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WP Adminify — WordPress Custom Dashboard | Custom Login | Admin Columns | Dashboard Widget | Media Folders

WP Adminify — WordPress Custom Dashboard | Custom Login | Admin Columns | Dashboard Widget | Media Folders


WP Adminify is the ultimate toolkit to customize your WordPress dashboard. With over 20+ modules, it’s designed to enhance your admin panel’s functionality and aesthetics, making it the perfect choice for a personalized and efficient dashboard experience.

WP Adminify understands the desire for a Dashboard that not only functions efficiently but also reflects your brand’s identity. With an intuitive interface and customizable options, you can modernize your workflow, enhance productivity, and present a professional image to your users and Clients.

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WP Adminify offers the following features :

Say goodbye to the one-size-fits-all Dashboard and embrace a personalized environment that aligns with your vision. It’s time to customize your WordPress Admin Dashboard with WP Adminify – where every detail extends your digital strategy.

  • WordPress Dashboard White Label: Customize the admin panel and login screen, add custom admin menus, and create a minimalistic backend.
  • Adminify UI: Access to 10 modern dashboard UI templates and options for extensive customization of the admin panel.
  • Post Type & Media Folders: Organize media and various post types efficiently with folders and subfolders.
  • Admin Columns Customizer: Manage and customize admin columns, with support for ACF, Metabox, and Pods.
  • WordPress Login Customizer: Personalize the admin login screen with custom logos, messages, and texts.
  • Light & Dark Mode: Use dark mode based on the operating system or time, with customizable logos.
  • Disable Admin Notices: Manage promotional notices and updates, with a dedicated page for hidden notifications.
  • Admin Menu Editor: Rearrange and edit the admin menu, add custom menus, and control visibility based on user roles.
  • Dashboard & Welcome Widget: Add custom dashboard widgets with various content options and role-based visibility.
  • Header / Footer Script: Add custom scripts and styles without editing theme files, with device and page-specific options.
  • Quick Floating Menu: Create accessible floating menus with customizable icons and URLs.
  • WordPress Activity Logs: Monitor real-time user activity with detailed logs and filters.
  • WordPress Post Duplicator: Duplicate posts, pages, or custom post types with ease.
  • Disable Comments for WordPress: Control comment form fields and disable links to combat spam.
  • Post Type Order: Order posts, pages, or custom post types with drag-and-drop functionality.
  • Server Information: Access detailed server information and manage WordPress debug logs.
  • Menu Duplicator for WordPress: Duplicate menus or menu items for easier management.
  • Google Pagespeed Insights: Integrate Google Lighthouse for in-depth page optimization suggestions.
  • Admin Menu Customization: Set horizontal or vertical admin menus with accordion and toggle features.
  • Admin Bar Customization: Design unique admin bars for different user roles with custom items and submenus.
  • Dashboard Custom CSS / JS: Apply custom CSS and JS codes for specific devices, pages, or posts.
  • WP Adminify White Label: Rebrand WP Adminify with your agency or website’s identity.
  • Notification Bar for WordPress: Create notification bars for announcements or cookie notices.
  • WordPress Sidebar Generator: Generate unlimited sidebars for both classic and Gutenberg widget layouts.
  • Admin Bar Editor (Upcoming): Customize the admin bar, add new items, and set options for different user roles.
  • User Role Editor (Upcoming): Edit user roles and capabilities, add custom roles, and customize default capabilities.

Улучшить до WP Adminify Pro

Do more with WP Adminify Pro

WP Adminify Pro offers advanced features to customize and secure your WordPress Dashboard. Enhance the user experience with personalized settings and layouts. It’s the perfect upgrade for a more efficient and personalized admin interface.

  • Admin Pages For WordPress: Craft custom admin pages with page builders and manage who sees them.
  • Change Login URL: Secure your login by customizing the URL to deter unauthorized access.
  • Redirect While Login & Logout: Direct users to specific pages upon logging in or out.
  • Dashboard Body Font & Custom UI: Personalize your dashboard’s look with custom fonts and UI.
  • Dark Mode Scheduling: Offer users a dark mode that adapts to their preferences or system settings.
  • Horizontal Admin Menu: Switch to a horizontal menu for a new look and feel.
  • Disable Admin Notice in One Click: Clear admin notices quickly for a tidier dashboard.
  • Extra Control in Dashboard Widget: Manage widgets with more options for a customized view.
  • Add Snippet Individually: Insert code snippets where needed for enhanced functionality.
  • All Post Type Support for Admin Columns: Customize columns for any content type easily.
  • Add Separator & Custom Admin Menu: Organize your admin menu with separators and custom items.
  • 12 Extra Templates for Login Page: Beautify your login page with additional templates.
  • User Info in Admin Menu: Access user info quickly from the admin menu.

Зачем использовать WP Adminify?

  • Comprehensive Customization: Change every aspect of your WordPress dashboard to match your brand and workflow.

  • Intuitive User Interface: Access to modern UI templates and an option panel for creating your own admin panel designs.

  • Enhanced Productivity: Organize media and posts with folders, customize admin columns, and up to date your admin tasks.

  • White Label Solution: Rebrand the Dashboard and login screens to reflect your agency or business identity.

