatadds up to 3 and multiples to -18

    • Think about the ways you can get 18: (1 * 18), (2 * 9), (3 * 6). You also know that the larger number must be positive and the smaller one must be negative. With this in mind, you will quickly realize that 6 + (-3) = 3 and 6 * -3 = -18.

  40. what multiplies to 1 and adds to -3

  41. is there anything that multiplies to -17 and adds to -7 ?

  42. I feel like someone has to be a little respectful here. Anyways i like mine craft it cool. Minecraft is awesome. below this commet tell me what your fav game is 🙂

  43. WHat two numbers multiply to get 14 but add to 8?

  44. Mackenzie Cato March 11, 2021 @ 1:10 PM

    what adds up to 112 for the problem For the end-of-year party, Mt. Rose Middle School ordered pizzas. There were eight fewer veggie pizzas than there were pepperoni pizzas. There were three times as many combo pizzas as pepperoni pizzas. Use the 5-D Process to define a variable and write an equation for this situation. Then determine how many of each kind of pizza were ordered.

    • Hi Mackenzie, to begin the 5D process, we need to define variables that represent the information that we already know. Let’s use the letter V to represent the number of veggie pizzas, P for pepperoni pizzas, and C for combo pizzas. With these letters, we can “Define” equations based on the information given in the problem:

      V + P + C = 112
      V + 8 = P
      C / 3 = P

      I hope that this provides you with a good start for this problem. Once you go through all 5 steps, you should be able to “Declare” that Mt. Rose Middle School ordered 16 veggie pizzas, 24 pepperoni pizzas, and 72 combo pizzas.

  45. What multiples to -112 and adds to 6?

  46. What multiplys to 18 that adds to -1

  47. What two numbers multiply to 10 and add to 9

  48. What muliples to 28 and adds to 15

  49. What adds up to 12 and multiplies to -27

  50. What numbers multiply to be 18 and add to be 8

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