DORA Reports and Resources

Reports, guidance, position papers

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The changing role of funders in responsible research assessment: progress, obstacles and the way ahead

Position paper on the state of play of responsible research assessment practices from funders. 2020.

GRC Working Paper No. 3: The changing role of funders in responsible research assessment: progress, obstacles and the way ahead.
Reimagining Academic Career Assessment: Stories of innovation and change report

This report collects case studies in institutional change for academic career assessment that serve as inspiration for universities and other actors looking to improve their policies and practices. Supports the DORA case study repository. 2021.

Cover of DORA case studies report
Guidance on the responsible use of quantitative indicators in research assessment

This document provides guidance on the use of several indicators (sometimes called metrics) used in research assessment: the Journal Impact Factor and other measurements of journals, citation counts, h-index, field-normalized citation indicators, and altmetrics. Five principles guide the use of these metrics: be clear, be transparent, be specific, be contextual, and be fair. Also available on Zenodo and Google Docs. A summary slide deck is also available. 2024.

Cover of Guidance on the responsible use of quantitative indicators in research assessment"
Improving pre-award processes for equitable and transparent research assessment

This report summarizes key takeaways from a workshop co-organized by DORA, the Elizabeth Blackwell Institute for Health Research, and the MoreBrains Cooperative. The online workshop developed actions to improve the processes that take place before research is submitted for funding (pre-award processes), such as the timing of proposal calls and deadlines, transparency and guidance, phrasing and language use, selection and training of reviewers, and planning for “evaluating the evaluators” or “evaluating the evaluation process.” Also available on Zenodo. 2024.

Improving pre-award processes for equitable and transparent research assessment

“Using Narrative CVs” series

Using Narrative CVs: Process optimization and bias mitigation

This report consolidates key learnings from a workshop on the adoption of narrative CVs for funding organizations. 2021.

Using Narrative CVs: Identifying shared objectives and monitoring effectiveness

This report outlines recommend three key actions to move forward in the implementation of narrative CVs from narrative CV workshops. 2024.


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Balanced, broad, responsible: A practical guide for research evaluators

One page tool for research funders promoting a more holistic approach to evaluating funding proposals. See also the supporting video. 2022.

“Rethinking research assessment” series

Rethinking Research Assessment: Ideas for Action

One page tool that outlines five common myths about research evaluation to help universities better understand barriers to change and provides analogous examples to illustrate how these myths exist inside and outside of academia. 2020.

Rethinking Research Assessment: Unintended Cognitive and Systems Biases

One page tool that identifies seven personal biases that can influence hiring, promotion, and tenure decisions. 2020.

Rethinking Research Assessment: Unintended Cognitive and Systems Biases
Rethinking Research Assessment: Debiasing Committee Composition and Deliberative Processes

One page tool that identifies strategies for including more perspectives and reducing biases in the evaluation processes for hiring, promotion, tenure, and funding decisions. Part of Project TARA. 2022.

Rethinking Research Assessment: Building Blocks for Impact

One page tool that outlines and illustrates the wide variety of academic achievements and outcomes that could be considered “impactful.” Part of Project TARA. 2022.

Rethinking Research Assessment: Building Blocks for Impact
Rethinking Research Assessment: Reformscape Guide

A one page tool that illustrates how data is categorized in the Reformscape observatory of responsible research assessment reform policies. It provides a visual alternative to the description of categories in the Reformscape glossary. Part of Project TARA. Also available on Zenodo. 2024.

A one page tool that describes the six ways that entries are characterized in the Reformscape dataset. 1. Institution type. 2. Scope. 3. Populations. 4. Career decision. 5. Type of assessment reform. 6. Stages of reform.

SPACE rubric

SPACE to evolve academic assessment: A rubric for analyzing institutional conditions and progress indicators

The SPACE rubric was developed to help institutions at any stage of academic assessment reform gauge their institutional ability to support interventions and set them up for success. 2021.

SPACE rubric workbook and workshop kit

A compilation of resources to run a workshop. Includes a slide deck, pre-work, pre-worksheet, reading, breakout room facilitator instructions, and workbook. Several parts available in Spanish. 2021.

Narrative CVs

Ideas for Optimization: Five things to consider to optimize, evaluate and iterate on the use of narrative CVs

One page tool outlines ideas for research funders to optimize, evaluate and iterate on the use of narrative CVs for funding decisions. Supports report, “Using Narrative CVs: Identifying shared objectives and monitoring effectiveness.” 2024.

ideas for ncv optimization

Slides and graphics

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“Introduction to DORA” PowerPoint Slide Decks

Three presentations (one slide, short talk, long talk) describing DORA and its mission. Updated regularly.

First slide of presentation, with DORA logo over "Improving research assessment", link to, and "@DORAssessment on most social media platforms".
DORA Badges

The badges for our signatories show support for DORA, raise awareness about research assessment, and serve as a conversation starter with individuals or organizations that have not heard about DORA yet.