Tento plugin nebol testovaný s najnovšími 3 hlavnými vydaniami WordPress. Už nemusí byť udržiavaný alebo podporovaný a môže mať problémy s kompatibilitou pri použití s novšími verziami WordPress.

WordPress Image SEO


WordPress has a nice media library option in which you can upload images very easily. While uploading images most of us just totally ignore the alt tags. Alt tag is an important part of your image. It describes what your image is about.

When you publish a post/page you can directly view the image. The image might be understandable to you when you take a look at it. But for the crawler it’s not. The crawler does not understand the image. It reads the alt tag and tries to understand the image. So if your alt tag is empty or not relevant to your topic it’s pretty much useless in search engine.

WP Image SEO allows you to optimize your blog images. It automatically fills out the missing alt tags of your images.

WordPress Image SEO Plugin Features

  • Optimize your WordPress blog images for SEO.
  • Change the alt and title tags of your images automatically.
  • Improve search engine ranking by using more meaningful alt tags.
  • Efficiently manage the alt tags of all of your post images.

WordPress Image SEO Plugin Usage

Once you have installed the plugin go to Settings->WP Image SEO on your WP dashboard. It will take you to the General Settings menu of the plugin

In the General Settings menu there are various options that you can configure.

  • ALT attribute – It allows you to change the alt attributes
  • TITLE attribute – It allows you to change the title attributes

You can either directly enter a text for the ALT and TITLE attributes or use the following tags:

  • %name – It allows you to automatically replace the alt or title tag with the name of the image
  • %title – It allows you to automatically replace the alt or title tag with the title of the current post

You need to enable the following options to change the alt and title attributes automatically:

  • Override default WordPress image alt tag
  • Override default WordPress image title


If you have an image named „McLaren.jpg“ in a post titled „Car Image“:

  1. Setting alt attribute to „%name %title“ will produce alt=“McLaren Car Image“
  2. Setting title attribute to „%name image“ will produce title=“McLaren image“

For detailed documentation please visit the WordPress Image SEO plugin page


  1. Go to the Add New plugins screen in your WordPress admin area
  2. Click the upload tab
  3. Browse for the plugin file (wp-image-seo.zip)
  4. Click Install Now and then activate the plugin

Časté otázky

Can this plugin be used to optimize the seo of my WordPress blog images?



9. júna 2019
this plugin work perfect and work with low query and don’t make pressure in server resource . thanks for publish this plugin
16. novembra 2017
Rubbish, not working, don’t install
14. júna 2017
Working fine on my site! Exactly what I need.
15. decembra 2016
SEO Friendly Images plugin did not worked for me but this one works.
Prečítať všetkých 17 recenzií

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“WordPress Image SEO” je softvér s otvoreným zdrojovým kódom. Do tohto pluginu prispeli nasledujúci ľudia.


„WordPress Image SEO“ bol preložený do 5 jazykov. Ďakujeme prekladateľom za ich príspevky.

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Zoznam zmien


  • WordPress 4.8 compatibility
  • Updated all the permalinks


  • Plugin is now compatible with WordPress 4.5


  • updated the plugin settings


  • plugin is now compatible with WordPress 3.5.1


  • First commit