Stackable — конструктор страниц блоками Gutenberg


Идеальный компаньон редактора блоков WordPress

Stackable — это надёжный блочный плагин, которого так долго ждали. Создавайте динамичные веб-сайты с помощью мощных, но в то же время легких пользовательских блоков WordPress, готовых дизайнов, наборов элементов интерфейса, глобальных настроек и расширенных возможностей настройки — и все это при высокой производительности. Будьте уверены, что сможете легко создавать профессиональные веб-сайты, которые будут выделяться, используя новый интерфейс создания страниц для Gutenberg — редактор блоков WordPress.

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Превратите Gutenberg в конструктор страниц.

Stackable — это универсальный блочный плагин для создания потрясающих веб-сайтов путём превращения редактора блоков WordPress в конструктор страниц. Stackable помог тысячам блоггеров, продавцов, маркетологов, дизайнеров и специалистов по веб-разработке использовать редактор блоков WordPress по максимуму, благодаря быстрым, мощным и интуитивно понятным функциям.

Готовые шаблоны, блочные конструкции и каркасы

Воспользуйтесь впечатляющей библиотекой дизайнов, чтобы ускорить процесс проектирования. Никогда не начинайте с нуля и оформляйте страницы как профессионал с помощью потрясающих и профессионально выполненных дизайнов.

  • Десятки наборов дизайнов
  • Сотни готовых дизайнов блоков
  • Десятки макетов блоков
  • Различные конструкции разделителей формы

Мощные пользовательские блоки

Получите 42 гибкий пользовательский блок для WordPress, обладающий широкими возможностями и хорошо выглядящий из коробки, а также обеспечивающий надёжную основу для любого сайта без необходимости лезть в код.

Вы можете выбрать, какой из блоков вам нужен, в зависимости от текущей задачи. Также можно отключать блоки, которые не нужны.

Основные блоки

Специальные блоки

Блоки раздела

Параметры дизайна, подобные конструктору страниц

Превратите редактор Gutenberg в конструктор страниц. Настраивайте свой сайт с помощью широкого спектра привычных инструментов веб-дизайна.

  • Несколько макетов блоков
  • Элементы управления Flexbox
  • Отображение изображений и видео в модальном блоке
  • Сохранение параметров блока по умолчанию
  • Настройка стилей блоков при наведении
  • Настройки цвета фона и изображения блока
  • Настройки оформления блока
  • Формы изображений и настройки
  • Расширенный подборщик цветов градиента
  • Дополнительные параметры значков
  • Дополнительные настройки столбцов и интервалов
  • Глобальные настройки цветов и оформления
  • Responsiveness
    • Компоновка планшетных и мобильных колонок
    • Живое редактирование в режиме а��аптивности
    • Возможность настройки дизайна для планшетов и мобильных устройств
    • Укажите, как сворачиваются столбцы на планшетах и мобильных устройствах
    • Скрывать/показывать определенные блоки на компьютере, планшете или мобильном устройстве
    • Пользовательские брейкпойнты планшетов и мобильных устройств
  • Произвольные атрибуты data-*

Высокая скорость загрузки страниц

Оптимизируйте производительность вашего сайта и обеспечьте молниеносную загрузку страниц, чтобы посетители оставались на вашем сайте. Получите возможность максимально увеличить скорость загрузки страниц и добиться высоких показателей Core Web Vitals и более высоких SEO рейтингов.

  • Загружает минимально возможный размер файлов CSS и JS во фронтенде, ~ всего 7,8 кб
  • Практически не нагружает сервер PHP для быстрой загрузки страниц
  • Отсутствие раздутости, отсутствие jQuery, отсутствие зависимостей
  • Оптимизированная загрузка страниц с акцентом на Core Web Vitals
  • Отзывчивая загрузка изображений для повышения скорости просмотра на мобильных устройствах
  • Совместимость с плагинами оптимизации и использование таких методов оптимизации, как объединение CSS и JS файлов и минификация

Интеграции и совместимость

Сделайте свой опыт создания страниц более полным, используя другие популярные инструменты. Мы легко интегрируем эти важные сторонние плагины и инструменты:


Веб-дизайн нового уровня. Stackable Premium помогает раскрыть весь потенциал редактора блоков WordPress при помощи потрясающих расширенных функций, дающих возможность создавать высококачественные веб-сайты.