  • User Role Management: Fine-tune user roles and capabilities with upcoming features for precise access control.

  • Advanced Widget Control: Add and manage custom dashboard widgets to display the content that matters most.

  • Performance Insights: Integrated Google Pagespeed Insights to monitor and enhance your website’s performance.

  • Security Enhancements: Customize login URLs and disable comments to protect your site from unauthorized access and spam.

  • Seamless Integration: Works well with various plugins & themes, allowing for a cohesive experience across your site management tools.

  • Developer Friendly: Add custom CSS/JS directly through the dashboard without editing theme files, and set rules for specific devices or pages.

  • Responsive Support: Dedicated support and regular updates to ensure compatibility and new feature additions.

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Support & Pre-Sale Questions

✋Хотите еще —

Если вам нравится наш плагин WP Adminify, то почему бы не проверить другие плагины, разработанные нами:

🚀 Master Addons: — Один из лучших плагинов для Elementor, который содержит 70+ элементов и расширений. Вы получите все необходимые элементы для создания сайта любого типа.

🚴🏻‍♂️ Image Comparison for Elementor: — Этот плагин создан специально для элемента сравнения изображений. Вы получите множество вариаций для сравнения изображений. С помощью этого плагина вы сможете легко продемонстрировать свою работу «до и после».

🍡 Master Accordion: — Если вы являетесь пользователем WordPress по умолчанию и вам нужен подходящий плагин аккордеона, то Master Accordion для вас. Вы можете добавить столько аккордеонов, сколько вам нужно, различными способами.

🏕 WordPress prettyPhoto: — Этот плагин поможет вам включить лайтбокс для любого медиафайла, flash, YouTube, iframe и ajax. Просто включите PreetyPhoto в нужном медиафайле и все готово.


  • Обзор WP Adminify
  • Модуль столбцов администратора
  • Папки меди, страниц, записей и типов записей
  • Google Pagespeed Insights для WordPress
  • Отключение уведомлений администратора
  • Редактор меню панели инструментов
  • Настройщик входа в WordPress
  • Журналы активности для сайта WordPress


  1. Загрузите скачанную папку «» в каталог /wp-content/plugins/
  2. Или распакуйте папку «» и загрузите adminify в папку «wp-content/plugins/» по FTP или скопируйте и
    вставьте на локальный компьютер

Часто задаваемые вопросы

Совместим ли WP Adminify с WordPress multisite?

Да. WP Adminify совместим с multisite. Мы протестировали этот плагин на нескольких сайтах и правильно настроили его для WP multisite.

Готов ли WP Adminify к переводу?

Да. Это плагин готов к WPML. Вы можете изменить все строки на свой язык.

Это плагин готов к RTL?

Да. WP Adminify подходит для RTL пользователей.

Есть ли влияние на скорость загрузки страниц сайта?

Нет. Так как он не загружает никаких дополнительных скриптов в пользовательский интерфейс, этот плагин не влияет на скорость загрузки страниц.

Есть ли способ протестировать Премиум функции без покупки WP Adminify?

Да, вы можете попробовать нашу демо-версию WP Adminify, чтобы поиграть со всеми функциями.

Как я могу получить более быструю поддержку?

To get faster support, we recommend you to create a support topic in our WP Adminify Forum. Our support team will check your question and get back to you with a solution or alternative.


This plugin is an incredibly versatile toolset, offering a vast array of easy-to-implement utilities that significantly enhance the WordPress admin experience. It not only stylishly redesigns the admin pages but also introduces numerous features that make a substantial difference in day-to-day operations. One standout feature is the dashboard widget displaying your WordPress installation’s available memory — a small but invaluable addition. Remarkably, this is just one of the plugin’s myriad functionalities. With its extensive feature set, this plugin is a game-changer for WordPress administrators. Highly recommended!
27.06.2024 1 ответ
My Rating: 4.5/5This is a good plugin to use if you want to get a head start on customizing the look and functionality of your WordPress back-end. There are some bugs here and there, such as an icon or two suddenly disappearing and responsive layouts not rendering properly. However, I was able to fix them all myself and tweak the aesthetics using the Custom CSS/JS Settings functionality. Having some basic scripting knowledge will help out a lot here. There are the occasional conflicts with other plugins, but that’s to be expected. What’s most important to me is that it remains functional with the Advanced Custom Fields plugin, this is a huge plus. Again, had to tweak with custom CSS/JS a little but overall, I’m happy.
I had a question about custom CSS styling in the admin panel, and I got a response and solution incredibly quickly. This level of support for a software product is invaluable 💪. Thank you Jemee for your awesome support
Jemee was a huge help getting me logged into my account and quickly fixing a licensing issue at 11:00pm on a Sunday. The fact that someone always appears to be available for a chat session makes a software product that much more valuable. Thank you!
My experience with WP Adminify has been amazing. Jemee helped me with my issue and was great. We met on a Google Meet, and I was able to show him the issue I was facing. He came up with a solution promptly and efficiently. WP Adminify is an excellent plugin, allowing me to customize the WordPress admin panel to be more user-friendly for my clients. Additionally, I can white label it to match my brand. The best plug-ins for customizing the WordPress Admin panel and their support team is top-notch.
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