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How do I add custom accessibility actions to android web view

Context I have a setup with a title (text view), some web content (web view) and a footer (button). When talk back is enabled, the user can use standard Swipe left -> next item and swipe right -&...
Naveed's user avatar
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Android studio Accessibility service network request not working when outside the MainActivity application context

I have registered an accessibility service in my Android application and attempted to add a floating button to collect some data and send it to the backend for processing while outside of my app ...
virtual catty's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

How to get all content from active window using AccessibilityService

How can i get all content from screen when i update window? is this possible? Means when i open and close any application, also home screen of device i want to get all text from active window. <?...
Gaurav Mandlik's user avatar
1 vote
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Android Accessibility app is not performing swipe gesture

I've been working on creating an Android app that can do a swipe-up gesture on the screen every 5 seconds. The idea is to make it scroll any app which is open such as reels on Instagram, or Facebook ...
Greyfrog's user avatar
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Why does getRootInActiveWindow() always returns null in Accessibility Event

I have tried all the permutations and combinations of the AccessibilityServiceConfig.xml. Here is the code for AccecssibilityService and AccessibilityServiceConfig.xml. Here is my code: @Override ...
Yogesh Ghaturle's user avatar
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How to create an overlay window over a certain element via AccessibilityService and scroll it too?

I need to put an overlay Window precisely over a certain element of a third-party app, pixel by pixel or nearly so. I'm aware of: //............. appOverlayLayoutParams.gravity = Gravity.TOP | Gravity....
gareshka's user avatar
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Google Play rejection due to Accessibility API Policy: Missing prominent disclosure in Flutter app

I recently updated my Flutter app on the Google Play Store to include a Pin Live Score functionality. This feature uses the AccessibilityService API in conjunction with the flutter_overlay_window (...
Jaimis Domadiya's user avatar
2 votes
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onAccessibilityEvent does not invoke on Android 9 Pie (API 28)

My application is intended to process selected text through Accessibility. On Android API versions < 28 it works as expected: user allows downloaded service in accessibility and then app is able to ...
d.matantsev's user avatar
0 votes
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How to access AccessibilityNode and perform click of the secondary display in Android multi-display setup?

I'm building an Android AccessibilityService that will support two displays. Idea is to have a draggable touch area on first display (something like a touchbar) with which the user can drag on to move ...
Tomislav's user avatar
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Accessibility service don't call onKeyEvent in games & jetpack Compose

How to know if user interacts with screen when my app is in background? I need to check is user is performing any touches or gestures on display while my application is in the background and in the ...
Xengo's user avatar
  • 425
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Android getRootInActiveWindow() takes only 5 max list items

I'm trying to read a listview from getRootInActiveWindow() of AccessibilityService in Android. AccessibilityNodeInfo topMostNode = getTopMostParentNode(getRootInActiveWindow()); This is how I'm ...
Adam Taylor's user avatar
1 vote
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Taking screenshot on android phone with Accessibility Service always fails with internal error

I am trying to create an app that allows me to take screenshot of the current displayed screen of another app after pressing a button. Everytime I press the button and start the service of taking a ...
Toby's user avatar
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Android Accessibility Service Malfunctioning After App Upgrade, Requires Programmatic Fix

I'm encountering an issue with the Accessibility Service in my Android app after users upgrade from an older version to a newer version. The Accessibility Service is intended to assist users with ...
Sohail Mohammad's user avatar
3 votes
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AccessibilityService is not able to read text from hybrid android application (i.e. flutter)

I'm trying to create an AccessibilityService which can read text from the user screen, it works well and I'm able to grab most of the texts from native Android applications. Still, when I tried it ...
Adam Taylor's user avatar
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Android talkback does not announce "selected" state

I have some items in bottomsheet, all the items have content description. When user opens this bottom sheet one the item is "selected" and I want to announcement to have prefix "...
Subodh Nijsure's user avatar
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Is there a way to detect magnification accessibility feature from all shortcuts on android?

