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Sure you can!

<img src="404" alt="Alt Text">
img {
 font:40px Impact;   

I do this as a fallback for header logo images, I think some versions of IE will not abide. Edit: Or Chrome apparently - I don't even see alt text in the demo(?). Firefox works well however.

img {
  color: green;
  font: 40px Impact;
<img src="404" alt="Alt Text">

Sure you can!

<img src="404" alt="Alt Text">
img {
 font:40px Impact;   

I do this as a fallback for header logo images, I think some versions of IE will not abide. Edit: Or Chrome apparently - I don't even see alt text in the demo(?). Firefox works well however.

Sure you can!

I do this as a fallback for header logo images, I think some versions of IE will not abide. Edit: Or Chrome apparently - I don't even see alt text in the demo(?). Firefox works well however.

img {
  color: green;
  font: 40px Impact;
<img src="404" alt="Alt Text">

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Sure you can!

<img src="404" alt="Alt Text">
img {
 font:40px Impact;   

I do this as a fallback for header logo images, I think some versions of IE will not abide. Edit: Or Chrome apparently - I don't even see alt text in the demo(?). Firefox works well however.