Weekly Photo Challenge: Colour

This week’s photo challenge has a well timed theme, at least for me – colour. First, because it’s the start of spring in my neck of the world. We are on the cusp of the tulip festival in the nation’s capital, and blooms are about to pop out any day now. Second, because I coincidentally planned to shoot one of Toronto’s most colorful areas – Graffiti Alley.

Stretching a little over one kilometer in length, and nestled behind one of the city’s busiest and most touristy streets, Queen St, sits an amazing gallery of street art that might rival the best in the world. The images on these brick canvases are constantly changing, so each time you visit the area, you’re sure to find something new.

Disclaimer: 1) I have NO idea what I’m doing when it comes to photo editing… so I didn’t do any, and 2) the compositions in these images are not very good in my opinion. Now that I know the area better, I’ll return to get some better shots.

Regardless, I hope you enjoy the tour…


  1. I didn’t think you needed to edit either, great color in that graffiti, I really like your work. I have been to Toronto many years ago many times. What a great city!! You are fortunate to live there:))

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