I want to select the maximum value in a dataframe, and then find out the index and the column name of that value. Is there a way to do it?

Say, in the example below, I want to first find the max value (31), and then return the index and column name of that value (20, R20D)

a = pd.DataFrame({'R05D':[1,2,3],'R10D':[7,4,3],'R20D':[31,2,4]},index=[20,25,30])


4 Answers 4


If you call a.max(axis=0) you get a series of the max on each column:

R05D     3
R10D     7
R20D    31
dtype: int64

If you call max on that series you get it's maximum so:


gives you the maximum value. Similarly:


gives you the column name and


will give you the row.

  • Thanks. Please consider accepting my answer if it has helped you. Commented Nov 13, 2016 at 2:21
  • RyanWalker: always best to wait t least 24h for other answers, even if you completely answered it. @Boud's answer is interesting, although probably less scalable.
    – smci
    Commented Nov 13, 2016 at 4:55

Turn your dataframe into a MultipleIndex Series and ask for the index of the max element with idxmax function:

coord = a.stack().idxmax()
(20, 'R20D')

To get the value, use the coordinates against loc:


To get the numeric index you can use a.stack().argmax()

  • This doesn't work for me. The a.stack().argmax() returned 2 (which is the index number) instead of (20, 'R20D') as you noted.
    – Heyu L
    Commented Oct 16, 2020 at 11:00

Since I can't comment with my limited reputation, here is an extra answer to @Boud 's answer: It didn't work for me with argmax(), but using idxmax() solved the problem and returns the correct output of (20, "R20D")

coord = a.stack().idxmax()
(20, 'R20D')

Although this goes beyond what the OP asked for, if you need to find the top n (e.g. 3) values, you can do:


which gives you a new ordered df with the original (index, column) as the new MultiIndex:

20  R20D    31
    R10D     7
25  R10D     4

tail(2) will similarly give you the lowest 2 values.

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