
  • Facebook is a primary choice for marketers due to its user base and analytics that help brands understand how to increase exposure and engagement.
  • Facebook analytics give insight into audience details, content effectiveness and overall marketing impact so brands can optimize their Facebook marketing strategies.
  • Despite Meta discontinuing native Facebook Analytics, effective tools like Meta Business Suite, Creator Studio and Sprout Social are available for Facebook reporting.

By using social media analytics, brands can identify how to increase engagement, exposure and leads. Because of its large user base and analytics capabilities, Facebook is a popular social network for marketers. But before you can enjoy the benefits of analyzing data, you need a foundational understanding of Facebook analytics. This article explains what Facebook analytics are, why they’re important, and the best tools and tips for tracking your data.

What is Facebook analytics?

The native tool Facebook Analytics is no longer available. It was discontinued on June 20, 2021, but you can now use Insights in Meta Business Suite and other effective tools for Facebook data reporting.

Facebook analytics is an overarching term for the data and metrics you use to track your brand’s performance on the platform. This data provides insights into your audience, content effectiveness, your Facebook Page performance and the overall impact of your marketing efforts.

By evaluating Facebook metrics such as likes, comments, Page views and shares, you gain valuable information on how to enhance your marketing strategy and user experience. By monitoring your Facebook Page analytics, you can track the customer journey and identify ways to reach audiences more effectively. This allows your brand to make data-informed decisions that drive business growth.

Why are Facebook analytics data important?

Facebook analytics enable you to analyze your competitors’ social presence and monitor the performance of your posts. You can also assess the overall effectiveness of your Facebook marketing strategy by tracking your data. Let’s explore why these benefits are so important.

1. Analyze your competitors

You can find your Facebook Page analytics in Meta Business Suite, which can provide you with a wealth of information, but it’s a good idea to start your analysis by looking at your competitors. Social media competitive analysis is necessary to understand what content interests your target customers. Facebook analytics enable you to see what others are doing (for better or worse) and how you can use it for your strategy.

Track key metrics to benchmark your Facebook page against competitor brands. Gather information about them, including the other social networks they use, the size of their following, how often they post and what their engagement is like. This information allows you to create content and campaigns that resonate better with your target market.

2. Monitor your Facebook Page performance

It’s not enough to batch content and post. You need feedback on what works and what doesn’t to optimize your marketing plan. By monitoring and tracking your overall Facebook Page analytics, you can identify opportunities to optimize your profile.

3. Track your Facebook post performance

Along with your overall Facebook Page analytics, it’s paramount to review the performance of individual posts. Looking at metrics like reach and engagement for individual posts will help you determine which posts resonate best with your audience. Once you know which posts worked, take what you can from them to duplicate success.

4. Assess your Facebook marketing strategy

By analyzing Facebook metrics, you can understand the effectiveness of your overall marketing efforts. Your data provides information about the content topics and formats your audience likes. This data helps you refine your Facebook marketing strategy and content plan, so you can find ways to maximize your return on investment (ROI).

Facebook analytics vs. Facebook Insights

It’s important to understand the distinction between Facebook analytics and Facebook Insights. Before we focus on Facebook, let’s define the difference between analytics and insights. Analytics refers to using tools to organize and assess data sets to help identify patterns and trends. Insights are the intelligence generated from analytics data. It’s the lightbulb moment that happens when an individual or organization discovers a pattern, relationship, trend or story writing the data.

Remember that Facebook analytics is an overarching term for the data and metrics you use to track your brand’s performance on the platform. This is not to be confused with the Facebook Analytics product feature that was sunset in 2021.

You can use third-party Facebook analytics tools or use Insights in Meta Business Suite to monitor and track data. With Insights in Meta Business Suite, you can review Facebook Page analytics, ad spend, organic content engagements and more. You can also view Insights within your professional dashboard, which can be accessed through your Facebook Page.