Динамическое содержимое (премиум)

Создавайте динамические WordPress сайты, которые отвечают интересам посетителей.

  • Динамическое содержимое
  • Полная настройка циклов запросов
  • Произвольные поля сайта
  • Условно отображаемые блоки

Дополнительные интеграции (премиум)

С премиум вы получите больше возможностей для интеграции.

  • WooCommerce
  • ACF
  • Metabox
  • JetEngine

Агентские инструменты (премиум)

Эффективно и качественно обслуживайте больше клиентов с помощью наших инструментов для агентств, которые были созданы специально для профессионалов в области веб-дизайна.

  • Настройщик CSS блока
  • Менеджер ролей

Эффекты движения (премиум)

Добавляйте анимацию, которая оживит сайт и сделает его более привлекательным.

  • Анимации прокрутки
  • Анимации входа
  • Эффекты трансформации и перехода

Больше блоков (премиум)

  • Блок загрузки остального содержимого (для блока записи в блоге)
  • Блок разбивки на страницы (для блока записи в блоге)

Попробуйте наше демо | Подробности

Обновления статей

Узнайте больше о Stackable — Page Builder Gutenberg Blocks & Designs

Наслаждаетесь блоками Stackable?

** Отмеченные звездочками являются частью Stackable Premium


  • Отзывчивые Gutenberg блоки
  • Опции блоков в стиле конструктора страниц
  • Глобальные настройки, влияющие на весь сайт
  • Мощные настраиваемые Gutenberg блоки
  • Библиотека готовых дизайнов


Этот плагин предоставляет 47 блоков.

  • Card Describe a single subject in a small card. You can use this to describe your product, service or a person.
  • Columns Multiple columns with advanced layout options.
  • Separator A fancy separator to be placed between content.
  • Carousel A carousel slider.
  • Feature Display a product feature or a service in a large area.
  • Image An image with advanced controls to make a visual statement.
  • Number Box Display steps or methods that your users will do in your service.
  • Team Member Display members of your team or your office. Use multiple Team Member blocks if you have a large team.
  • Video Popup Display a large thumbnail that your users can click to play a video full-screen. Great for introductory or tutorial videos.
  • Button Group Add a customizable button.
  • Pricing Box Display the different pricing tiers of your business.
  • Hero A large hero area. Typically used at the very top of a page.
  • Map Embedded Google Map with advanced controls.
  • Text Start with the building block of all page layouts.
  • Image Box Display an image that shows more information when hovered on. Can be used as a fancy link to other pages.
  • Progress Bar Visualize a progress value or percentage in a bar.
  • Accordion A title that your visitors can toggle to view more text. Use as FAQs or multiple ones for an Accordion.
  • Count Up Showcase your stats. Display how many customers you have or the number of downloads of your app.
  • Horizontal Scroller A slider that scrolls horizontally.
  • Expand / Show More Display a small snippet of text. Your readers can toggle it to show more information.
  • Icon Box A small text area with an icon that can be used to summarize features or services
  • Countdown Display a countdown timer on your website.
  • Feature Grid Display multiple product features or services. You can use Feature Grids one after another.
  • Divider Add a pause between your content.
  • Table of Contents Automatically generated table of contents based on Heading blocks.
  • Spacer Sometimes you just need some space.
  • Heading Introduce new sections of your content in style.
  • Testimonial Showcase what your users say about your product or service.
  • Progress Circle Visualize a progress value or percentage in a circle.
  • Call to Action A small section you can use to call the attention of your visitors. Great for calling attention to your products or deals.
  • Icon Label An Icon and Heading paired together.
  • Subtitle Subtitle text that you can add custom styling to from the global settings.
  • Tabs Organize and display content in multiple tabs.
  • Price Show a price of a product or service with currency and a suffix styled with different weights
  • Design Library Choose a layout or block from the Stackable Design Library.
  • Blockquote Display a quote in style
  • Timeline Show events in chronological order
  • Posts Your latest blog posts. Use this to showcase a few of your posts in your landing pages.
  • Icon Pick an icon or upload your own SVG icon to decorate your content.
  • Notification Show a notice to your readers. People can dismiss the notice to permanently hide it.
  • Icon List An unordered list with icons. You can use this as a list of features or benefits.
  • Button Add a customizable button.
  • Icon List Item A single list entry in the Icon List block
  • Tab Content A wrapper for tab panels.
  • Tab Labels Create interactive navigation within tabs.
  • Inner Column A single column with advanced layout options.
  • Icon Button Add a customizable button.


