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Questions tagged [clip-path]

A CSS property that makes it possible to specify a specific region of an object to display.

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HTML and CSS only mask overlay, is it possible?

How to create a CSS-only overlay over images or other HTML elements? Something like this: All examples found until now suggest assigning a background and using a mix of either masks or clip-paths ...
Void's user avatar
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Custom rounded shape CSS

I'm trying to draw a custom shape with rounded corners using CSS. Below is an image of what I have so far, but as you can see the rounded corners aren't completely working. Attempt at custom shape I'...
twag123's user avatar
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Clip-Path Text Around Quarter Circle (CSS)

I'd like to achieve a text wrapping effect around a quarter circle in the top left corner of a div using CSS clip-path and shape-outside properties. Currently, my code successfully clips a half circle,...
Sanxofon's user avatar
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Clip-path: how to create a circle that paints clockwise?

How can I do an animation where there a circle that is not visible, then a circle paints clockwise like below until the whole circle is visible? The code below works great for 0% - 25% as it smoothly ...
John McGellan's user avatar
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Let overlay div become visible through clip-path circle transition / animation

I have two <div>s that fill the entire page. The first div (blue) is shown initially and the second one (yellow) is hidden (display:none). If I click on the blue div, I want to show the yellow ...
MrSnrub's user avatar
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Grid layout & clip-path help (disappearing middle image)

I'm am currently exploring clip-path. I'm having some trouble with a grid layout and disappearing image. I have three images in a div called .gallery. I want them to: Display next to each other ...
Yehudis Freedman's user avatar
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SVG element won't render within space of another SVG element using clipPath & path

I'm trying to make an SVG element render within another given SVG element using path and clipPath attributes. Specifically, I'm trying to the character's pupil to render within the player's eyes and ...
Emmanuel Exiga's user avatar
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Clip Path height/objectBoundingBox not working Firefox

I have an effect on my site which uses a clip-path in the form of a wave like so: <svg class="svg" width="0" height="0" preserveAspectRatio="xMidYMid meet"&...
Mr Toad's user avatar
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Using clipPath changes the size of the paths for an SVG

I'm encountering an issue where my SVG shrinks when I apply a clipPath to it. Despite setting the clipPathUnits to userSpaceOnUse to ensure that the clip path coordinates align with the SVG’s viewBox, ...
BMarshall's user avatar
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clip-path change in runtime in Javascript

I am able to change the clipPath property of an element at runtime. But I am not able to change the property value using a variable incremented in timer. How to allocate the value of x to these two ...
Katoch's user avatar
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Custom shape with clip-path

div { position: fixed; bottom: 0; background-color: green; height: 50vh; width: 100vw; } <div></div> Is it possible to do this kind of shape with clip-path and svg? I ...
Sheppard25's user avatar
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Get rounded corner while using a border created with clip-path

I am trying to create the following shape ( right now i am using a clip-path to create the border, because of the corner in the bottom-right. however i am having a ...
Shelas's user avatar
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SVG Clip Mask Over Video Not Displaying in Safari

I successfully created an SVG clip mask using a company logo that is supposed to be used as a mask over a video montage. However, it works in every browser except for Safari. I have scoured this site ...
CLD's user avatar
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Image with Clip-path Animated

I'm having issues trying to animate the clip-path while the image remains unmoved. svg { transition: 2s; transform: matrix(3, 2, -2, 3, 0, 0); } <div> <svg version="1.1" id="...
Keith's user avatar
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how to make curved from the top Flutter bottom navigation bar

I want to make this curved bottom nav bar in Flutter but what I'm getting is this I'm using ClipRRect to do it but it's not what I need, and here is my code bottomNavigationBar: Container( ...
Husamuldeen Abdlrahman's user avatar
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Clip image inside of enclosed letters

I'm trying to clip an image inside of a letter/number (in this case 0). This can ofcourse be hardcoded with a simple clip path, but this will make responsiveness and text size a lot more complicated ...
Menno Veerkamp's user avatar
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How to remove unwanted gaps between clip'ed DIVs using clip-path?