3 Facebook analytics tools to generate business insights

Although Meta has sunset its Facebook Analytics feature, there are still effective tools available to marketers to track their Facebook data. We’ve narrowed down your search and found some of the best Facebook analytics tools you can use:

Meta Business Suite

The Meta Business Suite webpage showing a smiling woman in an apron standing outside a cafe, with features of the Suite displayed and a get started button.

Meta Business Suite is a free tool you can use to manage your Facebook and Instagram profiles and ad accounts in a single dashboard. It offers access to your business activities, multiple Facebook Page analytics, insights, ads and goal tracking. Note: Facebook Business Manager is now part of the Meta Business Suite. Business Manager accounts were renamed and are now known as a business portfolio.

Key features:

  • Ads management and retargeting
  • Inbox automation
  • Post scheduling
  • Analytics reporting
  • User roles and permissions

Creator Studio

The Facebook Creator Studio hompage displaying a graph of One-Minute Video Views and descriptions for features for publishing, video performance monitoring and monetization insights.

Creator Studio is another free tool for marketers to manage their Facebook and Instagram accounts within Meta Business Suite. With Creator Studio you can schedule content and centralize messaging. You can also track monetization and measure content across your accounts. With its robust dashboard, you can monitor your content performance, profile growth and insights in one place.

Key features:

  • Calendar planner
  • Content scheduler
  • Monetization plans
  • Ads monitoring
  • Insights

Sprout Social

Sprout Social's landing page for Facebook analytics, displaying a laptop with various graphs and summaries, along with a free trial button.

Sprout Social is a social media management software that integrates with Facebook, Instagram and other major social media platforms. With user-centric social media analytics and reporting tools, Sprout centralizes how you evaluate your data, create reports and optimize your strategy for better ROI.

Going beyond Facebook Page analytics and individual post metrics, Sprout provides seamless tools for social listening, competitor analysis and content reporting. You can manage your messages in one place and schedule content across multiple profiles in a single intuitive dashboard.

Key features:

  • Smart Inbox for unified messaging
  • Competitor analysis
  • Cross-network content scheduling
  • Social listening
  • Social engagement measurement
  • Chatbot automation
  • Trending topic identification
  • Built-in approval workflows for compliance and collaboration
  • Artificial intelligence-backed features like AI Assist
  • Customer care solutions like Case Management

Which Facebook Page analytics matter the most

While there are a ton of metrics you can look at, we’ve trimmed the list below down to key metrics we feel indicate strong content and a successful social strategy. You also have the option to use these metrics to conduct a Facebook audit and discover opportunities for improvement too. First, we'll discuss page-level metrics, then we'll go over analyzing individual post-performance. Here’s a brief breakdown of the Facebook analytics metrics that matter the most.

Facebook Page overview analytics

Your Facebook Page overview highlights several key metrics including reach, post engagement, new Page likes and new followers. You can also view metrics for your audience and your most recent content and ads. If you want to get more granular information about your Facebook Page, you can go to the overview sections within Meta Business Suite.

Facebook Page reach

Facebook reach includes the total number of people who saw and/or interacted with your posts at least once. It includes negative interactions such as sharing your Page, checking in on a Page, hiding a post, etc. According to Facebook, post reach is divided into four categories: paid organic, viral and nonviral. Learn more about Facebook reach in our guide on the difference between reach vs impressions.

Facebook Page engagement

Page engagement refers to the number of actions taken on your Facebook Page. It includes interactions with posts and other types of content on your Page such as following, liking, checking in or clicking on a link.

Facebook Page Likes

Facebook Likes are the total number of “likes” for your Page. It includes likes that happened directly on your Page or from a button on an ad. You can also view likes for specific posts.

Followers analytics

Facebook followers includes the total number of followers for your Facebook Page or profile. It’s calculated as the number of followers minus the number of unfollows over the lifetime of your Page or profile. If you want to determine how quickly your Page is gaining or losing followers, you can monitor follower growth rate.