Минимальные требования

You’ll need WordPress version 6.3 or higher for this to work.

Часто задаваемые вопросы

Вы только что обновились? Узнайте здесь о новом пользовательском интерфейсе Инспектора в версии 3.8

Является ли Stackable бесплатным?

Да, Stackable остается бесплатным навсегда.

У нас есть премиум-версия, которая добавляет больше дизайнов и расширенных функций. Вы можете посмотреть на Stackable Premium здесь.

Нужно ли мне знать, как кодировать, чтобы использовать Stackable?

Нет, вам не нужно знать ни одной строки кода при использовании Stackable

У вас есть демо?

Да, у нас есть настроенная онлайн-демонстрация, которую можно посмотреть здесь.

Что такое блоки?

Блоки — это новые шорткоды в WordPress 5.0 / Gutenberg. Это основные элементы, которые используются для оформления содержания страниц, например: кнопки, карточки, видео и т.д.

Stackable предоставляет вам обширную коллекцию блоков, которая позволяет гибко создавать любые виды профессиональных целевых страниц и сайтов.

Что такое UI наборы?

UI комплекты — это красивая и целостная коллекция наших дизайнов блоков для легкого создания полноценных сайтов. Эти наборы предлагают широкий спектр стилей и категорий веб-дизайна, которые позволят вам сразу же начать процесс проектирования

Какие темы можно использовать со Stackable?

Stackable должен работать с любой темой.

Можно ли отключить блоки, которые я не использую?

Да, вы можете управлять своими блоками и выбирать, какие блоки включать/отключать.

Могу ли я использовать этот плагин с другими плагинами блоков?

Да! Блоки Stackable хорошо взаимодействуют с другими блоками.

Можно ли использовать это дополнение для других конструкторов страниц, которые я использую?

Нет. Stackable работает только с Gutenberg, новым редактором WordPress.


5 Stars since it’s a great plugin for blocks, patterns, wireframes, and it’s easy to use. The only drawback is that if I cancel my subscription, any website with the license key could break. But I guess that’s the MO for most subscription plugins.
Посмотреть все 454 отзыва

Участники и разработчики

«Stackable — конструктор страниц блоками Gutenberg» — проект с открытым исходным кодом. В развитие плагина внесли свой вклад следующие участники:


«Stackable — конструктор страниц блоками Gutenberg» переведён на 9 языков. Благодарим переводчиков за их работу.

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Заинтересованы в разработке?

Посмотрите код, проверьте SVN репозиторий, или подпишитесь на журнал разработки по RSS.

Журнал изменений


  • New: Enhanced WordPress 6.6 compatibility
  • New: You can now select multiple adjacent same-type blocks and adjust their inspector settings at the same time #2711
  • New: You can now pick a font family from the available ones in the Block Theme fonts or uploaded fonts #3195 #3244
  • New: Faster pattern rendering in the editor #3229 #3225
  • New: Added admin warning when settings page REST API fails #2882
  • Change: Icon Label block: reworked Icon Gap option, now properly measures gap between icon and text #3126
  • Fixed: Dynamic Content: using custom date format now works correctly #2570
  • Fixed: Aspect Ratio tablet & mobile settings now working properly #3232
  • Fixed: Hover transitions not smoothly transitioning #3207
  • Fixed: Shadow color support for theme colors #3176
  • Fixed: Bottom separator can sometimes not go behind the content #3061
  • Fixed: Team Member block: fixed cover layout issue #2985


