The American presidency is being dismantled and destroyed by one man, and his name is not Biden

Do you have to be a racist to support Trump? No. But you have to be comfortable with his felonies, his lies, his hatefulness, his racist dog whistles; you have to be comfortable with Charlottesville and Jan. 6 and the trashing of norms; you have to be comfortable with a leader whose political power began in, and survives today in, the roots of racism.

Where is the competency test for that?

Click here to read full story, no paywall.

Gentlemen, you’re late for your tee time


If you have talked to me in the last six months, I have told you I’m worried that Donald Trump will be re-elected in November due to lack of voter turnout, or that he will insist the election was rigged/stolen, demanding recounts, drawn-out legal proceedings, and even calling for violence to install himself in the Oval Office.

To quote Elton John:

Keep your auditions for somebody
Who hasn’t got so much to lose
‘Cause you can tell by the lines I’m reciting
That I’ve seen that movie too.

Joe Biden is a good person who has done an excellent job as president these last four years. Donald Trump is a proudly dumb, pathological liar, fraud, and convicted felon who has never once shown he has policies or even understands policies. These are facts.

But today I want to focus on one telling exchange from last night’s debate as reported by the Associated Press.

“Answering a question about his fitness, Trump, who would be 82 at the end of a second term, bragged that he was in “very good shape” and had recently won two championships at one of his golf courses. “To do that, you have to be quite smart and you have to be able to hit the ball a long way,” Trump said.

Biden, he said, “can’t hit a ball 50 yards.”

Biden then touted his own golf abilities. “I got my handicap, when I was vice president, down to six,” Biden said. He again challenged Trump to a golf match, but only if Trump carried his bag of clubs himself.”

If two women were running for president — no matter their age — would they be on a national debate stage talking about (lying about?) their handicaps and which of them could beat the other in a round of golf?

They would not.

Think for a moment what last night might have looked like if, say, the debate had been between Nikki Haley and Gavin Newsom? Asa Hutchinson and Gretchen Whitmer?

And while the Republican Party has shamefully thrown all in on Trump, the Democrats have potential and impressive choices.

Kamala Harris is 59.
Gavin Newsom is 56.
Gretchen Whitmer is 52.
Josh Shapiro is 51.
Andy Beshear is 46.
Wes Moore is 45.

The national Democratic convention is still weeks away.

Joe Biden will be 86 at the end of the next presidency. Donald Trump will be 82. They should be mentoring the next generation of leaders and enjoying retirement.

If they were playing golf, they would be taking mulligans, picking up 6 foot putts, not sharing a cart (and not carrying their own clubs). Donald would be cheating because he is a cheater. And Joe, being a genuinely good guy, would tip both caddies and insist on buying lunch.

Skip the debate

A handful of centrist Democrats have informed me that they are going to vote for Trump in November because Biden is too old.

A few thoughts.

First, they are both too old to run for president so this point is moot.

Joe Biden has been in public office for decades. We know exactly who he is.

We also know who Donald Trump is, but in case you have forgotten, here are a few reminders.

Donald is a racist. For years he lied that President Obama was a Kenyan Muslim without an American birth certificate. He told these lies because Obama is black. And the press treated his birtherism lies like they were worthy of debate. They were not. But in allowing that debate the national political press corp, shamefully, gave the debate over birtherism credibility.

Donald treats women with disdain (grab ‘em by the pussy) and does not care what happens to your wives or daughters if they are impregnated when raped.

Donald did not secure the southern border when he was president and did not allow a deal to go through this year to secure the border. Why? Because he does not care about the border; he only cares about talking about the border.

Donald is not a conservative, a patriot, or respectful of American institutions. He ran up the national debt, repeatedly shows he does not understand tariffs, is openly disrespectful of congress and the judiciary, and was widely disrespected and mocked on the world stage.

Donald does not respect the military, the police, or the rule of law.

There is zero evidence that Donald cares about — or even thinks about — education, healthcare, the economy, religion, science, or the arts.

Donald has never met with nor spoken to a former living president, Republican or Democrat.

Donald still lies that the 2020 election was stolen. It was not. He lost.

Donald has been calling the press, who continues to publicize his remarks, ‘fake news’ and ‘enemy of the people.’ This is a lie.

Donald fomented a violent insurrection in order to stay in power. He did not care if his Vice President was killed in the process.

Donald stole classified national security documents and, when repeatedly asked to return them, refused.

Donald did not allow for a peaceful transfer of power in January 2021. He did not invite the Bidens to the White House, his people did not meet with the incoming administration, and he did not attend the inauguration in which the entire city of Washington DC had to be fenced off and shut down for security reasons due to his rhetoric.

Donald’s own senior staff — Bill Barr, John Kelly, and many others — consistently report that he has no policies and is not only unfit for office but a danger to the office.

Donald is a convicted felon and adjudicated rapist whose threatening language has caused judges and their families, attorneys, and private citizens to need a security detail.

Donald and his pundits use the media — including social media like Facebook and Twitter — to keep his name and constant antics in the news cycle, in effect drowning out any kind of helpful debate.

