AVIF, WebP Converter


CompressX is a free, lightweight and simple Webp & AVIF conversion and compression plugin for WordPress websites. It helps you to easily convert JPG and PNG images to WebP and AVIF formats, and compress WebP and AVIF images. The AVIF and WebP conversion is performed locally on the web server.

Core Features

1. Convert AVIF & Compress AVIF

Convert jpg, png, and WebP images on your WordPress website to AVIF format, and compress AVIF images according to the compression level you set.
If the original image is already in AVIF format which is supported since WordPress 6.5, the original AVIF image will only be compressed.

2. Convert WebP & Compress WebP

Convert jpg, png images on your WordPress website to WebP format, and compress WebP images according to the compression level you set.
If the original image is already in WebP format which is supported since WordPress 5.8, the original WebP image will only be compressed.

3. Exclude Folders

Select specific folders in your media library and prevent images inside them from being processed.

4. Custom Folders

Select folders that are in the wp-content folder but outside the Uploads (media library) and process images inside them.

5. Auto-Process New Images

Automatically convert new images uploaded to a WordPress website to WebP/AVIF format and compress WebP/AVIF images upon upload.

6. Auto-Remove Large Images

Automatically remove converted AVIF/WebP images when they are larger than original images.

7. Restore Original Images

Your images will be reverted to their original state and all AVIF/WebP images and data in the database generated by CompressX will be removed when CompressX is uninstalled.

Minimum Requirements to use CompressX

  • Character Encoding UTF-8
  • PHP version 7.0
  • MySQL version 4.1
  • WordPress 5.8


Install CompressX

1.Go to your sites admin dashboard.
2.Navigate to Plugins Menu and search for CompressX.
3.Find CompressX and click Install Now.
4. Click Activate.

Vanliga frågor

What does CompressX do?

CompressX converts JPG/PNG images on your WordPress website to WebP and AVIF formats, and compress WebP and AVIF images locally, for free!

Does CompressX convert AVIF? Is it a free feature?

Yes, CompressX supports AVIF conversion and compression, the AVIF conversion and compression feature is completely free.

Does CompressX convert WebP? Is it a free feature?

Yes, CompressX supports WebP conversion and compression, the WebP conversion and compression feature is completely free.

Do you provide support for CompressX? Where?

Yes, absolutely. Whenever you need help, start a thread on the support forum or contact us.

Do you have any get-started guides/docs?

Yes, we do. Here is a tutorial for you to quickly get started with CompressX.


25 juli 2024 1 svar
It’s all new, but I believe this can go far ! I was looking for a plugin with free AVIF conversion, and locally hosted (a lot of images plugins use their servers to compress, that’s why a lot of them are expensive).Awesome support, totally free (for now ?), does the same thing as the famous Media Converter, but with free AVIF. Take my 5/5 rating ;)EDIT : Oh no wait, it does more than media converter, allowing you to set a max width / height on your images :fire:
20 juli 2024 1 svar
need improvement but grat plugin
Läs alla 2 betyg

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  • Fixed a bug where AVIF output format could not be enabled.
  • Fixed some bugs in the plugin code.
  • Optimized the plugin code.


  • Fixed a bug in the plugin code.
  • Optimized the plugin code.


  • Fixed a critical bug in the plugin code.
  • Optimized the plugin code.


  • Fixed a critical bug in the plugin code.
  • Optimized the plugin code.


  • Added a check for the case where multiple image optimization plugins are activated.
  • Fixed some bugs in the plugin code.
  • Optimized the plugin code.
  • Successfully tested with WordPress 6.6.


  • Initial release. Hello world!