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Reformscape in the news

Since Reformscape launched on January 30, 2024, we have been very grateful for the community response. This blog post will serve as an ongoing link round-to articles about Reformscape from sources other than DORA. This post will be updated every week that we spot new articles about Reformscape.

January 30, 2024 to February 4, 2024

The Reformscape press release was picked up by Research Information and Information Today.

The Reformscape launch was mentioned in the CARL-ABRC newsletter (Canadian Association of Research Libraries or Association des bibliothèques de recherche du Canada) and the GraspOS newsletter this week.

We thank the contributor who added Reformscape to DORA’s Wikipedia page.

Brian Owens wrote an article about Reformscape for the journal Nature: How to make academic hiring fair: database lists innovative policies. (Originally free to read, now paywalled.) This was also shared in the Nature Daily Briefing for January 31, 2024.

We also want to thank the many people who liked and shared our posts on social media during this first week that Reformscape was available to everyone!

February 2024

Our colleagues in CLACSO shared news about Reformscape’s launch (in Spanish).

March 2024

Social Science Space (S3) picked up the Reformscape press release.

April 2024

Illinois Tech featured the contributions of Project TARA’s Ruth Schmidt to Reformscape.

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