We know that we can detect magnification from triple-tap gesture by Settings.Secure.getInt( getAppContext()?.getContentResolver(), "accessibility_display_magnification_enabled",0) But can ...
Ashir Kulshreshtha's user avatar
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onTouch listener call for a layout is triggering in Android 6.0 but its not getting triggered in Android 10 (Accessibility mode)

I have a code to capture touch events on a clickable FrameLayout. When I turn on accessibility mode this touch event is not getting triggered in Android 10. Same code works in Android 6. Can someone ...
Deniz's user avatar
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Android - List of apps which are having Accessibility permissions

I have a list of apk paths and I want to deduce the names of all the apps which have Accessibility permissions. Can anyone suggest an approach to fetch the same? I am using the below sample code but ...
user2515165's user avatar
3 votes
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How to detect accessibility shortcut button is active in android

How to detect accessibility shortcut button is active in android without active accessibility service ?
AmirMohamamd's user avatar
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Accessibility Events

Which accessibility event should I use to get music player notification? I am able to get all notification using AccessibilityEvent.TYPE_NOTIFICATION_STATE_CHANGED, but music player notification is ...
Vijay Jv's user avatar
0 votes
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Restrict focus of talkback on notification bar in android

I have an android device in which I set the talkback turned on. Now whenever I restart/reboot the device at that time talkback directly gets focus on notification bar and starts speech out of "...
Nikhil's user avatar
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Android accessibility: How to get the ID of the view that was touched?

I have been stuck on this for days. I want to identify the view that the user touches. Here is my accessibility service xml: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <...
user avatar
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2 answers

How to use an android accessibility service to detect which view the user touched?

There's something that android TalkBack does that I want to do too. Specifically it's to identify the view that the user touched. I made this so far: @Override public void onAccessibilityEvent(...
user avatar
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Not able to edit the text in WhatsApp EditText using android Accessibility Service from another app

I am trying to edit the text in the edittext in whatsapp when we send a text along with an image. And then send it by clicking the send button through Android Accessibility Service. But the problem is ...
Dipanshu Agrawal's user avatar
1 vote
2 answers

AccessibilityService stops working after a while

I have a call recorder app. As you know, for Android 10 and above, I have to use the AccessibilityService. Everything is working just fine from the start but after a while onServiceConnected is no ...
Shahin Sadeghi's user avatar
4 votes
1 answer

Android AccessibilityService performAction() method not working

I am developing an accessibility service for Android. The service calls an app, and that app has a RecyclerView. Then I want to click on an element of the RecyclerView with performAction(...
largoWinch's user avatar
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AccessibilityService static instance sometimes is null and I can't understand why or how to fix it

This is my AccesibilityService class: public class MyAS extends AccessibilityService { public static MyAS myAS; @Override public void onServiceConnected() { super....
zaxunobi's user avatar
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Super battery saver is turning off accessibility service

I am using accessibility service in my android application and it is working flawlessly until I turn on Super Battery Saver(which is provided in Xiaomi phones).Even after turning super battery saver ...
Pro's user avatar
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How use XPath with Accessibility Service Android to interact with an element?

There are several articles/tutorials to use Accessibility service on Android to find elements by id/text but there is None (that I could find) which makes use if XPath. As far as my understanding goes,...
T.M's user avatar
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Accessibility Service : Setting cursor of webview EditText field

I'm developing an Accessibility Service for Android. When I set text of EditText in webview it sets the text but places the cursor at the start. Bundle arguments = new Bundle(); arguments....
Addy's user avatar
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What is the use of setTouchExplorationPassthroughRegion() in android accessibility API?

I am developing an Android application that uses accessibility-service, and I want to disable explore-by-touch when the user opens specific applications like Piano, Games, etc. I read API ...
Nalin's user avatar
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6 votes
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Accessibility Service does not restart when manually re-enabled after app force stopped

I'm having an issue with my Accessibility Service not restarting after the app is force stopped and then manually opened again, which does restart other regular services. The accessibility service ...
Flyview's user avatar
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Android accessibility service - "does not support the current system language"

I've made a simple app for Android that provides Accessibility service. When I install the app on Android 10 (Samsung) and activate the Accessibility service, OS says: APP does not support the ...
Mark Gopnik's user avatar
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Listen AccessibilityService events from a visible app without focus

