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Use some kind of helper function In EF Select query to make subquery [duplicate]

I have several tables that handles different kinds of translations for my entities and those tables to linked via relations to other entities. I use subquery to directly access translations tables ...
user3408420's user avatar
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Trouble Determining Dependent Side in One-to-One Relationship with Entity Framework Core

I'm currently working on a project using Entity Framework Core in a .NET Core application. I'm having trouble determining the dependent side in a one-to-one relationship between the User and Account ...
changedevelopersoftware's user avatar
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2 answers

How do I do an inner GroupJoin on dotnet?

I'm using .NET 6 with Entity Framework. This is my situation: I have a BenefitEntity (with Name and Description properties and a relationship with BenefitCategory) and this BenefitCategory which has ...
Raso's user avatar
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Group by, count distinct SQL query to IQueryable using Linq

I am trying to translate the following SQL into IQueryable, so I can access the result and filter on different conditions, before the data is retrieved from the database, but I get an error that the ...
Max's user avatar
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Oracle parameterized query for explain plan in C#

I have an explain plan query and I need to call with parameters in my .Net application. When I try it as following it gives me ORA-1780 Error. I have many parameterized queries in my application but ...
alinz's user avatar
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Is there a way to enforce a specific JSON structure for JSON column?

I have a column in my table that will hold JSON objects. I currently have the column defined as MY_JSON_COLUMN NVARCHAR(MAX) Is there a way to make sure the JSON adheres to a specific structure? For ...
henhen's user avatar
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sql difficulties counting one column and getting the oldest id with the same content

I'm making a school project in mvc .net core, where people should be able to send in a request for help and it will show on a screen, my difficulties comes with the part that other people should be ...
Tjabo's user avatar
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-2 votes
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42 views display current week database records

I found some other reference here in internet and tried this code so far, but seems not to work. Can someone help rearrange or modify my code for displaying record current week. Sub loadCheck() da ...
Nnek Lecxe's user avatar
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using ajax with core mvc .NET 8 in visual studio 2022

I have a view that shows information from a sql tabel that I inserted in to a local DataTable I want to create a button that filters what is shown with ajax this is the loop where the information from ...
Lelle's user avatar
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How to correctly pass nvarchar parameter to SQL Stored Procedure from .NET Application?

I would like to execute a SQL stored procedure (SP) with parameters. However, I am having difficulties passing nvarchar (string) parameter called "office" to the SP. If I want to execute the ...
user2018's user avatar
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Convert C# DateTime.Ticks to Bigquery DateTime Format

I have a column in my Bigquery table that is filled by C# Ticks: DateUtc = DateTime.UtcNow.Ticks; This is something like: 638148714773184690 I want to convert it to Bigquery DateTime.
Keyvan's user avatar
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OracleCommand parameters not being converted in C# [duplicate]

I'm trying to setup an OracleConnection in .net which has been successfully working until I tried to add parameters via the OracleCommand. I get the error 'ORA-00903: invalid table name' which is ...
user37213's user avatar
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Using System Managed Identity from Web App to connect to two different DB? Login failed for user '<token-identified principal>'

I have a .Net App hosted in Azure with System Managed Identity enabled (samplewebapp) and also I have two different DB which the application needs to connect. We have enabled Managed Identity in both ...
Kumar's user avatar
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SQL to Linq conversion with SYSDATETIMEOFFSET

Could someone assist me in converting following sql query to LINQ? Important part of this one is to be able to convert the date to a UTC date (with daylight savings). SELECT, FROM ...
saif's user avatar
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Issue while saving using Entity Framework Core with datetime columns constraint

(this is another side, something similar but the others are difference to this question which was answered Issue while saving using Entity Framework Core with constraint) I have a table UserSession ...
Ming Hieu's user avatar
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