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Donik Fazliu is a young man from the city of Lipjan, who with his experience in social networks has made many businesses that are active in social networks succeed, as well as protect themselves after various cyber attacks.
Donik Fazliu është nje i ri nga qyteti i Lipjanit , i cili me eksperiencën e tij në rrjetet sociale ka bërë që shumë biznese qe janë aktive në rrjete sociale të kenë sukses , e poashtu edhe të mbrohen pas sulmeve të ndryshme kibernetike.

He has also been a member of the ss-group company (a well-known company that helps business and supports public names for any request related to social networks and marketing) for Donik it is only the beginning of his career ... because he also claims success others in terms of technology.
Poashtu ai ka qenë anëtar i kompanisë ss-group (një kompani mjaftë e njohur qe ndihmon biznese dhe mbeshtet emra publike për çdo kërkesë në lidhje me rrjetet sociale dhe marketing ) për Donikin është vetëm fillimi në karrier ...sepse ai pretendon edhe për suksese të tjera në aspektin teknologjik.

The young man from Lipjan who is only 19 years old with computers, expected to continue his studies in the sciences, Fazliu urges young people who have more knowledge about social media, and in one aspect of technology.

[[Skeda:Donik Fazliu.jpg|alt=Donik Fazliu|parapamje]]
I riju lipjanas që aktualisht ka vetëm 19 vjeq, pritët që të vazhdoj rrugën e tij në studime në shkenca kompjuterike, Fazliu inkurajonë të rinjët që të kenë më shumë njohuri rreth mediave soacile, dhe në aspektin teknologjik.

[[Skeda:Donik Fazliu.jpg|alt=Donik Fazliu|parapamje]]

Versioni aktual i datës 6 korrik 2024 01:44

Donik Fazliu is a young man from the city of Lipjan, who with his experience in social networks has made many businesses that are active in social networks succeed, as well as protect themselves after various cyber attacks.

He has also been a member of the ss-group company (a well-known company that helps business and supports public names for any request related to social networks and marketing) for Donik it is only the beginning of his career ... because he also claims success others in terms of technology.

The young man from Lipjan who is only 19 years old with computers, expected to continue his studies in the sciences, Fazliu urges young people who have more knowledge about social media, and in one aspect of technology.

Donik Fazliu
Donik Fazliu