Facebook audience insights

Facebook audience insights metrics include followers, language, age and gender and location. You can view locations by top cities and countries. In the Business Suite, you can also view metrics for your potential audience. Reviewing these metrics can help you learn more about your audience so you can optimize your strategy. For example, you might discover your Page has an international audience so it might make sense to collaborate with influencers from your most popular regions.

Post Insights

For Facebook post analytics, you can track basic metrics like post reach and post engagement from the Insights section of your professional dashboard. You can access the Insights tab and your professional dashboard by navigating to the Manage Page menu. Note: the professional dashboard and Insights tab is separate from the Meta Business Suite.

An example screenshot of the Facebook management interface. There is a sidebar showing tabs for Insights, Ad Center and Settings.

Post reach includes the number of people who saw your post via paid or organic. Engagement includes basic metrics like post reactions (e.g. likes), comments and shares. Meta Business Suite provides other reach and engagement metrics as well. For example, you can also view median post reach by media type and content format. You can also view top-performing organic posts by highest reach, reactions and comments.

Video analytics

Video analytics can tell you how users interact with your video content and indicates how your video strategies are performing. There are a lot of video metrics to consider, but video plays is a key metric for Facebook analytics. Video plays include the number of times your video starts to play. Video plays can happen when a video starts automatically or when someone clicks on your video.

Video percentage watched is another important metric because it shows the average percentage of your video that people played. There are also video metrics specific to Reels. Overall, video analytics helps you understand how long people are paying attention to your video and which videos perform the best.

Reels Page analytics

For Reels, you can track reach and engagement. Reach for Reels include the total number of people who saw your video at least once. Engagement metrics include shares, comments and reactions.

Facebook pixel analytics

Meta pixel, formerly known as Facebook pixel, is a code string you can add to your website to track conversion and run retargeting campaigns. Pixel analytics enable you to understand how people interact on your website so you can optimize your ads and user experience. A few pillar metrics include conversions, page views and cost per conversion.

Facebook ads analytics

Facebook ads analytics focus on your paid marketing efforts. Some common metrics include reach, impressions, cost per result and link clicks. Cost per result is the average of how much it costs to get your ad result. For example, if you spend $100 on a Facebook ad campaign and earn 50 clicks, the cost per result would be $2.

In other words, cost per result helps measure the return on investment (ROI) of a campaign and if your efforts are paying off. Link clicks include the total number of clicks on links within the ad that led to specified destinations like a website.

Competitive analytics

Competitive analytics gives you insight into how your industry peers are performing while identifying opportunities to get ahead of your contenders. You can view performance metrics like reach, followers and engagement for your top competitors. There aren’t competitive analytics available in the Meta Business Suite, but you can use social media management software, like Sprout, to pull those metrics.

Sentiment analysis

Sentiment analysis enables you to take some of the guesswork out of reporting by showing how customers truly feel about your product and/or service, competitors and industry. Metrics will vary depending on the platform you use to conduct your analysis, but you can use sentiment score to view how many positive and negative messages you get about your brand.

Hashtag analytics

Hashtags on Facebook remain relevant for businesses on the platform. But to determine if you’re using the right ones, you’ll need to monitor your hashtag analytics. Reviewing these analytics will help you track which hashtags are popularly used in your industry, branded hashtags and more.

Analyzing these Facebook metrics will help you determine what resonates best with your audience. Once you know which content worked, take what you can from them to duplicate this success.

How to access analytics with Facebook Insights

You can access analytics through the Insights section within the professional dashboard for your Facebook Page. You can also view Insights within the Meta Business Suite. Remember that the professional dashboard is separate from the Meta Business Suite, but you can access the Suite from your professional dashboard.

It’s also important to note that some metrics are only available in the professional dashboard, while others can only be viewed in the Suite. In the next sections, we’ll show you how to access metrics in the professional dashboard and the Meta Business Suite.

