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Create a simple vertical line on gantt chart from react-google-charts

I want to create a vertical red line on the current date on my gantt chart in react. See the example here. Additionally, I'd like to get all completed tasks and partial fills to be dark grey. I wasn't ...
Rogério Gouvêa's user avatar
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Highchart xrange chart looks different in React code than in javascript code and does not take yAxis categories as it does in javascript code snippet

My requirement is to get xrange chart working/understanding using highcharts library I am following a jsfiddle
Rohit Mittal's user avatar
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control width of event bar in FullCalendar resourceTimeline view

I am using FullCalendar v6. I am showing 6 months data in Calendar and each slot is of 1 month.I am creating the event of 10 days and it's taking the whole month slot's width but I want that if event ...
Shubham's user avatar
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Show "Year" header row in FullCalendar resourceTimelineWeek view

I am using FullCalendar v6. I need to show Years in one header row and in another header row month name. Currently, it's showing single header row to show month name. Below is my code: <...
Shubham's user avatar
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What could be causing the 'Received NaN for the width attribute' error in gantt-task-react while adding tasks dynamically in React?

Received NaN for the `width` attribute. If this is expected, cast the value to a string. at rect at g at BarDisplay2 (
Satyam Tiwari's user avatar
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Customized Calendar view using @fullcalendar/react NPM package

I need to integrate the calendar view in react application which will show the activities and under each activity we will have multiple tasks. I am attaching the screenshot of my requirement. Can you ...
Shubham's user avatar
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gantt-task-react: Convert Date to specific format(DD/MM/YYYY) and return as Date Object

I am using gantt-task-react with typescript, facing an issue while displaying the date in the required format(DD/MM/YYYY) I am able to convert the date using dayjs and other conversion methods, but ...
Dora07's user avatar
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Grouping Gantt chart elements with the same field value on the same line

I can't get something Please take a look at the picture I have attached below Gantt And I already have absolutely all the values ​​​​to display this chart, and it even turns out like this, as shown in ...
Елена М's user avatar
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Dxhtml Gantt chart in reactjs

When I try to add a subtask A after a subtask B which has add button when I hit the button the subtask A is getting added inside subtask B which makes subtask B as a parent of subtask A but I need ...
AJ Ajith's user avatar
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How do I add a gap between series in Highcharts Gantt?

I've got a Gantt chart: And I'd like to add an horizontal gap between all series (1 and 2 in this case). I've tried to use the groupPadding but with no success: Highcharts.ganttChart('container', { ...
SixtyEight's user avatar
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Property 'form_blocks' does not exist on type 'GanttStatic'

I have isse when I want to implement multi select input in my project react typescript. Property 'form_blocks' does not exist on type 'GanttStatic'. how to fix it. could any one help me please gantt....
Septe Shetia's user avatar
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How to draw a complex Gantt chart in react?

I am trying to build a gantt chart, wherein a single row can have multiple horizontal boxes. Something as shown in the below image. image-1. I have explored following react packages, but seems no one ...
Yogesh Gupta's user avatar
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Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'replace') in Syncfusion Gantt

I'm using the GanttComponent (from @syncfusion/ej2-react-gantt) in my app inside one of my react stateless component functions since quite a long time without any issue. My teammates keep changing ...
Bardelman's user avatar
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Is Split Task functionality available in React Version of Dhtmlx Gantt Chart?

The problem i am facing is displaying more than one task in a same row. But the default structure of Gantt Chart is to show task in individual rows infront of task name. We have customize the ...
Muhammad Wasif's user avatar
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Rows not showing in syncfusion gantt when enableVirtualization={true}

I got the issue in my app when setting enableVirtualization to true but i also could reproduce it here in this stackblitz. As you can see in this screenshot , rows are not showing on the initial ...
Bardelman's user avatar
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