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I have the same problem but I couldn't find a solution yet  ! butHowever, after debugging for a while, I debug too much and gethave some information  . thisThis problem will happenhappens when I go to the web inon mobile (Android And IOSand iOS) and sometimes the elementor post css doesntCSS that the Elementor posts doesn't load  . The Elementor create csscreates CSS for each posts inpost on your website when you edit your page with the Elementor editor of elementor . I found that'sthat when this happen happens, the posts that isare in wp-content/uploads/elementor/post-{id}.css doesn't findaren't found and return this error is displayed on the console  :

Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 404

I think this is another bug of elementor Elementor!

and for solution :

  • Install some pluginplugins that could help, like wp-rocket, that will cache the cssCSS and js JS. thatsThat is why the elementor wontElementor won't upload the cssCSS of posts and wp-rocket will do this

  • maybeMaybe we could write a script that'sthat will check the 404 errors after window.load event and then if the cssCSS of the post didn't find willisn't found, we can refresh the page  !

but iBut I really don't want to do these solutions and this bug should have another reason that iand I want to find it  !

I have same problem but I couldn't find solution yet  ! but I debug too much and get some information  . this problem will happen when I go to the web in mobile (Android And IOS) and sometimes the elementor post css doesnt load  . The Elementor create css for each posts in your website when you edit your page with editor of elementor . I found that's when this happen , the posts that is in wp-content/uploads/elementor/post-{id}.css doesn't find and return this error on console  :

Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 404

I think this is another bug of elementor !

and for solution :

  • Install some plugin could help like wp-rocket that will cache the css and js . thats why the elementor wont upload the css of posts and wp-rocket will do this

  • maybe we could write script that's will check the 404 errors after window.load event and then if the css of post didn't find will refresh the page  !

but i really don't want to do these solutions and this bug should have another reason that i want to find it  !

I have the same problem but I couldn't find a solution yet! However, after debugging for a while, I have some information. This problem happens when I go to the web on mobile (Android and iOS) and sometimes the CSS that the Elementor posts doesn't load. The Elementor creates CSS for each post on your website when you edit your page with the Elementor editor. I found that when this happens, the posts that are in wp-content/uploads/elementor/post-{id}.css aren't found and this error is displayed on the console:

Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 404

I think this is another bug of Elementor!

and for solution :

  • Install some plugins that could help, like wp-rocket, that will cache the CSS and JS. That is why the Elementor won't upload the CSS of posts and wp-rocket will do this

  • Maybe we could write a script that will check the 404 errors after window.load event and then if the CSS of the post isn't found, we can refresh the page!

But I really don't want to do these solutions and this bug should have another reason and I want to find it!

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I have same problem but I couldn't find solution yet ! but I debug too much and get some information . this problem will happen when I go to the web in mobile (Android And IOS) and sometimes the elementor post css doesnt load . The Elementor create css for each posts in your website when you edit your page with editor of elementor . I found that's when this happen , the posts that is in wp-content/uploads/elementor/post-{id}.css doesn't find and return this error on console :

Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 404

I think this is another bug of elementor !

and for solution :

  • Install some plugin could help like wp-rocket that will cache the css and js . thats why the elementor wont upload the css of posts and wp-rocket will do this

  • maybe we could write script that's will check the 404 errors after window.load event and then if the css of post didn't find will refresh the page !

but i really don't want to do these solutions and this bug should have another reason that i want to find it !