What is Drip Content? How to Create a Content Dripping Site? 

Last Updated: 12 mins By: ThemeGrill Author

Are you interested in learning about drip content and its usefulness? If so, you’re in for a treat. 

Drip content is a way of releasing your website’s content to the audience in a controlled or scheduled way over a period of time. 

This strategy is popular among learning management systems (LMS), membership sites, and even email marketing campaigns. However, understanding this feature might be difficult for those who have never used it. 

Thus, to address the question—what is drip content?—we’re here with a complete guide to drip content. 

What is Drip Content? 

Drip content is the method of delivering content to the user in batches over some pre-defined period. 

That means when you drip content, you don’t offer your content to the user all at once. Instead, you give them parts of your content until they have full access. 

It’s a kind of marketing strategy, just like TV series. You watch an episode in one week and wait until the next week to watch another. 

It’s popular among email newsletters, online courses, and subscription services. It keeps the audience engaged and, hence, increases revenue.

Here’s an example of drip content. Let’s say you own a learning management site (LMS) that offers a 10-week course on SEO with 10 modules. 

LMS Site

Now, if you drip content on your course, you can allow your students to access only the first module for the first week.

Simultaneously, as they complete one module, you can release the next module until all is covered. Thus, you can provide access to a new piece of content every week, every fortnight, or at any pre-defined time.

Meanwhile, you can decide how often you want to release your content by scheduling it.

Various marketing tools like SendinBlue, Drip, and HubSpot support content dripping for scheduling and automating drip content.

What are the Advantages of Using Drip Content on Your Site? 

Content dripping on your site is a win-win situation for publishers and users. It keeps users committed to your site and makes your content more engaging. 

Such an approach can offer many benefits, enhance your relationship with your audience, and simplify content management.

Here are some of the advantages of using drip content on your site: 

1. Boosts User Engagement 

One of the main aims of content drips is to boost user engagement. When you start releasing your materials as drip content, it creates a sense of excitement among users.  

They look forward to receiving new content, which keeps them returning to your site and engaging with it. Similarly, it gives the audience enough time to consume the content and reflect on them.

Quiz to Make the Content Interactive

Further, consistent content delivery over time can increase user retention rates. You also get the opportunity to know your audience, market your product, and increase revenue.

2. Helps Protect Your Content 

There’s always a chance of content theft in digital products, and the risk of resharing the content is unavoidable. 

Let’s say you offer all the content once the user signs up. Now, it isn’t a big deal for them to access the content and cancel the membership at any time, and that’s your loss. 

Also, if you have a policy of refunding, that’s an even worse case. What if a user signs up, downloads all the content, and then asks for a refund? 

But if you drip content, users have fewer chances to steal it.

Content Protection What is Drip Content

That’s because stealing only a portion of the content isn’t worth it.

Meanwhile, here are some security tips for your WordPress site that you can explore.

3. Improves User Experience

When you deliver your content by dripping, the user doesn’t feel overwhelmed with too much information at once. Instead, it makes their experience more enjoyable and less stressful.

You can also drip content by personalizing it according to the user’s interests and preferences. This relevant and valuable content encourages users to interact and keeps them interested.

To make it easier to access the content, you can drip content through email newsletters or some mobile apps.

Thus, providing content gradually and consistently will likely improve user experience.

4. Creates More Trust

When you start providing your content gradually, it assures users that you’re working carefully to create it. 

Publishing content consistently in every pre-defined time also gives you enough time to improve the quality of your work. 

It demonstrates that you’re committing to providing valuable content rather than trying to make a quick profit in a short period of time.  

Users can also feel a sense of authority and expertise in your work, eventually increasing trust.  

We hope that you got an answer to your question: What is drip content? Let’s now look at the difference between drip content and regular content:

What’s the Difference Between Drip Content and Regular Content? 

Drip content sequentially delivers content and is popular among email marketing, online courses, subscription services, coaching, membership sites, and more.

In contrast, regular content is made available to users all at once. You can fully access the content anytime you want once it’s released.

Understanding the difference between drip content and regular content can help you choose the right way to deliver content to your audience.

Here’s a breakdown of the key differences between these two approaches:

Drip Content Regular Content 
Delivered in small chunks over a defined period. Delivered all at once. 
The main idea is to engage the user with valuable information in the long run. Typically published at a specific time. 
Drip content is in the form of email newsletters, social media posts, online courses, etc.  Regular content might be articles, videos, podcasts, or any other form of content. 
Dripping content is a way of keeping users on your site. Regular content is a way of getting users to visit your site. 
Drip Content vs Regular Content

The decision to choose between these two types of content also depends on your goal, audience, and the nature of the content.

How to Create a Content Dripping Site? (Step-by-Step Guide)

As mentioned above, you can drip content through email, websites, podcasts, and so on. Hence, depending on the type of website, the process of setting up drip content may vary.

So, in this article, we’ll explore the content-dripping process for an LMS website. Here are the steps:

Step 1: Choose a Website Building Platform that Supports Content Dripping 

To start, you should decide on the platform on which you want to host your content. You might want to create a membership site, an LMS site, or something else. 

As we explore content dripping through an LMS site, not every LMS platform supports drip content. So, you should choose the platform carefully. 

Meanwhile, LMS platforms like WordPress, Squarespace, Wix, Teachable, etc., support content drip. 

