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The 2024 Developer Survey results are live! See the results
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Luke L's user avatar
Luke L
  • Member for 29 days
  • Last seen this week
  • San Diego, United States
3 votes

Python object creation behavior

2 votes

Declaring a variable of unknown value in Python

2 votes

How to initialise a list defined at the class level from a common method outside of the class in python?

2 votes

What impacts the performance more, several if statements or a print?

1 vote

is this an example of Encapsulation in python

1 vote

Is it possible to change the return value of a function with pdb?

1 vote

RecursionError when calling math.dist()

1 vote

Why won't my tkinter code to open a file work?

1 vote

Trouble making a simple, number guessing game

0 votes

use different y values defined in another file

0 votes

How to convert a time string measured in 24 hours cycle to 12 hours cycle?

0 votes

I keep getting the "couldn't recognize data in image file" error in my python project

0 votes

Why code works different at IDE and Console?

0 votes

Import creates unexpected references to objects depending on whether a module is a file, or when it is part of a package

0 votes

I have a Code Issue in Python Time Formatting Function

0 votes

Python using variables in module

0 votes

Internals of the __get__ method in Python

0 votes

ValueError: invalid literal for int() with base 16: b'0f 18 ' in Python with GATT

0 votes

How to incorporate argparse into a python function with two arguments

0 votes

How do I loop back to the beginning from the end of a list?

0 votes

How to implement an array data structure from scratch in python?

0 votes

How to use the same context manager across different methods?

0 votes

If use to compare to different columns of 2 dataframes and then multiply for a value if the condition if fulfill

0 votes

Is it possible to change the return value of a function with pdb?

0 votes

Python : ModuleNotFoundError: No module named ...?

0 votes

How does Python know that the comma in the lambda function does not indicate another parameter of map fun

0 votes

Shorten my script when iterating through a list

0 votes

ValueError: Wrong number of items passed 9, placement implies 1

0 votes

What is the best way to have different entry points for a list of iterative commands?

0 votes

Assignment works with no __setitem__ defined