Site icon Schema Wordpress Plugin

Add markup for Recipe

Schema Premium plugin has support for Recipe type that allows you to add schema markups and structured data to pages about food recipes on your site.

Follow these steps to add the new markup type:

1- Create a new Schema markup

The very first step is to go to Schema > Types, and click on the Add New button.

2- Select Recipe

The next screen will open the quick creation wizard. Select the Recipe type from the drop down list.

When you are done selecting; Schema Premium will confirm the creation of the new type, and you will have the choice to go through next steps, which is configuring the type you’ve selected.

3- Configure Recipe

To complete setup, set Location Rules and Properties for this type to take effect and take care of all the needed technical optimization of pages about food recipes on your site.

3-A- Locations

Create a set of rules to determine the target locations of this type. For example, you can enable this markup on a specific page or post, or you may have a custom post type for pages about food recipes that you would like to enable this type to work on.

3-B- Product Properties

Optionally; this section allows you to configure schema:Recipe properties.

4- Update Schema

Click on the Update button to update type.

5- Test Structured Data

Test your markup in Google’s Structured Data Testing Tool to make sure it’s valid. You can test your markup with a simple click.

Here is an article that explains how you can test your schema.

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