Elementor Template Kits Library. 100+ Templates

Designer-made website kits created to fit any industry. Import in a Few Seconds,
Add content, customize it, and make it your own!

Dynamic Data

Dynamic Website Builder

Build any type of Website:

Theme Builder

Royal Theme & Woocommerce Shop Builder

Customize every fundamental part of your WordPress site
without coding skills:

Popup Builder

Royal Popup Builder

Build beautiful Popups with easy to use Elementor interface and Zero Code Knowledge.

Popup Previews

Full Screen





Top/Bottom Bar


Eye Catching Extensions

Build eye-caching & memorable webpages using:

Upgrade to Pro

Free Version

Basic Functionality
Basic Support
Mega Menu
Post Grid/Slider/Carousel Widget
Woo Grid/Slider/Carousel Widget
Image Grid/Slider/Carousel Widget
Magazine Grid/Slider Widget
Basic Timeline Widget
Basic Slider Widget
Basic Form Builder Widget
Offcanvas Menu
Instagram Feed
Twitter Feed
Basic Data Table
Testimonial Slider Widget
Nav Menu Widget
Advanced Accordion
Image Accordion
OnePage Navigation-Scroll Widget
Tabs Widget
Promo Box Widget
Flip Box Widget
Flip Carousel
Before After Slider Widget
Content Ticker Widget
MailChimp Widget
Image Hotspot Widget
Team Member Widget
Button Widget
Dual Button Widget
Price List Widget
Business Hours Widget
Sharing Buttons Widget
Progress Bar Widget
Countdown Timer Widget
Content Toggle Widget
Pricing Table Widget
Advanced Text Widget
Search Widget (Ajax)
Free Premade Widget Templates
Popup Builder
9 Premade Popup Templates
Particle Effects
Parallax Effect
Sticky Section
Free Templates Kit Library
Theme Builder
WooCommerce Shop Builder  
18 Free Elementor Woocommerce Widgets, enough for building Basic Elementor Shop.
Elementor Pro Not Required  
Template Kit, Widgets and any other setting and Extension Doesn't require Elementor PRO
Free for Localhost / Staging / Testing

Pro Version

Advanced Functionality
Priority Support
Advanced Mega Menu  
  • Load SubMenu Items with Ajax - Improves Speed
  • Add Icons and Badges to Menu Items
  • Set Submenu width to Automatically Fit to Section width
  • Display Mobile Menu sub items as Mega Item or WordPress Default Sub Item
  • Vertical Mega Menu Layout
  • Mobile Menu Off-Canvas Layout
  • Mobile Menu Display Conditions
  • SubMenu Width option
  • Advanced Link Hover Effects: Slide, Grow, Drop
  • SubMenu Entrance Advanced Effects
  • Mobile Menu Button Custom Text option
Advanced Post Grid/Slider/Carousel Widget  
  • Grid Columns 1,2,3,4,5,6
  • Custom Post Types Support(Expert)
  • Masonry Layout
  • List Layout Zig-zag
  • Secondary Featured Image
  • Posts Slider Columns (Carousel) 1,2,3,4,5,6
  • Related Posts Query, Current Page Query, Random Posts Query
  • Infinite Scrolling Pagination
  • Post Slider Autoplay options
  • Post Slider Advanced Navigation Positioning
  • Post Slider Advanced Pagination Positioning
  • Advanced Post Likes
  • Advanced Post Sharing
  • Custom Fields Support
  • Advanced Grid Loading Animations (Fade in & Slide Up)
  • Unlimited Grid Elements Positioning
  • Unlimited Image Overlay Animations
  • Image overlay GIF upload option
  • Image Overlay Blend Mode
  • Image Effects: Zoom, Grayscale, Blur
  • Lightbox Thumbnail Gallery, Lightbox Image Sharing Button
  • Ability to Select Default Active Grid Filter
  • Grid Category Filter Deeplinking
  • Grid Category Filter Icons select
  • Grid Category Filter Count
  • Grid Item Even/Odd Background Color
  • Title, Category, Read More Advanced Link Hover Animations
  • Display Scheduled Posts
  • Lazy Loading
  • Open Links in New Tab
  • Posts Order
  • Posts Order by Custom Fields
  • Trim Title & Excerpt By Letter Count
Advanced Woo Grid/Slider/Carousel Widget  
  • Grid Columns 1,2,3,4,5,6
  • Masonry Layout
  • Products Slider Columns (Carousel) 1,2,3,4,5,6
  • Wishlist and Compare Buttons(Expert)
  • Custom Fields/Attributes Support (Expert)
  • Secondary Featured Image
  • Current Page Query, Random Products Query
  • Infinite Scrolling Pagination
  • Products Slider Autoplay options
  • Products Slider Advanced Navigation Positioning
  • Products Slider Advanced Pagination Positioning
  • Advanced Products Likes
  • Advanced Products Sharing
  • Advanced Grid Loading Animations (Fade in & Slide Up)
  • Unlimited Grid Elements Positioning
  • Unlimited Image Overlay Animations
  • Image overlay GIF upload option
  • Image Overlay Blend Mode
  • Image Effects: Zoom, Grayscale, Blur
  • Lightbox Thumbnail Gallery, Lightbox Image Sharing Button
  • Ability to Select Default Active Grid Filter
  • Grid Category Filter Deeplinking
  • Grid Category Filter Icons select
  • Grid Category Filter Count
  • Grid Item Even/Odd Background Color
  • Title, Category, Read More Advanced Link Hover Animation
  • Open Links in New Tab
Advanced Image Grid/Slider/Carousel Widget  
  • Grid Columns 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8
  • Masonry Layout
  • Random Images Query
  • Image Slider Columns (Carousel) 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8
  • Infinite Scrolling Pagination
  • Image Slider Autoplay options
  • Image Slider Advanced Navigation Positioning
  • Image Slider Advanced Pagination Positioning
  • Advanced Image Likes
  • Advanced Image Sharing
  • Advanced Grid Loading Animations (Fade in & Slide Up)
  • Unlimited Grid Elements Positioning
  • Unlimited Image Overlay Animations
  • Image overlay GIF upload option
  • Image Overlay Blend Mode
  • Image Effects: Zoom, Grayscale, Blur
  • Lightbox Thumbnail Gallery, Lightbox Image Sharing Button
  • Ability to Select Default Active Grid Filter
  • Grid Category Filter Deeplinking
  • Grid Category Filter Icons select
  • Grid Category Filter Count
  • Grid Item Even/Odd Background Color
  • Title & Category Advanced Link Hover Animations
