
Winter Wonderland

I can’t believe we’re already approaching the end of January. I mean, I’m still finding Christmas decorations scattered around the house.

It’s about this time of year that I start dreaming about spring and summer, but since this is my first full winter in Ottawa, I’m trying to suppress those warm thoughts and enjoy everything Ottawa has to offer in the winter… and there’s a lot.

The weekend weather was absolutely beautiful. Though yesterday was -26 degrees Celsius, we didn’t let that stop us from getting out and exploring the nearby trails.

We searched for birds and squirrels, and ended the hike with a bit of sledding on a massive hill. It was the boys first real time tackling a big hill.

Here are a couple shots of the morning hike taken with my phone, processed using the Snapseed app, and posted using the WordPress mobile app.





Thank You Ottawa Tourism!

As I mentioned previously, I was Ottawa Tourism’s tour guide last week as I took their Instagram followers to some of my favorite spots around the city. I can’t thank them enough for allowing me to participate in their #MyOttawa project, and I am grateful for the opportunity. There really is SO much to love about this city and I feel like I haven’t even begun to scratch the surface.

The other surprise I received from this experience was learning that the image below was selected as their Instagram image of the week, garnering the highest number of likes on their account. I’m so thrilled, but more importantly, I’m so happy that people enjoyed the tour. This image was taken while on the move, as I cycled through my favorite spot along the Rideau Canal.

Rideau Canal Cycling


So, if you find yourself in the Nation’s Capital sometime, I encourage you to visity Ottawa Tourism’s micro site, to help you plan your stay. Of course, you can always ask to meet up with me and let me show you around, but I think my new friends at Ottawa Tourism may be the experts.

And, if you’re interested, here’s a recap of the other images I posted on their Instagram feed for the week…

Nepean Creek wpid-cam00558_1.jpghogs back fallsBillings Estate

My Toronto: CN Tower

Today I am blogging to you from Ottawa for the first time! And I find it only fitting that I end my three-day mini-series of favorite Toronto images with a series on the city’s greatest landmark… the CN Tower.

This post comes courtesy of a suggestion by my wife that I should do a post on all of my images that contain the tower somewhere in it. So here we go…

p.s. if you’ve missed either of the first two days in this series, you can find them here, on people, and here, on architecture.

_DSC0021chinatown 2 texting & cn tower cn tower b&w reflections post-133126 cn tower for reader poll post graffiti & cn towerharbour 60-035flatironCN Tower cn tower entrance Minolta SRT 101 & Lomography X-Pro Chrome 100

My Toronto: The People

This is my final week in Toronto, and as of Thursday, I will officially be a resident of our Nation’s Capital… Ottawa.

As an ode to my first love of blogging and the wonderful city I’ve called home for more than ten years, and as a thank you to all of you for constantly inspiring and motivating me to work on this blog each day, I thought I’d spend the rest of the week sharing some of my favorite moments.

I truly hope you enjoy them, and I`ll see you in the Capital…

Red baloons

Lomo X-Pro Chrome 100 on Minolta SRT 101 Kobi Street Portraitgirl & fursfashionable torontonew roadMinolta SRT 101 & Lomography X-Pro Chrome 100evening rush hourjimmy's coffeeSkateboard Dog