I've an Azure Application registered with some API permissions.
With Graph API and a valid token for this application, I can easily create teams, add owners, members, etc.

Still with Graph API, I need to activate class teams (a class team is not activated by default to allow the teacher to prepare content before opening it to students).

Manually activating a class team directly from Teams UI is described here.
It works fine.

Programmatically activating a class team with Graph API is described here.
It consists of using the PATCH method on the team with the following JSON body :

  "isMembershipLimitedToOwners": false

It works fine when sending request with an administrative AAD account : isMembershipLimitedToOwners attribute is updated and students are automatically added to the team.

However, it doesn't work when calling API with AAD application token : isMembershipLimitedToOwners attribute is correctly updated too but students are not actually added to the team and on Teams UI, a warning is shown :
Teams screenshot
If I click on "Retry", students are added to team...

It seems that (asynchronous ?) background operations are not correctly executed.

I tried to add some rôles to registered application but with no success.

Does someone have an idea ?

1 Answer 1


For those interested, this is a bug in the MS Graph API. A ticket is being processed here.

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