JPG vs JPEG – What’s the Difference? (Ultimate Guide) 

Last Updated: 10 mins By: ThemeGrill Author

Wondering what is the difference between JPG vs JPEG image formats? Or want to know whether JPG and JPEG are the same? Don’t worry; we’re here to clear up your confusion. 

Whether you’re into photography or are just a computer user, you must have seen the JPG and JPEG extensions in images. They are the most used image format in the digital world. But confusion regarding JPEG vs JPG has always been there. 

Hence, read this article till the end to find out the difference between JPG and JPEG. 

Let’s begin! 

Understanding JPG and JPEG (Introduction)

Before anything else, let’s take a closer look at two image file extensions, JPG and JPEG. 

JPG is a widely used image format for digital images that was created by the Joint Photographic Experts Group back in 1992. It uses the “.jpg” extension.  

JPG Extension JPG vs JPEG

The main reason behind its creation was to allow people to share compressed images easily. The JPG file format compresses data from the original image to make the image file more compact.

Therefore, you can convert pictures into a JPG file to efficiently share them over the internet. But remember, the higher the compression value, the higher the degradation in image quality. However, the degradation in quality is barely noticeable for normal users. 

Now, if you’re thinking about why you would use compressed images, we’ll explain it later in this article.

JPG file format offers high resolution and supports 24-bit color. Compared to other image file formats like PNG or BMP, JPG is relatively more compact. Also, you can adjust the compression level as per your choice by balancing the file size and image quality.  

Next, JPEG, which stands for Joint Photographic Experts Group. JPEG images are also commonly used for digital images as they have lossy compression. Lossy compression is the one that removes unnecessary or unnoticeable data.

JPEG Extension JPG vs JPEG

It uses the extension “.jpeg” and is one of the top choices of the user while saving images.  

Is JPG the Same as JPEG? (Explained)

Well, yes, JPG and JPEG are the same. Hence, these terms are often used interchangeably.

If so, then why two names? Why not use just one term?

Valid question! We’ll explain why.

In earlier days, Windows operating systems supported only three-character extensions for the file name. So, the users of older Windows versions used the JPG file format.

However, modern Windows operating systems like Windows 11, as well as Mac or Linux, now accept file extensions of three to four characters. Therefore, the .jpeg extension is more common.

Windows 11

Nevertheless, people are also habituated to JPG, and it’s still available as an option for saving the image file. That’s why JPG is still in use.  

That also means JPG is necessary if you’re using an outdated Windows system. As those systems don’t support file extensions with more than three characters. In other cases, you can use JPG and JPEG interchangeably.  

Now you’re aware that .jpeg and .jpg file extensions are the same; you can ignore the idea that one is superior to the other. 

So, if you’re confused about saving the image in JPEG or JPG form, there won’t be any difference. It’s only a matter of labels.

However, we recommend using JPEG, as it’s the latest standard in use. 

How to Convert JPG to JPEG? 

Although JPG and JPEG are the same, you might need to convert JPG to JPEG in some cases. For example, conversion is necessary if you’re uploading images to some websites that accept only the JPEG file format.

So, to convert a JPG image file to a JPEG file, you can follow the steps below:

Step 1: Right-click on the image you want to convert 

Step 2: Hover on Open with and click on Paint 

Open with Paint

Step 3: As the image opens on Paint, click on File at the top 

File Tab

Step 4: Now, hover on Save As and click on JPEG Picture 

Save as JPEG

Step 5: Rename the file by adding a .jpeg extension at the end and hit the Save button 

Add Extension and Save

You can choose the location to save the file before clicking on the Save button. Also, you can choose the same location for both files. That’s because, after conversion, a new image file will have a different extension, i.e., .jpeg, and can co-exist with a .jpg file.

JPEG and JPG Files Difference Between JPG and JPEG

Similarly, you can follow the same steps to convert a JPEG file to JPG. But remember, in Step 5, you should rename the file by adding a .jpg extension while converting JPEG to JPG.  

When to Use JPG/JPEG Images? (Best Use Cases)

In most casual cases, the size and quality between JPG and other popular file formats actually won’t matter much.

But if you’re using photos for sharing on the internet, the JPG/JPEG format suits the best. As we mentioned above, JPEG images are smaller in size, so they’re best for sharing.

Besides, JPG/JPEG is suitable for:

  • Photographs
  • Real-world photos
  • Web images

However, for the web assets like logos, graphics, images with transparent backgrounds, and other pics, you can feel the compression easily. So, it’s better not to use the JPG image file in such cases.

Also, avoid the JPG format for images with sharp illustrations, as the defined lines of such images tend to get blurred. 

Hence, JPG/JPEG is not suitable for:

  • Graphics
  • Illustrations
  • Logos
  • Images with transparent backgrounds

How to Convert Other Image Files to JPG or JPEG? 