WordPress is the best open-source platform for creating any website. Here, we’re using WordPress to create a dripping website. Official Page

The best part of WordPress is the themes and plugins. They let you use the template to build any website and add the required functionalities. It also offers several plugin options that let you drip content.

For a detailed guide, you can go through our tutorial on creating an LMS website in WordPress.

Step 2: Create and Set up Your Content Dripping Website

The next step is creating and setting up your website. As we’re using WordPress as an LMS, you should set up the website with courses and lessons.

For that, you need a LMS plugin. Masteriyo is one of the best LMS plugins with a Content Drip add-on. It also has all the features required to build an LMS website in any niche.

Masteriyo LMS Official Site

Major Highlights of Masteriyo LMS

  • Built on React JS for fast performance
  • In-built order system to accept payments via PayPal, Stripe, and more
  • Quiz builder, Q&A section, review system, and more.
  • Secured with Google reCAPTCHA, two-factor authentication, email verification, and more.
  • Seamless integration with the majority of page-builders
  • Compatible with all the LMS themes
  • Compatible with SEO and cache plugins

Content dripping becomes easy with a plugin like Masteriyo LMS. Simply buy the premium version of Masteriyo, install the plugin, and enable the Content Drip add-on from your dashboard.

Step 3: Create Your Content for Dripping

First, you must create the content for content dripping. This content can be video courses, lessons, or quizzes for an LMS site.

Likewise, it could be a series of blog posts, videos, infographics, etc. for other sites. These contents should align with your website’s niche and target audience and be structured similarly.

Thus, create the content gradually so that you can release it at a pre-defined time.

One of the perks of using Masteriyo is that it enables the creation of unlimited courses. On top of that, a single-page interface is a feature unique to Masteriyo that you won’t find in any other LMS plugins.

This feature lets you create a whole course from a single interface without switching between pages. Thus saving you time and energy.

For a detailed guide, refer to our article on adding lessons to the LMS website.

Step 5: Setup and Configure Drip Feed Content

As you create content, you can configure the settings for content dripping. In Masteriyo, you get four different options to determine the flow of your content.

Content Drip Settings How to Drip Feed Content in WordPress
Setting Options Offered By Masteriyo for Content Drip
  • Free: As the name suggests, this option allows users to jump from the first lesson/quiz to any other lessons/quizzes. In other words, the flow of the content is random in this option. 
  • Sequential: In this option, users need to move from the lessons/quizzes sequentially. That means they must complete the first lesson/quiz before accessing the second lesson/quiz. Otherwise, the lesson will appear locked. 
  • Date Selection: From here, you can select the desired date to unlock the lessons/quizzes. To enable Date Selection, choose this option first. You’ll be able to set a specific date and time from when the lesson will be unlocked for the students. Hence, the lessons/quiz will appear locked if the students try to access it before the date you’ve set. 
  • X Days From Enrollment: This allows you to make the content available to your students after X days from their enrollment. You can specify the exact number of days after which your students can access your course once they are enrolled.

You can select anyone depending on your needs. Thus, the courses will appear locked until a defined period as per the settings you’ve configured.

Lock Lesson Till Particular Date
Overview of the Lesson Being Locked After Content Dripping

As you complete setting up the entire website with drip content, you can publish your website, sell courses, and earn money.  

Step 5: Monitor the Performance of Your Drip Content

After releasing your content through drip, you should monitor its performance. This will tell you whether or not a drip campaign increases user engagement on your site.  

You can look at metrics like click-through rate, rate of conversion, and so on. It can help you analyze user behavior, ultimately enabling you to improve your content strategy.  

This is how you can drip-feed content on the LMS website. In a similar way, you can drip content on other websites.

Some FAQs Related to Drip Content 

What Types of Content Can Be Dripped? 

Dripping interactive content like quizzes, courses, podcasts, and polls is highly beneficial. However, you can also drip videos, articles, and other content. 

How Frequently Should I Drip Content? 

The frequency of drip content depends on the content you deliver and the target audience. For the best performance, it would be helpful to release the content and wait for users to digest it before releasing the following content. But you should also be aware that taking more time would reduce the audience’s interest. 

What are the Best WordPress Drip Content Plugins? 

Some of the best WordPress drip content plugins are Masteriyo, MemberPress, LearnDash, etc.  

What Does It Mean to Drip a Class? 

Dripping a class means gradually releasing its content over a defined period instead of giving students full access. Through drip content, you can release the course lessons one by one over a period of time.  

Which LMS Plugins Provide a Drip Content Feature? 

Various LMS plugins, such as Masteriyo, LearnDash, LearnPress, LifterLMS, and Sensei LMS, provide a drip content feature. 

Wrapping It Up! 

That’s all we have to say about – what is drip content and how to create a content dripping site. We’re confident that our detailed article clarifies the topic.  

In summary, drip content is the practice of releasing content in batches over time rather than all at once. It increases user interaction and engagement. You should give it a try!  

If you have any questions about drip content, please comment below. We’ll respond instantly. 

With that, we’ve come to the end of the article. If you want to explore more about WordPress and other related topics, visit our blog page.  

We frequently publish articles like how-to guides, theme and plugin collections, comparisons, and so on.  

Also, remember to follow us on Twitter and Facebook to get notified of our new articles and news.  

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ThemeGrill Author

We are a team of SEO copywriters and editors who work both individually and in the team. ThemeGrill author is where one of the editors here is working on one project personally. Write to us @themegrill_blog in Twitter.

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