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Trying to send a POST request using curl to a HTB machine

I`m trying to perform a SSRF attack on a Hack The Box machine (editorial.htb). I'm trying to send a POST request using curl with the command curl --data "hckyou.txt" -X POST http://...
urim260's user avatar
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Segmentation fault without rip even getting overwritten Buffer Overflow

I was trying to overflow the return pointer of a simple program. I have asrl disabled and I compiled like this gcc returnexp.c -o returnexp -fno-stack-protector. (I would disable noexecstack later on ...
TrickTickTack's user avatar
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What's the point of users having to authorize their SSH keys and tokens they created themselves when SAML single sign-on is enabled on GitHub?

In GitHub's Enterprise Cloud docs it says: To use an SSH key with an organization that uses SAML single sign-on (SSO), you must first authorize the key. I understand that organization admins could ...
user1042840's user avatar
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How does "" know whether a user is using quad9? [closed]

To be able to know if a user is using quad9 by browsing, I was expecting the same technique as DNS leak test to be used (see How does find my DNS provider). ...
soliz's user avatar
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Does Event Viewer have any sensitive information like password, or such info?

In this desktop management app, they are allowing access to view event viewer of remote windows machine even for guest privileged users of that app. But other features like RDP, command execution, etc ...
Harish Raj's user avatar
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OWASP CRS - Is "%00" in request form body is false positive?

We have a HTTP POST endpoint for a web form and when sending a request the request has Content-Type: multipart/form-data; boundary=----WebKitFormBoundaryLOAPHJhA1BQSTatn set. When the payload contains ...
goulashsoup's user avatar
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How can there be incoming connections when using a VPN?

I've the following nftable configuration (/etc/nftables.conf) to enforce a "VPN kill switch". Except for ICMP and IGMP, connections are only allowed through tun0. This works well as a "...
Navi's user avatar
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What is the comprehensive list of SSL/TLS protocol vulnerabilities? [closed]

I am aware of the following SSL/TLS protocol vulnerabilities: BEAST CRIME Lucky13 POODLE Logjam Sweet32 (I am not including implementation vulnerabilities like Heartbleed). Are there any others?
paj28's user avatar
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Best way to distribute a PSK when all communication is compromised? [closed]

Before you see this as a “duplicate,” this question is similar, but the circumstances of mine are very different. My scenario is purely hypothetical, but could definitely apply to people in real life. ...
security_paranoid's user avatar
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Cache-control and TLS termination proxies

My website is served with TLS and does not use a (TLS-terminating) CDN. Is it still advisable to use Cache-Control: private for protected pages to account for (e.g. corporate) TLS termination proxies ...
janeden's user avatar
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How to limit the Wireless CA can only use in wireless connection on Windows?

My school require me to install a CA to do connect to the school Wi-Fi network. In android, I can install it into Wireless CA list, and based on my understanding, that won't give the CA owner ...
Funnyone's user avatar
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Does CrowdStrike Falcon get validated by the Windows kernel as being crash-free?

With Linux, eBPF programs are validated as not causing crashes. Apparently that validation has had errors previously because of bugs in the Linux kernel. How is CrowdStrike Falcon implemented on ...
Evan Carroll's user avatar
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Can trusted timestamping be faked by altering some bytes within the document?

Consider the following scenario: I prepare a document with a "Lorem ipsum bla bla" content (Document_A) and get a trusted timestamp for this document (Timestamp_of_document_A). After some ...
ceremcem's user avatar
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Passphrase generator using German word list and Python's "secrets.choice()" to select from the list. Are those strong passphrases?

There are a numerous passprase generators out there, but all (I have found) use English words to build the passphrase. I'd rather use German words, so I wrote a generator in Python that selects words ...
phunsoft's user avatar
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why there is a need to use two access tokens in OpenID Connect?

according to there are two access tokens, one from Authorization endpoint and one from Token endpoint, which is kind of ...
secondimage's user avatar

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