Other than JPEG or JPG, more image file formats are in use. Some are PNG, GIF, BMP, TIFF, and so on. Now, if you have those image files, how would you convert them to JPG or JPEG? Don’t worry; we’ll talk about this as well.  

Usually, the method to convert other image files to JPG or JPEG is the same as that of converting JPG to JPEG. That’s true; you can open the image in Paint and use the Save As feature to save them in JPEG format.  

This method is also applicable to other image editors like Adobe Photoshop. You can find the Save As tab under the File in most editors.

Below, we’ve shown an example of converting a PNG image to a JPG file format in Adobe Photoshop CS3 – the tenth version of Adobe Photoshop

Photoshop CS3

First of all, open the PNG image file in Adobe Photoshop CS3.  

Open Image in Photoshop

Now, go to the File tab and click on Save As.  

Save as Option in Photoshop

You can now choose the JPEG extension and save the image in the desired location.

Choose JPEG Extension in Photoshop

The image editor also allows you to choose the compression level for the image. The lower quality indicates a small file size and vice-versa.  

Option for Image Quality in Photoshop

That’s all; now you can view the new image file with the JPG extension in the location where you saved the file. Similarly, you can convert the other image file into a JPG format.  

You can also use online tools or software like IMGCandy, Convertio, and so on to convert the image files to JPG or JPEG. Most of the tools are free, while some require you to pay some amount. 

JPG vs PNG  – What’s the Difference?

Now that we’ve mentioned PNG a number of times, you may be wondering about its difference from JPG. So, let’s talk about that.

Just like JPG, PNG is also a widely used image file format.

PNG (Portable Network Graphics) file was created in the 1990s as a replacement for Graphic Interchange Format (GIF) files. It was a huge advancement in those days as PNG could offer many shades and hues with higher resolution. 

PNG uses a “.png” file extension and is lossless compression. And that’s the main difference between PNG and JPG, as JPG is a lossy compression.

PNG Extension

Lossless compression is the one that undergoes compression by producing an image almost identical to the original image. Therefore, it’s a relatively high-quality graphics format as compared to JPG. Additionally, PNG handles detailed and high-contrast images without affecting the original quality.  

As you’ve read almost everything about JPG above, let’s conclude JPG vs PNG. A simple rule of thumb is JPG is best for storing ideal-world photographs with lots of colors. Also, it’s suitable for images where some loss in quality wouldn’t affect you much.

On the other hand, PNG is best for storing line art, images with a transparent background like logos, and graphics in small sizes. 

What is Image Compression? Why is it Necessary? 

After all the details about JPG, you might be thinking of using JPG images on your site. But you should also compress the JPG/JPEG images before using them on the websites. Here’s why.

Although JPG/JPEG images are already compressed, you can further compress them. That’s because images are larger as compared to plain text. As a result, it takes longer for the images to load on your website, slowing down your site.

You could use only plain text to speed up your website, but adding images makes your site more engaging. As you might have heard, the saying “A picture is worth a thousand words.”  

On the other hand, speed is an important aspect of every website. Whether for SEO ranking or user experience, a website with faster speed gets all the benefits. There is also a high chance of your site being penalized for taking longer to load.

Therefore, you’re left with the only option, i.e., compressing and using the images on your site.

Image optimization is a must if you own a WordPress site or any other website. It has little to no effect on image quality. It also makes the page speed fast and helps create a faster website.  

You can compress the images before or after uploading them to your website. If you want to compress the image and use it on your website, you can use free online tools like TinyPNG.

For instance, below you can see that the image file of size 50.6KB is compressed to 14.5KB with this tool.


Besides, for WordPress websites, there are plenty of options for image compression plugins that you can use. Some good examples are Smush, Imagify, Optimole, etc.

Many of such plugins are accessible for free from the WordPress repository, while others are available in the premium version.  

Wrapping It Up! 

That’s all on the JPEG vs JPG for now. We’re confident that now you know JPG and JPEG are the two abbreviations for the same thing and the only difference is the number of letters in their names.  

JPG file format was needed when the operating system supported only a 3-letter extension and was shortened from JPEG to JPG. But technically, JPG is the JPEG and vice versa.  

Therefore, it doesn’t matter whether you call it JPEG or JPG; they are used to reduce the image file size for efficient web viewing. And they’re the most common file format in the digital world.  

If you’ve still got time, you can also read about how to optimize images for WordPress and other articles from our blog page.  

Also, follow us on social platforms like Twitter and Facebook to get the latest updates.  


ThemeGrill Author

We are a team of SEO copywriters and editors who work both individually and in the team. ThemeGrill author is where one of the editors here is working on one project personally. Write to us @themegrill_blog in Twitter.

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