  • New: Added new Aspect Ratio option to Image block and relevant blocks #3200
  • New: Added filter stackable_force_css_load — when returning true, Stackable css files will always be loaded in the frontend even if no blocks are present #3218
  • New: Accordion block — accordions show open when printing the webpage #3186
  • Fixed: Posts block — empty excerpts may show some excerpt markup #3185
  • Fixed: Posts block — excerpt length not being followed #3210
  • Fixed: Load more block — clicking rapidly can load the same posts #2280
  • Fixed: Accordion block — prevent highlighting text when toggling #3096
  • Fixed: Accordion block — some icons in the content rotate when opening the accordion #3211
  • Fixed: Table of Contents block — excluding headings can affect another TOC block in the same page #3197
  • Fixed: Inner column block — top and bottom margins looks different in Firefox #3193
  • Fixed: Some CSS validation errors #3087
  • Fixed: Some custom SVG icons may not display properly #3103
  • Fixed: Image blob shapes sometimes look different in Firefox #3042
  • Fixed: Nested selectors in Custom CSS now work properly #3164
  • Fixed: Security improvements


  • Fixed: (Hotfix update): Style codes can show on some instances
  • Fixed: Copy and paste styles now work correctly #350


Improved Stackable Server Performance

  • New: x2-x3 plugin performance — improved plugin execution times, reduced memory usage, and faster loading times #340 #3169 #347 #3178
  • New: Performance improvements — options are now autoloaded correctly for better database performance #343 #3175
  • New: Role Manager — when in content editing mode, a console warning will appear #2911
  • Fixed: Dynamic Content — detected custom fields now show up in the Site Editor ##344
  • Fixed: Carousel block — infinite scrolling also works for the previous button #3143
  • Fixed: Full width buttons and flex wrapping now work correctly #3181
  • Fixed: Button text now doesn’t wrap — they look more like what you get in the editor #3181
  • Fixed: Button group vertical alignment now works correctly on multiple buttons #3181
  • Fixed: Copy and paste styles now work correctly if native blocks are used #341
  • Fixed: ACF Dynamic Content line breaks in wysiwyg fields now do not get added #3110
  • Fixed: Block preview error when using Stackable blocks in block patterns #3191


  • Fixed: (Hotfix update): Display Conditions not working in some cases


  • Fixed: Improved database performance of dynamic content when dealing with auto-detected meta fields #337
  • Fixed: Transforming blocks to columns can produce block errors #3151
  • Fixed: Dynamic content — possible Metabox error when using some fields #3156
  • Fixed: Dynamic content — warning when using a featured image that has already been deleted #3168
  • Fixed: Security improvements


  • New: Tabs Block — added new option to set anchor links per tab that you can use to open each tab #3124
  • New: Accordion Block — added support for anchor links that you can use to open each accordion block #3136
  • Fixed: Accordion Block — now shows gradient colors with the correct z-index #3138
  • Fixed: Accordion Block — removed video background option since it’s not supported by browsers #3138
  • Fixed: Metabox Settings — now shows properly other options registered in settings pages #335
  • Fixed: Video Popup Block — prevent theme from adding button styles to the video popup #3121
  • Fixed: Carousel Block — no longer clones slides when the screen is resized #3132
  • Fixed: Carousel Block — DOM events now work correctly in slides when infinite scrolling is enabled #3137
  • Fixed: Columns Block — block error when deleting a block in Firefox #3148


  • Fixed: Table of Contents Block — WordPress 6.5 compatibility in the Site Editor #3133
  • Fixed: Table of Contents Block — Auto-generate anchors now work after the editor refreshes #3133
  • Fixed: (Hotfix) Rolled back separator fix since it was producing errors #3131
  • Fixed: Some blocks may produce errors when editing in multisite when editing as a non-super user #3130
  • Fixed: In multisite, prevent parts of custom icons from being stripped #3130
  • Fixed: Buttons block — full width now occupies the entire full width correctly #2991


  • Fixed: (Hotfix update) Rolled back some optimizations that caused styling issues in the frontend after saving.


