Jul 10, 2024

"tumblr's dead" until it's time to steal text posts, gifs and fan art then suddenly they know where to go.

Jul 10, 2024


I just love how the difference between these images SO encapsulates the difference in vibe between SNW and TOS.

I’m genuinely sorry, glistening-tits-buff-Spock-with-manly-sleek-interior-design-choices-and-scantily-clad-bethrothed-in-background-who-you-rather-explicitly-raw-and-cheat-on, you could only attain the level of unadulterated cunt that is TOS Spock and his weird campy artifact-filled bedroom in your DREAMS.

Jul 9, 2024

house and wilson decide the only thing stopping them from dating is that neither of them is a woman so they start secretly dosing each other with estrogen and slipping in she/hers in regards to each other until one of them notices and then it’s a race to see who can forcefem the other one the fastest and the winner gets to be the man

I feel like tumblr is giving me a very skewed idea of what House M.D is about.

#not really no. as far as posts about house go this one's pretty accurateALT

I'm scared to ask

Jul 9, 2024

I'm just saying, "We created a computer to make decisions for us, but it assimilated all of the bias that was implicit in the dataset and now makes incredibly racist decisions that we don't question because computers are logical and don't make mistakes" literally sounds like a planet-of-the-week morality play on the original Star Trek.

Jul 9, 2024

would he fucking say that? let's investigate.

update: i investigated a little too hard. this oneshot is now 6.3k words long

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