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Radioactive's user avatar
Swiftui main
  • Member for 2 years, 3 months
  • Last seen this week
2 votes

iPhone keyboard dissapear and appear again when switching between fields with onTapGesture(hideKeyboard)

2 votes

swift conversion from TimeInterval to Int

1 vote

Cannot call mutating async function 'create' on actor-isolated property 'dataService'

1 vote

How to animate a menu from circle to oval like this?

1 vote

Cannot drag again after dropping an element

1 vote

Protocol requirements

1 vote

SwiftUI springy scale "pop" transition

1 vote

How can I prevent lazy collections from excessively re-evaluating conditional child views?

1 vote

Set the background colour of a view based off a gradient scale

1 vote

NavigationStack with .navigationDestination doesn't works for me

1 vote

Swift Charts how do I set the column thickness?

1 vote

SwiftUI refreshable never dismisses

0 votes

SwiftUI textfield not clearing when autocorrected

0 votes

Deleting an item from sorted array with index number deletes the wrong one in a ForEach

0 votes

How to add green background to the card before removing it. iOS application (Set Game)

0 votes

@Published property wrapper doesn't allow tuple sets

0 votes

Stop List From Covering Background Color

0 votes

How to convert AdMob `GADFullScreenContentDelegate` to Swift 6 concurrency