  • New: WordPress 6.5 compatibility #3115 #3116 #333
  • New: Improved editor and saving performance #3119 #3114
  • New: Added support for Metabox settings #330
  • New: Columns Block — you can now wrap columns in desktop view #3072
  • New: Carousel Block — new infinite scroll option #3060
  • New: Added thumbnail option for video backgrounds #3040
  • New: Border color picker now has the new opacity slider #3074
  • New: Design Library — added error logger in the network tab for easy checking of errors #3112
  • New: WooCommerce — dynamic content product description now has option to not strip HTML tags #331
  • Change: Removed Navigation Panel feature — it was already disabled by default back in 3.10.2 #3119
  • Fixed: Prevent bottom separator from overlapping content #3081
  • Fixed: Card block — fixed possible block error when reseting layouts #3080
  • Fixed: Posts block — better display for horizontal layouts with large featured image #3108
  • Fixed: Tabs block — changing styles now updates the border radius correctly #3106
  • Fixed: Lightbox — prevent possible PHP error #3083
  • Fixed: Security improvements


  • New: You can now use YouTube shorts and unlisted Vimeo videos in the Video Popup block
  • Fixed: Ordered Icon List block numerals no longer wrap to the next line
  • Fixed: Native list block behaviors no longer create Stackable Icon List Item blocks
  • Fixed: Clicking WooCommerce add to cart button no longer changes the Tabs block to the first tab
  • Fixed: No longer need to have v2 compatibility enabled for the random order option to work in the Posts block
  • Fixed: Carousel block default icon color can now be changed correctly
  • Fixed: Pasting a bullet list no longer converts it to a Stackable Icon List block
  • Fixed: Frontend scripts now will not initialize more than once
  • Fixed: Updated .pot file to allow manual JS strings translations


  • Fixed: (Hotfix update) Some themes can add bullets or numbers on the Icon List block


  • New: Revamp of Icon List Block (please expect some slight changes in the block’s appearance after the block migrates)
  • New: New Icon List Block options: item borders, vertical icon alignment, and more
  • New: Cleaner output: inlined script for animations is no longer added if there are no animations
  • New: Dynamic Content: you can now search for a post ID in the post search field
  • Fixed: Block error when adding an anchor on a Button block
  • Fixed: Clicking once on links inside the Carousel block now works in iOS
  • Fixed: Anchors are not anymore copied with our copy and paste style feature
  • Fixed: Error when using a category that’s shown as a link
  • Fixed: Compatibility with Thrive themes global header
  • Fixed: Compatibility with Core Framework: inspector panels now open properly


  • New: (Hotfix update) Added new option «Lazy Load Images within Carousels» that fixes carousel spacing issues with some image lazy loading solutions
  • Fixed: (Hotfix update) Turned carousel image lazy loading fix into an option instead of a default
  • Fixed: Dropdown arrows in the block resizers shows up as a square / no icon
  • Fixed: Accessibility warning in lightboxes that aria-* attributes are misspelled


  • New: Better multisite support
  • New: Multisite network license key activation is now possible
  • New: Font Awesome 6 support, you can now choose between Font Awesome 5 and 6 icon libraries from the settings
  • Fixed: You can now use text formatting on Image block captions
  • Fixed: Dynamic Content show different post data when used with JetEngine loops and other query builders
  • Fixed: Better scrollbar styling support with Firefix
  • Fixed: Column size indicator sometimes shows up as a square / no icon and without a label
  • Fixed: Dynamic breakpoints not producing correct breakpoints when used with specific values
  • Fixed: Conditional Display can produce a PHP error if post meta is an array
  • Fixed: Inner block gap option sometimes resets to 0
  • Fixed: Accordion block now opens correctly when editing in the theme Customizer
  • Fixed: Carousel & Horizontal scroller height issues when images are lazy loaded
  • Fixed: Corrected account and contact us links in the settings when network activated
  • Fixed: Network activating will no longer redirect to a 404 page


  • Fixed: Block error for blocks with containers and video backgrounds #2967


  • Fixed: Edge case PHP error with unique id checking #2961
  • Fixed: Resolved PHP warning with Metabox integration #317


