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Yuu's user avatar
  • Member for 6 years, 9 months
  • Last seen this week
2 votes

React - redirect page to show data modifications?

2 votes

How to make the seconds hand move only forward on the clock?

2 votes

How can I use variable in useState hook in react?

2 votes

what's the difference between <a> and <button> and <Link> from react-router-dom?

1 vote

JavaScript IntelliSense on React component sub-functions does not work

1 vote

Problem updating select field with data from API

1 vote

native ECMAScript module configuration file causes unit test to fail

1 vote

Can a custom hook with private state trigger re-render of its parent component?

1 vote

Button label which has ← at the left

1 vote

Updating state in React is causing abnormal results from setInterval function

1 vote

AddEventListener only working with console log inside

1 vote

Performance implications using useReducer and context

1 vote

How can I show or hide a div as I toggle an element from a list?

1 vote

input type="color" space between border and selected color

1 vote

How to solve Strict Mode Re-render issue

1 vote

Data is showing up in console but not in screen or in DOM

1 vote

How to map a List of items 'n' times, but loop back to the beginning each time

0 votes

How to call an importe function javascript and vuejs?

0 votes

React JS google map not refreshing upon selecting a new location from search

0 votes

How to test component functionality in jest

0 votes

2 javascript functions using localStorage causing troubles

0 votes

setListImg is not accepting the blob values

0 votes

How to use this.props.history.push in React v6

0 votes

useState updates but when i call the state afterwards it is the previous version?

0 votes

Javascript Front-end is not completing Axios post request

0 votes

setState not triggering a re-render when data has been modified(state type is variable)

0 votes

How to trigger rerender if the `ref` object has changed

0 votes

Cannot view webpage that is being hosted by localhost

0 votes

Jquery popup open and closes all at the same time, need to make it independent

0 votes

React state not being set after specific action