Monthly Archives: December 2011

Richard Froude on Skylight Press

Richard Froude is an up-and-coming British poet-novelist, an erstwhile Bristolian now living and working in Colorado, USA.   Although adopted by an enthusiastic Denver poetry community, Froude still has a bit of the old West Country charm about him and makes … Continue reading

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Awen, The Quest of the Celtic Mysteries by Mike Harris

Awen is a Welsh word often translated as “inspiration”. However, in its fullness it has a much deeper meaning, an irradiation of the soul from paradisal origins. In the context of the Celtic folk-soul it casts the paradisal pattern by … Continue reading

Posted in Esoteric, Literature, New authors, New books, Recommended reads, Reviews | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

Mike Harris on Skylight Press

Explore the burial chambers of Bryn Celli Ddu and Barclodiad y Gawres and learn the secrets of the initiation rites of the ancient Celts. Sit in the gloom of these places of pilgrimage and hear the words of Taliesin and … Continue reading

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The Dream of the Black Topaze Chamber by Hugh Fox

“During the day there’s the paradox of bright sun, jade bamboo,��emerald persimmon leaves, malachite palms, and wind-sheets of bright (disguised) antarctic cold. But at night the island sails into mute, drained death. They both huddle under their fake black fur…” An intellectual … Continue reading

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