Advanced Magazine Grid/Slider Widget  
  • Random Posts Query
  • Custom Post Types Support (Expert)
  • +6 Magazine Grid Layouts
  • Magazine Grid Slider
  • Magazine Grid Slider Autoplay options
  • Magazine Grid Slider Advanced Navigation Positioning
  • Magazine Grid Slider Advanced Pagination Positioning
  • Advanced Post Likes
  • Advanced Post Sharing
  • Custom Fields Support
  • Unlimited Grid Elements Positioning
  • Unlimited Image Overlay Animations
  • Image overlay GIF upload option
  • Title, Category, Read More Advanced Link Hover Animations
  • Open Links in New Tab
  • Posts Order
  • Trim Title & Excerpt By Letter Count
Advanced Timeline Widget  
  • Add Unlimited Custom Timeline Items
  • Custom Post Types Support(Expert)
  • Advanced Pagination - Load More Button or Infinite Scroll options
  • Unlimited Slides to Show option
  • Carousel Autoplay and Autoplay Speed
  • Unlimited Posts Per Page option
  • Advanced Entrance Animation Options
Advanced Slider Widget  
  • Add Unlimited Slides
  • Youtube & Vimeo Video Support
  • Custom Video Support
  • Vertical Slider
  • Elementor Templates Slider option
  • Scroll to Section Button
  • Ken Burn Effect
  • Columns (Carousel) 1,2,3,4,5,6
  • Unlimited Slides to Scroll option
  • Autoplay options
  • Advanced Navigation Positioning
  • Advanced Pagination Positioning
Advanced Form Builder Widget  
  • Unlimited Number of Fields
  • Submission Action
  • Mailchimp Action
  • Webhook Action
Advanced Offcanvas Menu  
  • Advanced Positioning
  • Advanced Entrance Animations
  • Custom Width & Height
  • Open Offcanvas by Default
  • Trigger Button Icon Select
  • Close Icon Positioning
Advanced Instagram Feed  
  • Unlimited Number of Posts
  • Unlimited Number of Slides
  • Trim Title & Caption By Letter Count
  • Advanced Grid Elements Positioning
  • Advanced Post Sharing
  • Unlimited Image Overlay Animations
  • Lightbox Thumbnail Gallery, Lightbox Image Sharing Button
Advanced Twitter Feed  
  • Unlimited Number of Profiles
  • Unlimited Number of Posts
Advanced Data Table Widget  
  • Import Table data from CSV file upload or URL
  • Show/Hide Export Table data buttons
  • Enable Live Search for Tables
  • Enable Table Pagination. Divide Table items by pages
  • Enable Table Sorting option
  • Enable Tooltips on each cell
Advanced Testimonial Slider Widget  
  • Add Unlimited Testimonials
  • Columns (Carousel) 1,2,3,4,5,6
  • Advanced Social Media Icon options
  • Advanced Rating Styling options
  • Unlimited Slides to Scroll option
  • Autoplay options
  • Advanced Navigation Positioning
  • Advanced Pagination Positioning
Advanced Nav Menu Widget  
  • Vertical Layout
  • Advanced Link Hover Effects: Slide, Grow, Drop
  • SubMenu Entrance Slide Effect
  • SubMenu Width option
  • Advanced Display Conditions
  • Mobile Menu Display Custom Conditions
  • Mobile Menu Button Custom Text option
Advanced Accordion  
  • Load Elementor Template in Accordion Panels
  • Enable Accordion content Live Search
Advanced Image Accordion  
  • Add Unlimited Images
  • Vertical Accordion Layout
  • Trigger Images on Click
  • Skew Images by default
  • Enable Image Lightbox
  • Advanced Elements Positioning
  • Image Effects: Zoom, Grayscale, Blur
  • Image Overlay Blend Mode
Advanced Charts  
  • Add Unlimited Data Labels
  • Add Unlimited Chart Items
  • Import published Google Sheets
  • Import CSV File from URL
  • Upload CSV File
Advanced OnePage Navigation-Scroll Widget  
  • Highlight Active Nav Icon
  • Nav Icon Custom Color
  • Nav Icon Advanced Tooltip
  • Scrolling Animation Speed
  • Navigation Full-height (Sidebar) option
Advanced Tabs Widget  
  • Add Unlimited Tabs
  • Tab Content Type - Elementor Template
  • Custom Tab Colors
  • Tab Label Align
  • Swich Tabs on Hover option
  • Set Active Tab by Default
  • Advanced Tab Content Animations
  • Tabs Autoplay option
