
  • Member Since: September 12th, 2013
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  • Created a topic, Easy to use, on the site Forums:
    Excellent plugin, easy to configure, the interface is …

  • Posted a reply to Compatibility with last version WC and WP, on the site Forums:
    Thank you @xue28

  • Posted a reply to Compatibility with last version WC and WP, on the site Forums:
    @xue28 Thank you. I'm testing it... So far, so good.

  • Posted a reply to Compatibility with last version WC and WP, on the site Forums:

  • Created a topic, Lightweight and works perfectly!, on the site Forums:
    Thank you!

  • Posted a reply to Error about mercadopago within woocommerce logs.., on the site Forums:
    Same here...

  • Posted a reply to Profile page conflict with woocommerce account page, on the site Forums:
    Any updates concerning this problem? I would be great to have access to both Wooocommerce…

  • Posted a reply to How to override the template from a theme, on the site Forums:
    @paul-m-uk, Thank you so much, you saved my day! I've been searching for hours.

  • Posted a reply to Learnpress add to cart text not changing translation, on the site Forums:
    Hi, I got the same problem. It seems that the following is missing from the…

  • Created a topic, Was cool before, now it is a totally different plugin!, on the site Forums:
    WP User Avatar was a great and simple plugin that I us…

  • Posted a reply to Comment faire apparaître la case “L’URL de la page d’accueil contient le code..”, on the site Forums:
    Content que ce soit réglé!

  • Posted a reply to Comment faire apparaître la case “L’URL de la page d’accueil contient le code..”, on the site Forums:
    Salut Rashel, as-tu sélectionné une page d'accueil statique dans Apparence ==> Personnaliser ==> Réglages de…

  • Posted a reply to Polylang 2.6.+ Compatibility Issues, on the site Forums:
    Hi Brad, That's strange... As I said above, I tested up to the 2.6.4 version.…

  • Posted a reply to Page title on search results page not translating, on the site Forums:
    Hi schmatzler, If you go to SEO -> Search Appearance -> Archives -> Specials Pages,…

  • Posted a reply to Polylang 2.6.+ Compatibility Issues, on the site Forums:
    Hi, I've made a lot of tests! Since the version 2.6.x of Polylang (tested up…

  • Created a topic, Awsome plugin!, on the site Forums:
    Easy to integrate (too me less than one minute), easy …

  • Posted a reply to Should tell us we need to enter billing information, on the site Forums:
    Hello jojones55, If you had read the FAQ in the section "Will WP YouTube Lyte…

  • Posted a reply to Plugin loads a lot of JS files in frontend, on the site Forums:
    Hi, same problem here...

  • Created a topic, Premier choix d’extensions pour les traductions!, on the site Forums:
    Je l'utilise depuis des années sur plusieurs sites, j…

  • Created a topic, Great and easy to use !, on the site Forums:
    Thanks a lot!

  • Posted a reply to Unknown files flagged after botched upgrade to WP 5.1, on the site Forums:
    I've updated more than 30 web sites to WP 5.1 without any problem. I've just…

  • Posted a reply to Unknown files flagged after botched upgrade to WP 5.1, on the site Forums:
    Same problem here... In the Dashboard/Updates, clicking on the "re-install Now" button solved the problem.…

  • Posted a reply to Product Availability by Date, on the site Forums:
    Hi, I've bought the Booster Plus licence and I'm also interested in a "from-to" in…

  • Posted a reply to WP-Optimize 2.2.7 doesn’t clean, on the site Forums:
    Problem fixed with the version 2.2.11! Thanks a lot!

  • Posted a reply to WP-Optimize 2.2.7 doesn’t clean, on the site Forums:
    Hi, Same here, on several sites. I'm using the version 2.2.10. The deletion of the…

  • Created a topic, Very useful!, on the site Forums:
    Adds GZIP + Browser caching in the .htaccess

  • Created a topic, Fantastic!, on the site Forums:
    I like the idea of having the file locally ;-)

  • Posted a reply to The Plugin “Huge IT Google Map” has been removed from, on the site Forums:
    Hi, have you tried to contact them? I contacted them on their Facebook page, they…

  • Posted a reply to Custom Amount: Make it first option in Dropdown, on the site Forums:
    Thank you so much! The code works perfectly! Regards

  • Posted a reply to Custom Amount: Make it first option in Dropdown, on the site Forums:
    Hi, Thank you for this great plugin! I would like to do the same but…

  • Posted a reply to Why is some scanning ignored?, on the site Forums:
    +1, it's confusing... I've been searching for 10 minutes this morning because I thought there…

  • Posted a reply to Nice designed and USELESS plugin, on the site Forums:
    So many other things affect the loading speed : hosting, poor coded theme, the number…

  • Created a topic, Great plugin!, on the site Forums:
    I've installed it on several web sites and never had a…

  • Created a topic, Amazing builder!, on the site Forums:
    Great product! And it's getting better and better! Fas…

  • Created a topic, Very useful!, on the site Forums:
    A must have! Thank you!

  • Posted a reply to Parallax in Elementor, on the site Forums:
    Thanks Lyle, I'll check for sure ;-)

  • Posted a reply to Parallax in Elementor, on the site Forums:
    Hi, thanks for sharing Jeff S. It doesn't work with tablets and phones (but works…

  • Posted a reply to embedding youtube url in accordeon widget, on the site Forums:
    Thanks, that works! :)

  • Created a topic, embedding youtube url in accordeon widget, on the site Forums:
    Hi, I tried to insert a youtube url in the Accordeon …

  • Posted a reply to It seems a died project, on the site Forums:
    Hi, What was the last version y RGSK you got? Regards

  • Posted a reply to It seems a died project, on the site Forums:
    Hi, What was the last version y RGSK you got? Regards, Edouard