I could go on, but this leads me to Thursday’s debate.

There is no reason to watch the debate. There is no reason to watch the 24/7 media circus around the debate.

The debate is irrelevant.

You know the candidates.

Vote accordingly.

Feeling stuffy in that echo chamber?

When I see powerful Kentucky lawmakers — Damon Thayer, Robby Mills, etc — on Twitter/X and elsewhere complaining about their coverage, I am reminded of the wise words of writer Anne Lamott: “If people wanted you to write warmly about them, they should have behaved better.” 

Today I’m reporting, as my editor says, from the Kroger parking lot. Read here, no paywall.

The senator’s office is very, very small, and other tales

Screenshot – LRC Public Information – Feb. 29, 2024 – I sit behind KY state senator Max Wise as he presents Senate Bill 2, holding up his fist to insist that no one had contacted him to speak against the bill.

When a bad bill comes along, they tell us we can fight it: Call your representatives! Get as many people to email them as you can! Meet with them! Tell them why you’re against the bill! Call every day! Your calls and emails and meetings matter!


Does calling, emailing and going to meetings make us feel better? Yes. But does it really make a difference? Because by the time they meet in January, Senate and House leadership already have a plan and, with rare exception, have chosen the winners and losers. The rest is just theatre.

Click here to read. No paywall.


Hello Summer Readers!

Here’s my current stack of books. And yes, you’re looking at 4 from Gregg Hurwitz’s “Orphan X” series which combine some of my favorite, chilled-out reading: spy-like thriller, great writing, original main character, totally unpredictable.

In other, though maybe related, news I’ve logged out of social media entirely.

I might pop back into Facebook now and then to check on family and friends, but I recently decided I can either be outraged and irritated on Twitter (which is too-often awful and a terrible time-suck) or I can write a book.

I’m choosing the book.

While I’ll still write the occasional political column (there’s one coming out tomorrow, I think) I am now several months into telling a longer, more complicated story which is often fun, completely unmanageable, exhausting, and satisfying enough to just keep going.

Here’s to summer, to reading, to writing, to dogs and cats and swimming in the lake.

Some legacy


Kentucky Senate floor leader Damon Thayer still fancies himself an old school, Reagan Republican, but the truth is he sold his Reagan card on the black market long ago, leaving Kentuckians to clean up the mess he helped make for decades to come.

Read here. No paywall.

The Big Bag of Meanness

I set out to write a story about Gov. Kristi Noem — potential VP pick for Trump — but I don’t have it in me.

I can’t do it. I can’t go there. I can’t spend my mental currency, my heart (thank God, I still have my heart) on that lurid level of poison. We all have our limits and this is mine.

But this is the state of American politics.

It seems centuries ago since writer Adam Serwer coined “the cruelty is the point” in 2018, the early Trump days. But here we are, exhausted by it. Drowning in it. The cruelty, the meanness, really is the point, isn’t it.

Forget sex. Sex no longer sells. Meanness does.

And meanness is the Republican Party’s brand.


Kristi Noem did not just shoot her puppy. Let’s be clear on that.

Kristi Noem, a GOP leader, the governor of South Dakota, bragged about shooting her puppy, saying she hated the puppy and was sick of the puppy not training himself. She bragged about throwing her dying puppy alone, into a gravel pit, because she thinks a story about hating and shooting a puppy and throwing his body away like trash is what sells.

Kristi Noem thinks this level of meanness is what it takes to get Trump’s attention.

And she’s probably right.

From South Dakota to Washington DC to Kentucky, the Republican Party’s specific brand of meanness is now in our water supply and we are all drinking it, whether we want to or not.

Here in Kentucky, GOP leaders like Senate President Robert Stivers and Senate Floor Leader Damon Thayer might not be shooting puppies, but they are on the meanness train, too.


The men we expect to be above it all, to be statesmen, to lead, regardless of party, proudly and viciously snarl and wag their fingers at fellow lawmakers to prove they are, by God, mean enough to lead.

The sexism, the lying, the racism, the horrifying bills they shove through with enraged glee.

You wanna see “mean” they seem to be saying, fist in the air like the cliche of a mean drunk. By God, we’ll show you “mean.”


Men like KY House Majority Whip Jason Nemes — what in the hell happened to Jason Nemes? we all ask, didn’t he used to be normal? — now spend the bulk of their legislative currency twisting with indignant anger, shaking fists, yelling, hawking hateful, cruel, expensive bills with questionable data … and how dare anyone question them.


Meanness, man.

Meanness is where it’s AT.

Meanness sells.

And the bigger the bag of meanness the better.

Trumpism — and the cruelty and meanness that comes with him — is today’s GOP brand, and leaders from Kristi Noem to Robert Stivers to Damon Thayer to Jason Nemes are tripping over themselves to get their name on the list.

Trump is both their leader and their hero.

The cruelty is the point.

The meanness is the point.

Meanness is the means to power.

And if it takes bragging about shooting a puppy and throwing that puppy’s body into a gravel pit to prove it, sign ‘em up.