  • New: WordPress 6.4 compatibility
  • New: Tabs block option: Equal tab height — to toggle on/off equal tab heights #2844
  • New: Dynamic Content: Added «show as link» option for author name and taxonomies #2878
  • New: Image block now has a built-in caption #2875
  • New: You can now use a URL for images and background images #2873
  • Change: Tabs block now by default will now have non-equal tab heights
  • Change: Added note in fixed background option that it only works in desktop and Android mobile #2917
  • Fixed: Carousel block is now RTL compatible #2910
  • Fixed: Duplicated blocks that are inserted dynamically will now style correctly #2890
  • Fixed: Margin bottom draggable control now works correctly when using percentage #2904
  • Fixed: Added border radius corner icons #2914
  • Fixed: Timeline block lines now connect properly in Firefox #2872
  • Fixed: Timeline block in Safari mobile workaround: now always filled with accent color #2912
  • Fixed: Progress bar and circle blocks now show correctly dynamic content if edited in widgets #2952
  • Fixed: Dragging margin bottom control is now smoother #2904


  • Fixed: When updating a container, it has a chance of incorrectly enabling the container
  • Fixed: Resolved PHP warning about global styles variable
  • Fixed: Accordion block produces a PHP error on saving when structure is malformed
  • Fixed: Prevent new border radius control from overflowing the corners


  • Fixed: (Hotfix update) PHP error if using PHP 7.2 and below


  • Fixed: (Hotfix update) Possible PHP error with Dynamic Content


WooCommerce Integration and Enhanced Color, Gradient and Opacity Settings

  • New: WooCommerce integration: you can now use WooCommerce product fields in Dynamic Content and inside the native Query Loop block (premium) #2907
  • New: WooCommerce integration: you can now use WooCommerce product fields as Display Conditions (premium) #2907
  • New: Enhanced color picker: now includes opacity #2740
  • New: Enhanced gradient color picker: multiple color stops, type and angle. Also supports theme gradient colors. #2740
  • New: Accordion FAQ Schema option #2874
  • New: You can now adjust border radius corners individually #2877
  • Change: Global colors can no longer be used when picking gradient colors (backward compatible, if you used them before, they will still work unless the gradient is edited)
  • Fixed: Global settings get removed when switching between code view and visual view #2855
  • Fixed: Posts block, added missing note about extra options #2879
  • Fixed: Global typography preview now reflects the theme’s default font family #2858


  • Fixed: Design Library not loading, changed CDN


  • Fixed: Fixed styles not loading the the Getting Started page in Firefox #2901
  • Fixed: Remote URLs in lightbox gallery now work correctly #2864
  • Fixed: PHP warning in PHP 8.2 #2897
  • Fixed: Possible PHP warning in admin from Freemius SDK


  • New: Added Video Popup block options: disable video download, no full screen & enable/disable loop for self-hosted videos #2876
  • New: Range controls now show the inherited value from larger screen sizes as placeholders #2859
  • Fixed: Responsive column widths now reset when decreasing columns to one ##2792
  • Fixed: Parent hover state cannot be selected without reselecting a recently moved block 3573c51
  • Fixed: Accordion toggle animation is now works when inside columns #2728
  • Fixed: Firefox fixes for alignments, removed polyfill script for :has selector #2824
  • Fixed: Spacer block dragging again fails to update the editor #2866
  • Fixed: Single columns block spacing looks different in Firefox #2862
  • Fixed: Column arrangement’s responsive values do not disappear on refresh #2706
  • Fixed: Timeline block — if background is enabled, dot is not aligned on mobile #2863
  • Fixed: JetEngine PHP warning


  • Fixed: Compatibility issues with WordPress 6.1
  • Fixed: Dynamic Content now display in the editor correctly when used in a Query Loop block
  • Fixed: Typing on a field will turn «current post» Dynamic Content source source to a specific post ID


  • Fixed: Dynamic Content did not show up when used inside a native Query Loop block


  • Fixed: (Hotfix update) PHP error missing function encountered sometimes when updating


