
How can I return more than one level of callers in Lua?

Something like in Forth when you drop one value from the stack of returns?

          (function(result,base)if not base then return  nil end
  for rec in (function(rst) if not rst then return pairs({}) end
                return rst.Records end)(base.RecordSet) do
    result[#result+1]= {
                         Type = rec:GetValue(5),
                         LegName = rec:GetValue(10),
                         PickName = rec:GetValue(11),
                         FlagHierarch = tonumber(rec:GetValue(30)),
                         Rules = (function(result,input)
                                for i,p in ipairs(input) do
                                  result[i] = table.unserialize(p)
                                end return result end)({},rec:GetValue(20, 0))
  end return result end)(arrSimpleConv or {},CroApp.GetBank():GetVocabulary():GetBase("XX"))
  • 2
    Please post an example.
    – Dai
    Commented Jan 23, 2021 at 4:31
  • As far as I know, Lua doesn't really support function composition the way that Forth does, so I don't think the stack is reified like that.
    – Dai
    Commented Jan 23, 2021 at 4:32
  • From the example you've posted it's still unclear what are the levels of callers which you want to return. Commented Jan 23, 2021 at 8:06

1 Answer 1


A function in Lua (and most programming languages) is a single unit of execution, and does not affect the caller except for the returned values. Using a tail call is the only way of directly jumping to another function.

It is also possible to use the error mechanism to jump outside a function:

local signal = {}

function a()

local status, err = pcall(a)
if err == signal then
  --"returned" from the specific point inside a function

I would not recommend this however, since it defeats the purpose of functions as independent entities.

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