About Us

TimTech Software was established in 2010, and TimTechSoftware.com was purchased in January 2012.

Support for Non-profit Organizations

Although we are a for-profit organization, making a profit is not our top priority. As a company, we give 20% of our gross income to charitable organizations, such as Operation Blessing. We also provide free services to non-profit organizations such as the LUNI™ Server Project.

Readers Comments (11)

  1. It’s true he can make some amazing apps

  2. Just saying – the link on JavaScript leads to a download for Java… :/ Java != JavaScript. And I agree that he can really do some awesome codegolfs.

  3. Could you help me with some programming? I am experienced in Windows Batch and am leaning Python and HTML (which would be in red according to you =)

  4. Derick Villatoro May 18, 2015 @ 12:06 AM

    Hi, Maybe I’m not the only one, and maybe this comment doesn’t belong here, but i just wanted to say, that i APPLAUD what you’re doing here. When i heard that LU was shutting down for good, i literally cried for days. (I was 11) So as a 15 year old sophomore, it brings great joy to know that people like Tim, are actively helping out with our Lego hungry inner self. Thank you for bringing hope back into my eyes. Keep it up, let nothing deter you from your path.

  5. Hey, I am beyond happy to see that someone is bringing Lego Universe back. I want to learn how to code but don’t know exactly where to start. Where did you start? Maybe eventually I can help.

    • I started with programming in the Windows shell, but learning any programming language would be helpful. I recommend Game Maker Studio (with its language GML – Game Maker Language) for learning basic stuff.

  6. Hey Tim I could teach you about the C++ language I use it in the unity engine

  7. Hi there. Do you think you could help me make a arduino controller? My arduino is a two wheeled logo bot. I cant find any tutorials on how to do this.

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