Introducing: New Timeline Block

  • New: Timeline block
  • New: Various performance optimizations, lesser memory usage and better script loading #2835
  • New: Page now scrolls to the opened Accordion if it’s not in the viewport #2726
  • New: Added a tip when incorrectly using a Google Map in a lightbox #2807
  • New: Added some new getting started videos
  • Change: Removed settings wizard
  • Fixed: Normal or centered block widths are not visible in the editor in WP 6.3
  • Fixed: Blocks were not being loaded in the Customizer for classic themes #2846
  • Fixed: Global colors and typography not showing in the editor if Content Editing Mode is enabled
  • Fixed: Custom Fields admin menu UI
  • Fixed: Blocks can encounter an error when dragging inside or from a reusable block #2768 #2791
  • Fixed: Picking an icon from the icon picker inside the editor area doesn’t work #2772
  • Fixed: Block link now correctly occupies the entire container block if it has a background #2743
  • Fixed: Removed ReactDom.render console error messages #2786
  • Fixed: Native spacing tabs appear in WP < 6.3 #2837 #2828
  • Fixed: Design Library block cannot be selected
  • Fixed: Columns content max width unit resets after saving #2826
  • Fixed: Icon gap responsive settings resets after saving #2670
  • Fixed: Carousel now uses passive listeners to improve scrolling performance #2831
  • Fixed: Sometimes inactive tabs can still get mouse focus


  • Fixed: (Hotfix update) PHP error incompatibility with some plugins


  • New: Compatibility with WordPress 6.3
  • New: Updated all blocks to use the new Block API Version 3 — now all Stackable blocks can be iframed in the editor. Learn about the benefits of an iframed editor
  • New: Improved editor loading performance #2797
  • New: Support for the Navite Group block flexbox options when nesting Stackable blocks #2773 #2774
  • Change: The Navigation Panel is now disabled by default #2789
  • Fixed: When duplicating or transforming blocks, sometimes changes get applied to multiple blocks ##2749
  • Fixed: Added Safari <= 15.3 and Firefox support for some flexbox options #2784
  • Fixed: Link picker UI issue where the reset button overlapped #2761
  • Fixed: WooCommerce compatibility where the Stackable settings button was not showing up #2793
  • Fixed: Inspector panels did not auto-collapse in the Site Editor #2759
  • Fixed: Resolved a few console warnings #2787 #2788


  • New: Improved Block Theme & Site Editor color compatibility #2599 #2601 #2641
  • New: Improved Color palette popup — now has built-in color picker, and color categories for global colors, theme colors, default colors, and custom Site Editor colors. #2600
  • New: Improved Global Color panel UI, includes reoredring of global colors and new options to show/hide color categories in the color palette popup
  • New: Added vw and vh units to some block options #2735
  • New: Added a new stackable_activation_screen_enabled PHP filter that when false bypasses the welcome and wizard screen. #2676
  • New: Added new «Fixed Icon Position» option in Tab Labels block for better text alignment #2739
  • Change: Stackable global colors now are no longer included in the color picker of Native blocks to prevent confusion and possible conflicts.
  • Fixed: Bug when you have a custom color in the Site Editor, it stops displaying the other colors in the color picker #2599 #2601
  • Fixed: Column resize doesn’t snap correctly when the Columns block has a background enabled #2579
  • Fixed: Columns block content max width and horizontal align options reset upon save #2742
  • Fixed: Resolved missing dependencies warning in Query Monitor #2562
  • Fixed: Divider block tablet and mobile alignments not working #2733
  • Fixed: Some embedded content do not show up in lightbox #2658
  • Fixed: Added support for WP Rocket’s Image Lazy Loading feature in the lightbox #2724
  • Fixed: Enabling template locking on a container can cause inner blocks to overlap #2672
  • Fixed: A scrollbar was visible on the carousel block in Firefox #2701
  • Fixed: Better accessibility: pressing the escape key will close popovers #2766
  • Fixed: Colors not working for the collapsed state of accordion blocks (need to edit the block for it to take effect) #2723
  • Fixed: Carousel block aria warning #2722
  • Fixed: Design library tab focus outline #2727
  • Fixed: Map block JS callback warning is now resolved #2734
  • Fixed: Progress bar and cirlce blocks can now handle dynamic content that has commas #2688
  • Fixed: V2 Feature Grid encounters an error when using the advanced tab #2707


