Template linking and transclusion check

Checks and reports which articles that transcludes a template that are not linked from the template, and which articles that are linked from a template but do not transclude it.

Results for Template:New York City Government (edit)

Mismatch between transclusions and links
Transclusion but no linkLink but no transclusion

Total: 16
New York City Hall (edit)
New York City water supply system (edit)
Bronx Community Board 11 (edit)
New York City courts (edit)
New York City Police Department corruption and misconduct (edit)
New York City Marshal (edit)
New York City Department of Juvenile Justice (edit)
List of New York City borough halls and municipal buildings (edit)
New York City Administrative Code (edit)
New York City Rules (edit)
New York City Public Design Commission (edit)
New York City Procurement Policy Board (edit)
New York City Civil Service Commission (edit)
New York City Tax Appeals Tribunal (edit)
New York City Office of Collective Bargaining (edit)
New York City Loft Board (edit)

Total: 14
Boroughs of New York City (edit)
Brooklyn (edit)
Government of Brooklyn (edit) Brooklyn (edit)
Government of Manhattan (edit) Manhattan (edit)
Government of Queens (edit) Queens (edit)
Government of Staten Island (edit) Staten Island (edit)
Government of the Bronx (edit) The Bronx (edit)
List of borough presidents of New York City (edit)
Manhattan (edit)
New York City Board of Education (edit) New York City Panel for Educational Policy (edit)
New York City School Chancellor (edit) New York City Schools Chancellor (edit)
Queens (edit)
Staten Island (edit)
The Bronx (edit)

 Links to redirects

Total: 10
Borough President (edit) Borough president (edit)
Government of Brooklyn (edit) Brooklyn (edit)
Government of Manhattan (edit) Manhattan (edit)
Government of Queens (edit) Queens (edit)
Government of Staten Island (edit) Staten Island (edit)
Government of the Bronx (edit) The Bronx (edit)
New York City Board of Education (edit) New York City Panel for Educational Policy (edit)
New York City Department of Youth & Community Development (edit) New York City Department of Youth and Community Development (edit)
New York City Health and Hospitals Corporation (edit) NYC Health + Hospitals (edit)
New York City School Chancellor (edit) New York City Schools Chancellor (edit)


Complete report...

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