I'd like to get onAccessibilityEvent(AccessibilityEvent accessibilityEvent) triggered for a target app even if the app doesn't have the focus, for example I have another app with a dialog on top, so ...
Choletski's user avatar
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Reading text from anywhere on mobile screen with accessibility service in android without click event

I am trying to read text from anywhere on mobile screen with accessibility service. Well, I've tried many tutorials and solutions but what I want is a bit different. I have a floating button on screen ...
Mehran  Khan's user avatar
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Android Accessibility Service: Open Accessibility Menu

With TalkBack on, a user (who is able) can swipe up and right to open the "Accessibility Menu": Now I have written an Accessibility Service, with the goal of acting on behalf of the user. ...
Quintin B's user avatar
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Is there a way to apply color filter on whole screen using Android's Accessibility Services?

Thing is, i'm currently trying to create a tool for legally blind people (specially with Retinitis Pigmentosa). They would benefit from some kind of color invertion (A smart one). To achieve this, i ...
Muscian's user avatar
1 vote
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How to change text of text view or hide textview using accessibility?

I want to either hide the text view of another app or want to change one of the text view of other app using accessibility service. I can get AccessibilityNodeInfo of text. How can I proceed next?
stackoverflow-asker's user avatar
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getEnabledAccessibilityServiceList returns wrong result

I'm trying to get enabled accessibility service list but the result returns wrong! My service called ( Test App ) getEnabledAccessibilityServiceList returns 2 if the Test App was off. The Image 1 But ...
Taha Sami's user avatar
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Android - TalkBack accessibility focus on swipe to delete button in Recycleview

I have drawn the Swipe to delete button(RectF) in Recycle view with the help on val oBackground = RectF(itemView.right.toFloat() - buttonWidth,, itemView.right.toFloat(), ...
Gurmeet Singh's user avatar
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How can I send a gesture from activity

I'm trying to send a gesture when I clicking on the button but nothing happens why? I made the gesture position top the button to check if that works or no. I enabled accessibility permissions. Main ...
Taha Sami's user avatar
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How can I get tapped View Elements using Android Accessibility Services?

I tried to create an Android Accessibility Service to detect all Elements in an App and show Accessibility Information like Content Description or Labeled by. At the moment I can, using the ...
Pirre's user avatar
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Isn't accessibility service not a context?

I googled and found that android service is a context. And if I want to use assets in non-activity class, I have to pass 'this' to that class. But it seems weird to me that if I pass 'this', it says ...
zzaebok's user avatar
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How do I detect back/home press in an accessibility Service?

The title pretty much sums it up. I want to detect back/home button press using an Accessibility Service. It seems that onKeyEvent is not triggered when pressing these buttons.
Paul Nitu's user avatar
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How to enable Accessibility service in Android management api (Work profile )?

I recently developed an app with Android Management API. This app has Accessibility service MyAccessibilityService. I granted accessibility service permission from enterprise policy from enterprises....
Ramesh Pokharel's user avatar
1 vote
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Why is my accessibility service not being started?

I have created an accessibility service to see if I can perform gesture navigation with my app. The problem is my accessibility service is not being started at all. A possible hint into this problem ...
asmaldone2's user avatar
18 votes
2 answers

How to get url from browser using accessibility service

I have enabled accessibility-service permission and now i want to get url from address bar. I have tried below thing : accessibility_service_config.xml <accessibility-service xmlns:android="...
user avatar
3 votes
2 answers

Send ENTER key event through Android AccessibilityService

I am trying to navigate to a URL in a browser through the AccessibilityService. I am able to find the URL bar and enter a URL into the EditText, but I can't find a way to press enter to actually go ...
Flyview's user avatar
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How i get backspace (Delete) click key event in AccessibilityService class?

I want to get android keyboard backspace click event in the accessibility service class, I tried many solutions for but not working all, if anyone has a experience to do work in accessibility service ...
Praful Korat's user avatar
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AccessibilityService dispatched gesture stops on touch of another part of the screen

This is my java code to dispatchGesture. GestureDescription.StrokeDescription clickStroke = new GestureDescription.StrokeDescription(clickPath, 0, DURATION,true); GestureDescription.Builder ...
Sunilkumar Ramamurthy's user avatar

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