Новинка: новый блок вкладок

  • New: Tabs Block
  • New: Revamped Getting Started page with new videos and links
  • New: Added new inset option for shadows
  • Fixed: Table of Contents block font family not being applied
  • Fixed: Some block options did not show correctly in Safari


  • New: Inspector UI improvements and reskin
  • New: New help tooltips UI
  • New: Better inspector accessibility
  • New: PHP filter stackable_block_category_index to adjust the block category index
  • FIxed: All Dynamic Content Fields from ACF, Metabox and JetEngine are now shown in the field picker
  • Fixed: Dynamic Content issues with the Site Editor
  • Fixed: Added missing help tooltips
  • Fixed: Focal point picker going outside the inspector panels
  • Fixed: Expand block accessibility improvements
  • Fixed: Progress bar block fullwidth issues
  • Fixed: Updated Freemius SDK to 2.5.10


Introducing: New Carousel Block

  • New: Carousel block
  • New: Typography Letter Spacing is now responsive #2674
  • Fixed: The first entry in the Icon list block can get misaligned #2636


  • Fixed: Dynamic Content sometimes not displaying in the frontend
  • Fixed: Dynamic Content backend field picker issues with ACF
  • Fixed: Lightbox now works with PerfMatter’s Image Lazy Loading option
  • Fixed: Lightbox compatibility issues with Twenty Twenty One theme
  • Fixed: Feature Grid Column gap option resets


  • New: Added orange modified indicators to panels and controls — know which options you’ve modified in your blocks!
  • New: Added justify text option for the Advanced Text block #2528
  • Fixed: Better backspace handling when typing in the number of columns #2675
  • Fixed: Scrolling the Horizontal Scroller block now doesn’t open links #2657
  • Fixed: When adding background color or a background image, it now auto-enables the block’s background option #2673
  • Fixed: Better Dynamic Content support for template/layout CPTs
  • Fixed: Lightbox now works with NitroPack’s Image Lazy Loading option
  • Fixed: Reset button in Global Typography now resets correctly #2667
  • Fixed: Subtitle help icon alignment issue in Global Typography #1903
  • Fixed: Handled case when the responsive toggle button doesn’t work when site editor files are loaded in the post editor
  • Fixed: Minor translation issues #2596


Новинка: свежий пользовательский интерфейс

  • New: New Block Inspector UI — reorganized and added new options
  • New: Visual Guides — helps visualize layout options like justify and paddings
  • New: Flexbox options
  • New: Lightbox option in Image blocks and in containers with links — check the Advanced tab > Link panel. Lightbox supports: images, videos, YouTube, Vimeo and web pages.
  • New: Typing ‘auto’ in block margins now works visually in the block editor
  • Change: Renamed to «Adv. Copy and Paste» styles to make it different from the native copy and paste option
  • Change: Removed «Fit all columns to content» option in Columns, this has been replaced with flexbox controls
  • Fixed: Some blocks encounter a block error when inside a Query Loop block #2577
  • Fixed: Some textarea Dynamic Content fields do not show line breaks correctly #2602
  • Fixed: Better inspector panel scrolling when opening and closing panels
  • Fixed: Inner Column blocks with paddings made the column widths uneven
  • Fixed: Missing meta option in the Posts Block content order option #2646
  • Fixed: Video backgrounds now show up as one network request
  • Fixed: Block titles and descriptions are now translated correctly in the Getting Started page #2597
  • Fixed: Navigation panel cannot be resized properly #2640
  • Fixed: Navigation panel closes when selecting another block
  • Fixed: Dragging the margin bottom of blocks quickly will stop the current drag
  • Fixed: The Block Linking learn more link redirects to the wrong page #2564
  • Fixed: In the free version, premium notices have lower priority
  • Fixed: Dynamic Content can now be used in the Progress Bar and Progress Circle percentage value #2647