How to access Insights in the professional dashboard

If you have a Facebook Business Page, you can access Insights natively by following these steps:

  1. Log into your account. If you’re using a desktop, select Pages from the left-hand navigation menu.

The left navigation of a Facebook profile. A red box outlines "Pages" as an indicator for user to click that label from their own Facebook profile menu.

2. Select the Page you wish to measure analytics.

Facebook navigation interface showing a list of page management options on the left and a Facebook Page on the right.

3. From here, you can navigate to the professional dashboard or directly to the Insights tab. Tap Professional dashboard.

Detailed view of the Facebook 'Manage Page' section showing navigation options for the professional dashboard, Insights, a health check prompt and more.

4. The professional dashboard gives an overview of your Page performance, but to go a bit deeper you can click Home, Your Page, Content or Audience underneath the Insights tab on the left hand menu.

The Facebook professional dashboard interface showcasing the page overview which highlights follower count, post reach and engagement. The left sidebar shows navigation options for Insights, Your Page, Content and Audience tabs.

Pay attention to the left hand menu of the professional dashboard. From here you can navigate to other analytics and tools like the comments manager and events.

Page Overview

The page overview in the professional dashboard shows followers, post reach, post engagement, new Page likes, recent content and messages from the past 28 days. You can also see an overview by clicking Your Page.

The Facebook professional dashboard interface showcasing the page overview which highlights follower count, post reach and engagement. The left sidebar shows navigation options for Insights, Your Page, Content and Audience tabs.

Tap Your Page under Insights. From here, you get instant access to a variety of analytics data. With Insights you can track post reach and engagement, Page likes, interactions and other metrics. You can also view content and audience metrics.

Screenshot of the professional dashboard's Page overview section displaying metrics such as post reach, engagement, new likes and interactions.

Reach and likes

You can view reach, engagement and new Page likes in the Page Overview section within the professional dashboard. You can also see reach and likes by clicking Your Page.

Top portion of the professional dashboard featuring a welcoming banner and the Page overview showing followers, post reach, post engagement and new Page likes.

Actions on Page

To see what people did on your page, click Your Page. From here you can review interactions (reactions, comments, shares, photo views and link clicks) listed in the Page Overview section.

The professional dashboard's Page overview section displaying metrics such as post reach, engagement, new likes and interactions.


To see how successful your events are, navigate to the left sidebar in the professional sidebar and scroll down to Events. You can see events from the last 90 days, people reached, actions and responses.

The Events interface in the professional dashboard displaying metrics such as number of events, people reached, responses and ticket clicks over the last 90 days.


If you want to see how well your videos are performing, navigate to the left sidebar and scroll to Content.

Display of the 'Content' section in the Facebook professional dashboard.

Follower Insights

To see follower insights in your professional dashboard, go to the Audience tab within your professional dashboard.

The professional dashboard menu showing navigation options for the Overview, Home, Your Page, Content and Audience sections. The Audience section is highlighted.

How to access Insights in the Meta Business Suite

As a rule of thumb, the Meta Business Suite typically has more granular metrics. In the next sections, we’ll share how to access common metrics in the Suite.

Page Overview

1. To see the overview within Meta Business Suite, scroll to Platform tools in the professional dashboard menu. Tap Meta Business Suite.

Part of the professional dashboard menu for listing options for tools such as A/B Tests and the Meta Business Suite.

2. Select Insights from the left hand menu.

The homepage for the Meta Business Suite. A sidebar rests on the left listing navigation options for Insights and other sections.

In the Meta Business Suite Overview, you can view metrics to determine how well your page performs during the last seven, 14, 28 or 90-day period. You can also look at the current year or enter a custom timeframe. The overview section includes reach, content interactions, followers, link clicks and other metrics.

The Insights overview dashboard. An overlay menu displays options for a customizable date range.

Post Insights

1. Go to Content in the Meta Business Suite sidebar.

Vertical navigation menu for the Meta Business Suite. Insights is highlighted.