Advanced Promo Box Widget  
  • Classic Layout - Image & Content Side to Side with Image Width & Position options
  • Advanced Image Hover Animations
  • Advanced Content Hover Animations - Icon, Title, Description, Button separately
  • Advanced Badge (Ribon) options
Advanced Flip Box Widget  
  • Flip on Button Click
  • Advanced Flipping Animations
Advanced Flip Carousel Widget  
  • Add Unlimited Slides
  • Slider Autoplay options
Advanced Before After Slider Widget  
  • Vertical Image Comparison
  • Move Images on Mouse Move (Hover)
  • Set Default Divider Position (What part of After Image to show)
  • Show Labels on Image Hover
Advanced Content Ticker Widget  
  • Add Custom Ticker Items (Instead of loading Dynamically)
  • Custom Post Types Support(Expert)
  • Query Shop Products, On Sale products and Featured products (Instead of loading Dynamically)
  • Marquee Animation - a Smooth Animation with Direction option
  • Slider Animation options - Typing, Fade & Vertical Slide
  • Heading Icon Type - Animated Circle
Advanced MailChimp Widget  
  • Add Extra Fields - Name & Last Name
Advanced Image Hotspot Widget  
  • Add Unlimited Hotspots
  • Show Tooltips on Click or Hover
  • Advanced Tooltip Positioning
Advanced Team Member Widget  
  • Advanced Layout options - Move Elements over Image (Title, Job, Social Icons, etc...)
  • Advanced Image Overlay Hover Animations
Advanced Button Widget  
  • Advanced Button Styles
  • Advanced Hover Animations - Change Text on Hover
  • Advanced Tooltip options
Advanced Dual Button Widget  
  • Middle Badge Text & Icon options
  • Advanced Tooltip options
Advanced Price List Widget  
  • Add Images to Menu Items
  • Add Custom Links to Menu Items
  • Advanced Layout Options
Advanced Business Hours Widget  
  • List Item Custom Icon options
  • List Item Custom Text & Background Color options
  • List Item Even/Odd Background Color option
Advanced Sharing Buttons Widget  
  • Custom Social Media Label
  • Custom Social Media Colors
  • Layout Columns 1,2,3,4,5,6
  • Show Hide Icon
  • Show Hide Label
  • Advanced Styling options
Advanced Progress Bar Widget  
  • Vertical Progress Bar
  • Stripe Animation option
  • Advanced Animation Timing options
Advanced Countdown Timer Widget  
  • Evergreen Timer - User Specific Timer
  • An evergreen countdown timer is used to display the amount of time a particular user has to avail the offer. This is a great way to create a feeling of scarcity, urgency and exclusivity
Advanced Content Toggle Widget  
  • Multi Label Switcher (ex: Monthly, Annually, Lifetime)
  • Switcher Label Inside Position
Advanced Pricing Table Widget  
  • List Item Advanced Tooltip
  • List Item Even/Odd Background Color
Advanced Text Widget  
Advanced Search Widget (Ajax)  
  • More than 2 Results in Ajax Search
  • Category Filters - Search only in Specific Category
  • Custom Post Types Support (Expert)
  • Custom Search Query - Only Posts or Pages
  • Ajax Search Results Pagination (Load More)
120+ Premade Widget Templates & Sections  
  • Header Footer Templates
  • Post Grid Premade Templates
  • Post Carousel Premade Templates
  • Post Slider Premade templates
  • Product Grid Premade Templates
  • Product Carousel Premade Templates
  • Product Slider Premade templates
  • Image Grid Premade Templates
  • Image Carousel Premade Templates
  • Image Slider Premade templates
  • Magazine Grid Premade Templates
  • Advanced Slider Premade Templates
  • Testimonial Slider Premade Templates
  • Advanced Nav Menu Premade Templates
  • OnePage Navigation Premade Templates
  • Tabs Premade Templates
  • Promo Box Premade Templates
  • Flip Box Premade Templates
  • Before After Slider Premade Templates
  • Content Ticker Premade Templates
  • Mail Chimp Premade Templates
  • Image Hotspot Premade Templates
  • Team Member Premade Templates
  • Button Premade Templates
  • Dual Button Premade Templates
  • Price List Premade Templates
  • Business Hours Premade Templates
  • Sharing Buttons Premade Templates
  • Progress Bar Premade Templates
  • Countdown Timer Premade Templates
  • Content Toggle Premade Templates
  • Pricing Table Premade Templates
  • Advanced Text Premade Templates
  • Search Premade Templates
Advanced Popup Builder  
  • Build any type of popups: Email subscriptions, Promotion Sales, Countdown, Announcements, Yes/No popups, Welcome Mat, Cookie contest, GDPR notice, Age Restriction gates and others
  • Trigger Popup: On Page Load, on Page scroll, after user Exit intent, by clicking on specific element or button, after user inactivity, after Specific date, on Scroll to specific element
  • Trigger popup on specific URL Query parameters
  • Layout styles: Full Screen, Slide in, Modal, Top or Bottom Bar
  • Customize "Show Again Delay" option after popup being closed
  • Show Popup for Specific User Roles & Devices
  • Show Popups anywhere you want: Entire site, only for the Front page, only for the Single post or Single page, on Search page, 404 page or any other pages
  • Use prebuilt Popups from Library
  • Use any Elementor widget you like
17 Premade Popup Templates  
  • Discount Popup Templates
  • Subscription Popup Templates
  • Cookie & GDPR Popup Templates
  • Yes/No Popup Templates
Advanced Particles  
  • Pro Effects: Particles, Nasa, Snow
  • Control Particle Shapes: Circle, Edge, Triangle, Polygon, Star
  • Control Particles Quantity
  • Control Particles Size
  • Control Animation Speed
  • Control Animation Color
Advanced Parallax Effect  
  • Advanced Scrolling Effects: Opacity, Scale opacity, Scroll opacity
  • Multilayer Parallax
Advanced Sticky Section - View Demos  
  • Replace Header Section with a new Section on Scroll
  • Change Section Height, Background and Text/Link Colors and Scale logo with transitions
  • Hide Section when Scrolling Down and only show when Scrolling Up
  • Add Borders, Shadows and Animations on Scroll
Premium Template Kit Library - View Demos  
Access to All Premium Template Kit Library. Ready to use Sites which can be imported in one click in a few seconds.
Advanced Theme Builder  
  • Advanced Conditions: create multiple Theme Builder templates and set custom conditions. You choose where and how your Header, Footer or other templates appear.
  • Premium premade Template Kits.
  • Advanced Theme Builder widgets: Archive Title, Single Post Navigation, Post Comments, Author Box, etc...
  • Custom Post Type Support (Expert)
Advanced WooCommerce Shop Builder  
  • My account Widget - Customize any part of my account page.
  • Product Filter Widget - Filter Products by Price, Rating, Category, Tags. Also Woocommerce native search is supported.
  • Sort Woocommerce Grid by: Default, Latest, Popularity, Average Rating, Price Low to High, Price Hight to Low, Title A to Z, Title Z to A.
  • Category Widget - Display Woocommerce categories with advanced Grid.
  • Display Upsell, Cross Sell, Featured and Onsale Products.
  • Controll how many products to display on the Shop page, Category Page, and Tag page.
  • Ability to customize Category & Tag page in theme builder.
  • Ability to customize Search page in theme builder.
  • Advanced Woo Builder Conditions: Create multiple Woo Builder templates and set custom conditions.
  • Premium premade Woocommerce Template Kits.
  • Advanced Mini Cart widget options like display Mini cart as Dropdown or as Sidebar.
  • Add to cart popup effect. Displays a small popup banner on left/right corner of the screen with the text "XXX item was added to Cart - View Cart".
  • Vertical single product tabs layout.
  • Product Breadcrumbs - Display Product, Post, Page, Categories addresses to make navigation much easier.
Elementor Pro Not Required  
Templates Kit, Widgets and any other setting and Extension Doesn't require Elementor PRO
Free Localhost / Staging / Test Licenses  