I'm trying to build a sort of selection menu in the form of a ring. For this I use CSS clip-paths. Cutting out the individual parts works so far, as does arranging the segments via rotation. However, ...
Eximos's user avatar
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How to add a border to an element that's using clip-path? [duplicate]

I have an image that's been clipped using the CSS clip-path property, details below - clip-path: polygon(0 100%, calc(20% - 100px) 100%, 100% calc(100% - 100px), 100% 0%, 0% 0%); Is it possible to ...
Herro2689's user avatar
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Algorithm to convert SVG path to CSS clip path polygon

I'm experimenting with using SVGs as clip-path. I know you can pass a url to an SVG path, but I've had issues with it, especially when it comes to consider absolute vs. relative path (to my knowledge, ...
learyjk's user avatar
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An unexpected CSS error occurs specifically on iPhones

I've been working on a section in the photo on android where I utilized grid and clip-path, and it looks fantastic on all devices except iPhone's. Interestingly, it functions perfectly on Mac and ...
Moatasem Al-naimat's user avatar
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SVG Coordinates not working with % values [duplicate]

I'm using the following SVG code: <svg viewbox="0 0 100 100" preserveAspectRatio="none" width="100%" height="100%"> <defs> <clipPath ...
Lewis Hardisty's user avatar
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I need to create a figure using css. I am using clip path, but cannot make perfect rounded corners. Any ideas how to do it? [duplicate]

[enter image description here]( How to make those figures using css? I have some progress using clip-path (clip-path: polygon(0 6%, 100% 0%, 98% 100%, 0 94%)), but ...
gard's user avatar
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Clip/mask (remove) top-right image corner with SVG

Is there a (Cross browser (no IE)) way to clip the top right corner of an dynamically sized image with this svg? In the worst case, I can use a fixed aspect ratio, but I prefer it to be as flexible as ...
Yonivh's user avatar
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Add a circle in the middle of a rectangle [duplicate]

I need to draw this image with CSS only: I have achieved this: The problem is removing the box shadow on that particular place. I've tried to cut the circle with a clip-path, but the box shadow ...
Luis Mendes's user avatar
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How to crop the form field

How can I style the form field as shown in the screenshot, with a border, while cropping the top-left and bottom-right corners? I have tried to use clip-path: polygon(), but it varies on different ...
Claire's user avatar
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How to make this notch like design using html, css or tailwindcss

I need to make this design. I used this clip-path method but the edges is not smooth. how can i achieve the design? .nav { width: 14rem; height: 4rem; background-color: white; clip-...
Prajil K's user avatar
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Clip-path doesn't work corectly on web browswers (Mozilla, Edge, Chrome) but works perfectly on preview Visual Code Studio HTML, CSS, JS

I want to create a fancy hero section for my company. I'm using clip-path and some JS to achieve a paint spray effect on mouse move, and it works perfectly in the VCS preview. However, when I try it ...
Hoffmann's user avatar
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CSS clip-path to show vertical overflow above a button but not below

I have a button with an image to the left of the text and I would like to mask off the image so that the portion that hangs over the bottom of the button is hidden but the top overflow remains visible....
user19103974's user avatar
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Background positioned at right with clip-path: path moves to right when animating width from 100% to 0

In my HTML document I have an absolutely positioned element with background color and clip path on its ::before pseudo-element. This element works as a shadow to elements behind it. I want to remove ...
Alobar's user avatar
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Use SVG mask instead of clip-path transition

I've created a working prototype of what will eventually be a hero banner where the script cycles through each section transitions to each section use a expanding shape to reveal the next section &...
user1978903's user avatar
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I want the clip path content to be visible outside the clip path area [duplicate]

The content inside the clip-path container is not visible outside the `clip-path region. I tried applying positioning property to the container. I applied relative positioning to the outer container ...
tarus's user avatar
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clipPath doesn't clip the symbol path on SVG rectangle

Expected the rectangle will be clipped by a star on the example below, but it doesn't work. Current result: . Expected result: Where is the mistake? What did I miss? Here is the CodePen demo. <svg ...
north.inhale's user avatar
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Make a clip-path inset a square on any viewport, in JS

Hello here is a codepen that shows my problem I'm trying to make a JS calculation that changes the clip path inset of a div so that it shows a square. There's one constraint: the square width has to ...
AnnaGino's user avatar
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How do I create the correct clip-path with inversed circles for my image?

