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Cost Calculator Builder, Others
Quick Tips to Improve Your WordPress Website Performance

Quick Tips to Improve Your WordPress Website Performance

Are you struggling to improve your WordPress website performance? Let’s discuss the importance of a fast-loading WordPress website and the 7 quick tips to speed up your WordPress website for enhancing your user experience as well as SEO rankings. Here...

WordCamp Asia 2024 Insights: Embracing Opportunities and Unforgettable Moments

Back from Taiwan at last! Let me tell you about my experience at WordCamp Asia 2024 in Taipei. My visit to WordCamp Asia this year proved to be even more productive in terms of seeking and finding partners for greater...
Others, Others, Others
CDN vs Caching: The Differences Explained

CDN vs Caching: The Differences Explained (2024 Guide)

CDN and caching are two crucial aspects of website performance optimization.  While they serve different purposes, when combined, they can greatly enhance the speed and responsiveness of a website.  In this article, we will explore the similarities and differences between...

Fa-boo-lous Halloween with StylemixThemes: Spooky Discounts on Our Plugins and Themes

How to get a better online presence and give a better experience for your users? A question everyone seeks to find an answer, always. Website improvements aren’t always a treat. No matter who you are, a busy corporation or a...

How to Make WordPress Websites Safer: Tips and Insights with Igor Ligay, CEO of StylemixThemes

Is your WordPress website’s security keeping you up at night? In a digital world filled with threats, it’s very important to safeguard your website.  Igor Ligay, CEO of StylemixThemes, recently participated in an exclusive interview with SafetyDetectives and told how...
Interview withIgor Ligay

Behind the Scenes: Interview with Igor Ligay on Website Planet

This time we have got something special for you. Our brilliant leader, CEO, and founder of StylemixThemes, coding WordPress expert and entrepreneur, Igor Ligay, recently had an amazing interview with Roberto Popolizio over at Website Planet. What is the best...
Others, Uncategorized
WordCamp US 2023

WordCamp US 2023: Impressions and Insights

It’s been over a month since we attended WordCamp US 2023, and now let me share a brief story of our experience at this gorgeous event. In this story we will try to uncover our goals for attending, what WordCamp...

What is a WordPress Archive Page? 

An Archive page acts as a guide that helps readers navigate through all the stuff on the website. It’s like a map that organizes old posts into groups based on the type, category, and tags of the posts. When and...
WordPress 20 Year Anniversary

WordPress 20-Year Anniversary: Celebrating Two Decades of Empowering the Web

As WordPress reaches its 20th anniversary, it’s time to celebrate this remarkable journey. Over the past two decades, WordPress has grown from a simple blogging platform to a powerful content management system that powers millions of websites worldwide. In this...
WordPress 6.2

What is New in WordPress 6.2

Are you a WordPress user and interested in the new release of WordPress 6.2? Have you been waiting impatiently to hear what is new with this version? Well, it’s here! After months of anticipation, WordPress has finally released their latest...