Bedtime Stories

Today’s daily prompt:

What was your favorite book as a child? Did it influence the person you are now?

I remember having books, lots of books, as a child. But, I don’t actually remember reading them. My parents tell me that we read together, but I have stronger memories of drawing and copying the pictures from my books than I do from reading them. When I was in grade 2, I won first prize at the local fair for my drawing of the Cat In The Hat, that I recreated from the cover of the book by the same name.

I’ve written before about my late-blooming love of reading, and I think that has a lot to do with my love of reading with my kids today. In a roundabout way, I think my lack of reading as a child has made me hunger for reading as an adult… so ya, I guess I have been influenced by my childhood reading habits (or lack thereof).

Having said that, my current favorite childrens book is Little Blue Truck, by Alice Shertle.

courtesy of

courtesy of

This is a terrific little story that uses rich and beautiful pictures and words to subtly teaches children the value of friendship and being helpful.

Though I will always have a soft spot in my heart for Dr. Seuss classics (which we have plenty of in the house), I highly recommend Little Blue Truck for your budding little readers. It’s a great little story that I think you’ll enjoy sharing.


  1. Reading with my twins every night over the last several years (they are now 10 1/2) has been one of the absolute greatest pleasures of my life. I’ve cherished every moment of it. Alas, I think that the tradition approaching its very end … but I have several shelves full of beautiful children’s books and a heart full of special memories of those moments spent with them.

  2. Many think they can write a child’s book. The unknown about writng a child’s book is that you must be a very good writer.

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