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Kerry7777's user avatar
Kerry7777's user avatar
Web Designer
  • Member for 12 years, 3 months
  • Last seen more than a month ago
332 votes

How to make Bootstrap cards the same height in card-columns?

26 votes

Override browser form-filling and input highlighting with HTML/CSS

24 votes

How can I make an SVG scale with its parent container?

4 votes

Bootstrap 4 alpha5 carousel fade

2 votes

CSS transform-origin moving origin the wrong way

1 vote

Unable to resize image by percentage for slider banner

1 vote

Bootstrap columns is correct in chrome but it doesn't render in Internet Explorer 11.?

1 vote

Vertically align input + font icon inside div?

1 vote

Space appearing beneath SVG (only in Google Chrome)

1 vote

Safely use all vertical space minus X pixels, on mobile, without vh?

1 vote

Pure CSS to make font-size responsive based on dynamic amount of characters

1 vote

A way to float inline elements *below* their container

1 vote

create CSS grid without writing a div for each cell

0 votes

how to create a slanted transparent shape with background image?

0 votes

How to convert meters into feet and inches

0 votes

Centering the div input element in html/css

0 votes

CSS step over or skip alternating div class :nth-of-type or :nth-child

0 votes

JavaScript Mouse Position Clip Path Effect With CSS Variables Bubbling

0 votes

Twitter Bootstrap: Center Pills

0 votes

How to stop Bootstrap 4 slider images from moving position on slide when background-attachment:fixed applied? (Parallax effect)

0 votes

Changing color navbar bootstrap when Scroll

0 votes

Simple Unit Testing - Parse Invalid Input To Throw Error C# Visual Studio

-1 votes

How to account for a fixed nav when using scrollIntoView() with smooth scrolling enabled?

-1 votes

Bootstrap card image distorted in Internet Explorer

-2 votes

Firefox not rendering svg properly