Peter Teidahl

Stockholm, Stockholms län, Sverige Kontaktinformation
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Excellent facilitator and a master of solving issues and problems with over 20 years of…



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Erfarenhet och utbildning

  • Scania Group

Se Peters fullständiga erfarenhet

Se titel, anställningstid med mera.


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Licenser och certifikat


  • BAM - Bättre arbetsmiljö


  • Digital Marknadsföring



  • FPS: Factory Parts Sales

    Takeover from another Delivery Manager

    Establishing a new BI-platform for an internal department within Scania based on Scanias BI-Architecture due to old systems hadn't been updated in several years.
    All Datafeeds into Datalake
    Combined approx 20 data sources into one feed
    Establish Service Level Agreement for new solution

  • WebGIS

    Taking over a BI application, closing the project, preparing for maintenance and setting up administrative tasks.

  • DMO: D.Military Order


    A PowerBI report regarding tracking Military various KPIs from different Orders.
    - Project included CDW development.
    - Increased loadingtime by 70%
    Due to NDA not much else can be disclosed.

  • NDA puzzle game

    Project manager for a Puzzle prototype.
    All phases from Ideation, to creating and maintaining the design document, to conflict management and upholding the Scrum framework and sales pitch.

    Made sure that no scopecreep was being enforced and aimed to underscope to be able to complete the prototype in time and have a more polished version.

  • That Little Devil

    All phases from Ideation to release, including sprintplanning and Actiing both Scrum Master, Product Owner and Project Manager.

    Setup Canva board
    Setup Jiraboard
    Structuring Jira
    Facilitating team
    Conflict Management

    (more incoming)

    Visa projekt
  • Pre-studies new features

    Pre-studies and research for an upcoming project regarding dangerous goods, how to store it and how to contain the goods in a secure way.
    Process mapping and creating requirements.

    Project neded up not being started due to issues with security laws and other factors.


  • Alva Labs logic test

    Resultat: 9 out of 10

    The fact that logic test results are normally distributed means that most people will get results around the middle of the scale. The most common results are 5 and 6, and then the results get more rare the further you get towards the two end points. Results above 9 or below 2 are quite uncommon, in other words.
    Alva’s logic test is a non-verbal, matrix reasoning test; a format that is widely used in both research and practice…

    The fact that logic test results are normally distributed means that most people will get results around the middle of the scale. The most common results are 5 and 6, and then the results get more rare the further you get towards the two end points. Results above 9 or below 2 are quite uncommon, in other words.
    Alva’s logic test is a non-verbal, matrix reasoning test; a format that is widely used in both research and practice.


  • Svenska

    Modersmåls- eller tvåspråkig nivå

  • Engelska

    Fullständig professionell nivå

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