Template linking and transclusion check

Checks and reports which articles that transcludes a template that are not linked from the template, and which articles that are linked from a template but do not transclude it.

Results for Template:Fandom (edit)

Mismatch between transclusions and links
Transclusion but no linkLink but no transclusion

Total: 11
Harry Potter fandom (edit)
MomoCon (edit)
Legal issues with fan fiction (edit)
Unofficial Buffy the Vampire Slayer productions (edit)
Moe anthropomorphism (edit)
Jack Speer (edit)
Fantasy Fan (edit)
Detroit Triple Fan Fair (edit)
List of defunct comic book conventions (edit)
Buffering the Vampire Slayer (edit)
Kemonā (edit)

Total: 31
Autograph (edit)
Autograph collecting (edit)
Beatlemania (edit)
Boy racer (edit)
Cosplay (edit)
Cruising (driving) (edit)
Cultural impact of Star Wars (edit)
Deadhead (edit)
Doctor Who fandom (edit)
Doujin (edit)
Doujin music (edit)
Doujin soft (edit)
Doujinshi (edit)
Doujinshi convention (edit)
Fan edit (edit)
Fan translation (edit)
Fanspeak (edit)
Furry convention (edit)
Game club (edit) Club (organization) (edit)
Hot rod (edit)
Import scene (edit)
Kustom Kulture (edit)
Odagiri effect (edit)
Parrothead (edit) Jimmy Buffett (edit)
Stargate fandom (edit)
Supercar Season (edit)
Swifties (edit)
Twilight fandom (edit)
Ultras (edit)
Video game modding (edit)
Waifu (edit) Glossary of anime and manga (edit)

 Links to redirects

Total: 7
Anime convention (edit) Anime and manga convention (edit)
Game club (edit) Club (organization) (edit)
List of anime conventions (edit) List of anime and manga conventions (edit)
Parrothead (edit) Jimmy Buffett (edit)
Sports fan (edit) Fan (person) (edit)
Stan (fan) (edit) Fan (person) (edit)
Waifu (edit) Glossary of anime and manga (edit)


Complete report...

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