Make WordPress Themes

Full site editing (8 matches)

Tickets that has the full-site-editing tag

Results (8)

Ticket Summary Status Keywords Owner Type Priority
#182346 THEME: Real Estate Deals – 1.1 reviewing theme-real-estate-deals full-site-editing acosmin theme new theme
#183116 THEME: Retailer Ecommerce – 1.1 reviewing theme-retailer-ecommerce full-site-editing kafleg theme new theme
#183179 THEME: CompanyOneFree – 1.0.0 reviewing theme-companyonefree full-site-editing acosmin theme new theme
#183259 THEME: Travel Booking Solutions – 1.0.0 reviewing theme-travel-booking-solutions full-site-editing acosmin theme new theme
#183408 THEME: Journey Tourism Two – 1.2 reviewing theme-journey-tourism-two child-theme parent-journey-turism full-site-editing kafleg theme new theme
#183478 THEME: QuantumLite – 1.0 reviewing theme-quantumlite child-theme parent-quantumshop full-site-editing vowelweb theme new theme
#183501 THEME: WPEntrepreneur – 1.0.0 reviewing theme-wpentrepreneur full-site-editing vowelweb theme new theme
#183504 THEME: Willard Design – 1.2.0 reviewing theme-willard-design full-site-editing kafleg theme previously reviewed
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