2. Tap the Overview or Content tabs under the Content section of the Insights dashboard to view post specific metrics. Content overview includes a variety of reach (e.g. median post reach per media type) and engagement (e.g. post reactions, comments and shares) metrics.

The Content Overview section in Meta Business Suite Insights showing reach and engagement metrics.

Audience Insights

You can view follower metrics in the Suite by tapping Audience in the Insights dashboard. You can view your following and demographic information like age, gender and location.

The Audience tab in Meta Business Suite Insights displaying followers, age and gender and other metrics.

Reels Page Insights

Meta Business Suite has several ways to view video metrics. Let’s begin with the Content tab, which will show you metrics for reels.

1. Go to Content listed on the left sidebar in the Suite.

The Meta Business Suite interface on showing menu options such as Content, Planner, Ads and Insights. Content is highlighted.

2. Click Post and Reels. From here, you can see metrics for your reels and other content. Also note the menu on the left, which lists options for clips, A/B tests etc.

The Content interface in Meta Business Suite. A menu rests on the left showing showing sections for posts and reels, Stories, and other media.

You can also view video metrics through Insights in the Meta Business Suite by clicking Overview or Content in the left side menu.

The Content Overview section in Meta Business Suite Insights showing reach and engagement metrics.

You can see approximate earnings for in-stream ads by tapping Videos under the Earnings section of Insights.

The video earnings section in Meta Business Suite.

While it’s necessary to perform Facebook data analysis, it’s important to first identify your core metrics. Once you know these key performance indicators (KPIs), you can then examine your data to identify patterns and track growth.

How to track Facebook analytics with Sprout Social

While there are native Facebook analytics and reporting tools available through Meta Business Suite, you can dive deeper into your analysis with Sprout. Here’s how:

Automated reporting

Sprout’s Facebook analytics and reporting tools aggregate your data into one centralized dashboard that displays your metrics into data visualizations. And you can export this data as personalized reports to share with stakeholders.

A preview of Sprout's Facebook Pages report showing impressions, engagements, post link clicks and audience growth for a specific Facebook Page.

Competitive analytics

Competitive analysis assesses your account in comparison to your competitors, enabling you to quickly find opportunities for growth. With Sprout, you can quickly run a Facebook competitor analysis report that gives you insights into your competitors’ campaigns, audience growth and engagement rate alongside your brand’s performance.

A preview showing Sprout Social's Facebook Competitors Report where you can view key metrics of your profiles compared to your competitor's average.

Sentiment analysis

With Sprout Listening, you can automate your sentiment analysis. In Listening, you can easily see positive, negative and neutral sentiment scores.

A preview of Sprout’s Listening dashboard highlighting sentiment summary and sentiment trends over time.

Hashtag analytics

You can also review top hashtags within Sprout Listening to uncover the most relevant ones to your brand, along with top keywords and phrases.

The Conversation Overview in Sprout Social's Listening dashboard. The image demonstrates key metrics of keywords and hashtags on social media.

Improve performance with insights from Facebook analytics

Facebook analytics holds a plethora of insights into the effectiveness of your marketing strategies. By leveraging this data, you can better optimize your campaigns and cater to your customers’ interests. When you analyze Facebook data, you can strategically find ways to increase exposure and revenue for your brand. Experience creating a Facebook report by signing up for a demo with Sprout Social.

Facebook Analytics FAQs

How do I see my Facebook analytics?

You can see your Facebook analytics by looking at the Insights tab in the professional dashboard for your Facebook Page and Meta Business Suite. You can also use a social media management tool like Sprout Social.

What does Facebook analytics show?

Facebook analytics show a wide range of metrics including but not limited to reach, engagement and views.

What is Facebook Analytics called now?

Meta sunset Facebook Analytics. You can use Facebook Insights in the professional dashboard and Meta Business Suite. You can access both when you log into your account > choose Meta Business Suite or Professional dashboard from the left menu to view Insights metrics.