I'm building our companies new website, but am running into an issue. The designer created images like this: So this bottom right corner. The other corners are all border-radius: 40px;. I'm trying to ...
SybrenMeister's user avatar
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Create something like an oval using css [duplicate]

Please tell me, is it possible to create a similar shape/mask using css? I tried using clip-path and border radius, but I didn’t get a similar shape. Screenshot I found a way to make such a shape ...
Anton's user avatar
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Aspect ratio of polygon-clip path

I have a polygon shape inside the container but the problem is shape has the static width and height of both div . I want to make it responsive and it should take the 80% of the given space with some ...
usman rehmat's user avatar
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How to make a staircase / step line using svg in reactjs / nextjs?

Hey guys i am very new to svg path animations, i am trying to re create steps / stair svg path something like below How do i proceed to make something like this ? animated as in on scroll it fix ...
dvlprkrishna's user avatar
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Create a circular clippath that is always 300% height of the element ot clip and aligns left

Is a duplicate from this question, which was apparently too vague. I want to clip elements using a clip-path in CSS, having specific requirements. I've been fiddling with it and reading MDN docs, but ...
Guido Goluke's user avatar
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css clip-path property not working when zooming in on ios / safari / iphone

Currently when I have a navigation menu with visibility toggling using the CSS clip-path, but when I zoom in on ios/iphone, the clip-path doesn't work and it's revealing the menu content itself. Is ...
havingaheadache's user avatar
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Animate SVG clipping mask

I have an SVG which consists of curvy lines. I want to create a clipping mask of this, for a blurred white rectangle, and translate that to make it look like the lines are glowing as the rectangle ...
jNiuk's user avatar
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Use canvas as background for overlaying elements using mask

I have a full-screen background canvas, I want to draw elements on top of that canvas that act as a mask. So the canvas should only be visible through the overlaying elements. Here's a picture on what ...
GRX's user avatar
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How do I make this SVG background use clip path to make it transparent?

I have this svg I found online that I would like to use as a background but I would like to alter it so that the lines created by the are used in a clip-path, making them transparent and showing the ...
Panthera's user avatar
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Outside Box-Shadow for ClipPath HTML Button

At the moment I have a background picture which shows single elements for some menu structure. I started to put some transparent buttons over the image to navigate to single pages depends on which ...
Chris's user avatar
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Transition of clip path - how to change direction?

I am working with clip-path, and have created a box with a cut-off corner. When hovered, it closes up and becomes a full square. What I am interesting in, is it possible to choose the direction it ...
Dannie's user avatar
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CSS relative clip-path: path() not working (entire bg image not showing), where is the code issue?

I am building a hero element that I'm trying to make each 'piece' link to a different page, and since there is a lot of overlapping have opted for clip-path instead of masking. Here is an image ...
jarbeetwo's user avatar
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How can I mask a div with a background image? [duplicate]

I am looking to build a container to put some content in. I want to have a little text for the "notch" or the "tab" in the top. I tried building the same thing with pseudo elements ...
Kapitalist's user avatar
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How to animate an image reveal with GSAP and clip-path in React

I'm trying to animate the reveal of an image using GSAP and the clip-path property in a Component. The animation works as expected when I use the first clip-path value, but when I switch to the other ...
Marius's user avatar
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Is it possible to have a CSS backdrop-filter be masked with a gradient and have overflow hidden and border-radius set?

I am struggling to figure out how to get this to work in Chrome (v117.0.5938.92). It works as expected in Safari and Firefox, but it seems as though Chrome just can't handle it. If there are other ...
Andy Fought's user avatar
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How to clip image by another image in Konva like fabric.js clipPath it do

How can i clip image by another image? I need behavoior like in fabric.js clipPath - one image clip another. Main image will be aditable - draggable and scalable, clip image will be static. Main ...
Максим Святуха's user avatar
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CSS Lava Lamp Clip-path

So I am trying to make a "clip-path lava lamp" effect. my body has an animated gradient and a section with a white background. in the section is a lava effect. the lava is red right now but ...
will's user avatar
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