Sahan Journal’s sponsors provide in-kind or direct financial support to help sustain our reporting for and about immigrants and communities of color in Minnesota.

The companies or organizations that provide financial support for Sahan Journal do not have any control over, or involvement in, Sahan Journal editorial process. You can read more about our editorial and conflict of interest policies here:

Sahan Journal accepts affirmative political advertising from candidates, campaigns, and issues (political advocacy) that are in sync with our mission of promoting civic engagement and civil, informed discourse.

Political advertising is prepaid. Political advocacy advertising may be billed. Such advertisements cannot be used to attack or fundraise; the person or group who paid for the advertisement must be clearly identified.

Direct comparisons with other candidates and/or the unauthorized use of another person’s likeness are not permitted.

Sahan Journal will not run misleading or deceptive images. No photographs or realistic images created with AI tools are allowed.

Sahan Journal reserves the right to refuse a campaign or issue advertisement for any reason.

Sahan Journal is the only nonprofit news website in Minnesota that’s fully dedicated to reporting on immigrants and communities of color. We offer critical digital content and exposure for your business to a highly engaged, curious and diverse audience that’s rapidly growing in Minnesota.

We produce original stories that provide deep context and perspective on the immigrant and people of color experiences. Your support of Sahan helps our readers stay in touch with what’s happening in Minnesota, and that makes a difference in your local community.

Sponsorship opportunities include annual support of a coverage area such as Health, Business & Work, and others.

We also offer advertising packages across our website, newsletters, social media and other products.

For more information on sponsorship and advertising opportunities, please contact Sally Waterman, Sahan Journal’s director of advertising and sponsorship: