About Us

Pro App Creators was founded in 2011 by Dave Braun in Irvine, California, to primarily do mobile app development.

Since we were doing apps, and an app needed a website, we decided to branch out into website development, which is where we now thrive as Pro Website Creators!

Our Vision

Every Entrepreneur freed to unleash their true potential to help transform the world.

Our Mission

We serve super-busy entrepreneurs who value growing their business over figuring out the technical stuff.

Our Core Values

Grins: Life is too short not to have fun along the way. We laugh with each other, laugh at ourselves, and share jokes. And actually, we were looking for a word that starts with G for this, and found one!
Relentless Improvement: We work hard at improving ourselves so that we can better serve our clients and the world through increased knowledge and capacity.
Integrity: We believe in living with consistency of actions, values, methods, measures, principles, expectations, and outcomes, in all areas of our business and lives.
Thankful: We appreciate each other in our team and our clients, giving continuous thanks for the contributions each brings to make the world a better place and staying in touch with how truly blessed we are!
Service: Serving others for the glory of God through our business and personal lives. This means doing what’s best for our clients to help them grow, even if they may not like what they hear from us!

Non-profits we support

Keeping with the core values of Thankful and Service, we've given a collective amount of thousands of dollars to these organizations over the years, and we personally know the leaders of these amazing non-profits that are impacting tens of thousands of lives:

  • Irvine Public Schools Foundation (IPSF, https://ipsf.net/). We've experienced first hand the huge difference their programs are making in the lives of kids, as we believe a strong education does wonders to help the world through creative and amazing people (like all of you).
  • 23rd Veteran (https://23rdveteran.org/). 23rd Veteran helps military and veterans who are living with trauma via a unique 14-week mental health program. It frees vets from a life of isolation, anxiety, panic, and depression, helping the brain relate negative triggers from military experiences to new positive memories and emotions.
  • Fly Right Ministry (https://flyright.org/). They bring the gospel of Jesus Christ to prisons and schools through exciting events and touching messages, mobilizing hundreds of volunteers in the process.
Pro Website Creators

Our Great Team

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Dave Braun


Strengths: Learner, Analytical, Intellection, Relator, Discipline, Focus
Kolbe A: 7 8 3 2

Dave, the owner of Pro Website Creators, loves to work with clients to help their websites be the hub of their marketing wheel! He's invested years learning the technical aspects of WordPress web design as well as writing copy to help make client's messages clear and not confusing.

He also partners with Larry Broughton, CEO of broughtonHOTELS on several projects and businesses, including coaching and masterminding, as well as leading the efforts behind HireMyVA, which helps people transform their lives by hiring Virtual Assistants the RIGHT way and making them productive, including an amazing White Glove service.

Prior to Pro Website Creators, Dave worked at a semiconductor company for almost 30 years, led teams across multiple continents, holds six patents, and is Google Analytics certified. He also has co-created several iPhone apps.

Dave enjoys spending time with his wife, working out, attending Mariners Church in Irvine, CA, bringing inspiring messages into the inmates at the Orange County Jails, and is a certified John Maxwell team coach.

He's married to his amazing wife of 38+ years, Cheryl, who is Chief Program Officer at Irvine Public Schools Foundation.

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Bryan Valentino

Lead Web Developer

Strengths: Individualization, Learner, Analytical, Achiever, Connectedness.
Kolbe A: 9 4 3 3

After a couple of years working for BPOs, Bryan decided to go back to school and take up a programming degree. After graduating he started looking for some dev work locally and online.  The first dev work that he got was for a local firm where he worked as a “shadow dev” for a person who gets jobs from a job platform (not onlinejobs.ph).

He just spent 4 months working for the local company because he fortunately found a client online. It was for a firm based in Dubai. That particular venture was good in the sense that he learned a lot from it.

A couple of freelance projects later, Bryan then found onlinejobs.ph which he decided to try out. The first client that he had was a guy from Poland. After a few clients and projects, he found Dave’s job post (4 years ago). It was for a job for WordfFirt with Dave and Claudia Loens. There were a couple of bumps but his journey has been continuing with Dave to this day!


Claudia Loens

Marketing & SEO advisor

Strengths: Strategic, Maximizer, Futuristic, Positivity, Achiever.

Claudia Loens, is the Founder of Wordflirt, LLC and Good JuJu Club. Claudia started her career in the Silicon Valley where she was a high tech recruiting consultant for companies like Yahoo!, Intuit, Logitech, Silicon Graphics and more. What started as a creative writing side-hobby in 2002, evolved into what is now Wordflirt, LLC - a digital marketing agency in Northern California serving clients throughout the world. Utilizing in-person, on the phone and eventually, online tools for recruiting, made the transition from recruiting to social networking a breeze.

Claudia is also a published author of three books on Amazon and currently studying to be a life coach. Married and mother of four great daughters, Claudia enjoys cooking, entertaining, swimming, reading, walking on the beach and hanging out with family and friends.
prowebsitecreators daphne bercilla

Daphne Bercilla

Executive Assistant/Graphic Artist

Strengths: Futuristic, Learner, Achiever, Relator, Competition
Kolbe A: 3 5 7 5

Daphne pursued a Bachelor's Degree in Business Administration major in Marketing in college. She interned with top telecommunication companies to kick start her corporate career but later on realizes that that environment is not suited for her.

She started working as a freelance graphic designer to be able to work to her biggest strength which is creativity- and she couldn't be any happier!

She started working for Pro Website Creators in May of 2015 and it's been an amazing experience for her since then. She made a lot of progress in developing her skills through the help of the PWC team.

During AFK (away from keyboard) mode, Daphne enjoys playing with her nephews and niece. She also loves reading books and drawing/painting little cacti and cats.

About Us

  • We love to be your digital partner, working behind the scenes to make you more successful.

  • We hate the design, ditch, and disappearance that is so pervasive in our industry, and the unprofessionalism that exists.

  • We're creating a better way, constantly improving, and helping you do the same!
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