You can Activate the License on Staging/testing sites and this will not count as real activation. Top level domains that are considered as testing:
*.dev.cc (DesktopServer)
*.myftpupload.com (GoDaddy)
*.cloudwaysapps.com (Cloudways)
*.wpsandbox.pro (WPSandbox)
*.ngrok.io (tunneling)
*.mystagingwebsite.com (Pressable)
*.tempurl.host (WPMU DEV)
*.wpmudev.host (WPMU DEV)
*.websitepro-staging.com (Vendasta)
*.websitepro.hosting (Vendasta)
*.instawp.xyz (InstaWP)

Subdomains that are considered as dev or staging:
stagingN.* (SiteGround; N is an unsigned int)
*.wpengine.com (WP Engine)
dev-*.pantheonsite.io (Pantheon)
test-*.pantheonsite.io (Pantheon)
staging-*.kinsta.com (Kinsta)
staging-*.kinsta.cloud (Kinsta)

Additionally, if your domain is localhost (with any port), it will also be treated as a localhost domain.

Also, You can request a Custom LocalHost/Staging/Testing URL and we will add it to the exclusion list.

Expert Version

Top-tier Functionality
Dedicated Support
All Free and Pro Functionality Included  
All Free and Pro Widgets, Extensions and Template Kits are included in the Expert Plan.
Ability to Build Dynamic Websites - Demo Video  
Create more personalized and dynamic sites with Advanced Custom Fields, Custom Post Types and Custom Taxonomies.
Dynamic Tags for All Widgets - Demo Video  
Text, Textarea, Number, Link, Color, Image and some other fields across all widgets have Dynamic Content option so you can display Custom Field data with them.
Extended Custom Field Options  
Advanced Custom Fields
  • Text
  • Textarea
  • Number
  • Range
  • Email
  • URL
  • Password
  • Select
  • Checkbox
  • Radio Button
  • True / False
  • Repeater
  • Flexible Content
  • Clone
  • Image
  • Gallery
  • File
  • WYSIWYG Editor
  • oEmbed
  • Date Picker
  • Time Picker
  • Color Picker
  • Post Object
  • Relationship
  • Taxonomy
  • Accordion
  • Tab
  • Google Map
Custom Post Type Generator  
Create Custom Post Types from your Dashboard with ease and then display its Archive and Single Pages with Theme Builder Templates.
Custom Taxonomy Generator  
Create Custom Taxonomies from your Dashboard with ease and then display its Archive Pages with Theme Builder Templates.
WooCommerce Wishlist Func.. - Demo Video  
Wishlist comes in 3 widgets:
  • Wishlist Button - Add wish list button to Single Product pages.
  • Mini Wishlist - Add mini wish list button to Header and display wish list items on click in Dropdown or Popup.
  • Wishlist Table - Create wish list page and add wish list table to display and manage all items added to wish list.
WooCommerce Compare Func.. - Demo Video  
Compare comes in 3 widgets:
  • Compare Button - Add compare button to Single Product pages.
  • Mini Compare - Add mini compare button to Header and display compared items on click in Dropdown or Popup.
  • Compare Table - Create product compare page and add compare table to display and manage all items added to compare items.
Category Grid Widget  
Create a Category Grid for various Post types or Taxonomies.
Access to Expert Template Kit Library  
Access to All Premium & Expert Template Kit Library. Ready to use Sites which can be imported in one click in a few seconds.
White Label Branding   
    This feature allows you to customize Royal elementor Addons with your personal branding:
  • Change Plugin Name
  • Change Plugin Description
  • Change Developer / Agency
  • Change Website URL
  • Change Menu Label
  • and other custom branding related settings
Elementor Pro Not Required  
Templates Kit, Widgets and any other setting and Extension Doesn't require Elementor PRO
And more is Coming Soon...  
We are constantly working on updates: adding new Features to the Free, Pro and Expert Versions.
Awesome Feature
Awesome Feature
Awesome Feature
Awesome Feature
Awesome Feature
Awesome Feature
Awesome Feature
Awesome Feature
Awesome Feature
Awesome Feature
Awesome Feature
Awesome Feature
Awesome Feature
Awesome Feature
Awesome Feature
Awesome Feature
Awesome Feature
Awesome Feature
Awesome Feature
Awesome Feature
Awesome Feature
Awesome Feature
Awesome Feature
Awesome Feature
Awesome Feature
Awesome Feature
Awesome Feature
Awesome Feature
Awesome Feature
Awesome Feature
Awesome Feature
Awesome Feature
Awesome Feature
Awesome Feature
Awesome Feature
Awesome Feature

Trusted & Recommended By elementor

100% Money Back Guarantee! No-questions-asked

You are fully protected by our  30 day no-questions-asked money-back guarantee. You can change plans or cancel your account at any time!

Some Satisfied Users
Using Royal Elementor Addons

Clients & Awards

Frequently Asked Questions

Yes, you can use our plugin without elementor PRO, it is not required.

We accept all major credit cards including Visa, Mastercard, American Express, as well as PayPal payments.

Sure, you can upgrade at any time. You’ll only need to cover the difference between your current plan and the one you are upgrading to based on the time left on your current subscription.

Yes, if you ever decide that Royal Elementor Addons isn’t the best plugin for your business, simply cancel your subscription from your Account panel.

It works with all the themes which respect the coding standards of WordPress set by its Codex.

Royal Elementor Addons Pro & Expert is an extension of the Royal Elementor Addons Free version. After upgrading to Pro or Expert, you’ll continue just where you left off, without any interruptions. In fact, you’ll be able to leverage those pages using the Pro or Expert features.

We are proud to be known for our frequent feature releases and continuous updates, and we will keep working hard to deliver exciting new features and templates regularly.

Of course. Just deactivate Royal Elementor Addons from your previous domain and activate it on the new one.